Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 189 A-level fighting skills

In Captain Hook World, you can get up to 12,000 points in one go.

In addition to the 10,000 points originally kept in his pocket for emergencies, Qin Ming now has more than 20,000 in savings.

Qin Ming does not intend to keep this money. After all, he has completely come to terms with the members of the team and even killed two more. He must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Therefore, he quickly sold the newly acquired pan, and the target of the sale was none other than the logistics staff of the King of Fighters team, Jiyu.

After all, it is better for him to know that he is powerful and be targeted than to sell it in the market and be targeted by a lot of team's support staff.

Not to mention that he had a feud with the King of Fighters team and had been targeted for a long time, so he didn't care about being noticed by him.

Jiyu, who didn't know that Qin Ming had a grudge against his family, saw that Qin Ming actually took out an ordinary silver plot equipment, and couldn't help but start to win over him again, trying to get him to join the gang.

What he got in return was Qin Ming's ruthless rejection.

After selling the equipment for 13,000 points, Qin Ming strode towards the market with a huge sum of 35,000 points in his arms.

He is ready to upgrade his abilities! One of the most important abilities!

And this ability! It's called fighting skills!

It is not easy to upgrade B-level fighting skills to A-level, because the price of anything related to skills is not low.

Especially the basic fighting skills books are very expensive. After all, you may learn the skills wrong, but the fighting skills will definitely be useful and you can never make mistakes.

After wandering around in the trading area, buying here and there, after spending a long time and more than 20,000 points, Qin Ming managed to collect 8 relatively cheap E-level fighting skill books.

Because of buying large quantities of the same type of things, he was even considered to be a member of other teams by the team's logistics staff, and was kicked out several times.

Only then did Qin Ming know that this trading area was actually divided into regions!

The members of the team actually divided their respective territories! Don't allow each other to buy things in your own area!

Looking at the vicious team members, Qin Ming, who was forcibly driven away, suddenly felt that the place he was in at this time was not a nightmare space, but the lair of ruffians.

Good guy! You're also trying to grab some territory, right? Why don't they charge adventurers protection fees if they are so awesome... Oh, by the way, there is a nightmare space in charge.

If they dare to charge protection fees, Nightmare Space will kill them. Nightmare Space is much more powerful than the so-called team, and its attacks are much more ruthless.

After returning to the room, Qin Ming immediately combined the eight E-level fighting books together.

There were karate fighting books, taekwondo fighting books, military fighting books, and extreme fighting books. He even saw an old acquaintance in them, which was the Shiranui fighting book he had obtained.

The eight fighting books are integrated into one, and finally merged with the original B-level military fighting techniques.

With the completion of the fusion, the A-level military fighting skills took shape.

The moment the fusion was successful, a large number of memories about the battle immediately emerged in Qin Ming's mind.

Qin Ming did not choose to change his fighting technique. After all, he was already used to this military fighting technique.

The pursuit of speed, accuracy and ruthlessness, and the one-hit-kill style of play are also very consistent with the environment of the nightmare space.

After quickly accepting the memory, Qin Ming frowned and sighed suddenly.

The main reason why he bought all fighting skills this time was because he wanted to try to see if using the same type of skill enhancement could slightly improve the skill effect.

Maybe the fusion mutation would allow him to learn other fighting techniques as well.

But it turned out that this was purely because he was overthinking. After all, his talent was just an upgrade, not a fusion.

He didn't learn any skills from the other eight fighting styles used as a basis.

In the end, only military combat skills were enhanced.

However, he has not been idle in the real world during this period. In his spare time, Qin Ming will also learn other fighting skills.

Not only do you need to be able to master it, but you also need to at least be proficient in the opponent's routines so that you can increase your combat experience.

As the saying goes, Qin Ming has mastered advanced fighting skills and has already laid a good foundation. Therefore, it is not difficult to learn other fighting skills and he can get started easily.

This was the stabbing technique he used against Captain Hook before.

He had also learned this fighting technique, known as the King of Unarmored Swordsmanship, and relied on his superb fighting experience to learn it well. He easily defeated the swordsman's coach in a few days, and was praised by the opponent as Here comes the genius.

Then this time, after facing a real sword master, he was easily disarmed within ten rounds...

After strengthening the skills and using the props, most of the points have been spent.

He quickly returned to reality, showed his face outside a little, and told his neighbors that he was not dead at home. He quickly used the newly obtained key to return to Neverland and continued to hang out with the mermaids.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Qin Ming, who had finished his rest, appeared in his room again.

Wearing a pirate suit, a pirate hat on his head, and sunglasses on his face.

Qin Ming, whose style has gone from one non-mainstream to another, is silently waiting for his mission to begin.

The mission he started this time was already his eighth mission, and he was getting closer and closer to the promotion mission.

Although his strength is gradually increasing, Qin Ming, who has seen how difficult the promotion task is, still dare not take it lightly.

His current goal is to use the time of the last two tasks to create an S-level skill for himself.

With this trump card, he can be fully confident to overcome the difficulties alone without help.

As the clock turns, the countdown ends completely.

When the pointer points to 12 o'clock, Qin Ming's eighth task officially begins!

And this time the task is...

Ding Dong! This world is: Quickly spin... Ding! Warning! Someone uses special props! You have been locked!

Your current task has changed! This world has been changed to: Metal Slug 1!

Qin Ming, who had already opened his eyes, suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes before he could see the surrounding situation clearly.

The next second, the world in front of him changed again! From the original modern room! It became a tent!

The harsh prompt sound of the nightmare space came to his ears!

Listening to the noise coming in his ears and looking at the environment that had changed dramatically around him, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows, and his face showed an expression that he had known this long ago.

"Sure enough, the ghost is still lingering! Two more have died! And they dare to continue to mess with me! It seems that the beating is not painful enough!"

Qin Ming, who had long guessed that the other party would definitely continue to hunt him down, showed a sneer on his face.

After quickly checking the situation of this world, Qin Ming suddenly froze again, and his face showed a look of astonishment.

Because this mission world! It's so big!

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