Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 190 Metal Slug!

This world is: Metal Slug 1

World Difficulty: Level B

Number of people entering: 500

Main mission: Become a member of the regular army or the modern rebel army and upgrade your official rank to the level of sergeant.

Mission completion reward: 5,000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Penalty for mission failure: 5000 points

Optional missions: Join the Peregrine Squadron or join the Rebel Special Forces and become a member.

Mission completion reward: 3,000 points and 3 free attribute points.

Penalty for mission failure: None.

World introduction: Modern is a highly respected commander. He can even remember the name and birthday of every soldier under his command. He is upright and works hard to perform his duties, until one day, a terrorist action takes him away. His children and lover later learned that this was a tragedy caused by the indulgence of the top brass of the regular army. He was completely desperate for the regular army, so he decided to lead an uprising with all the soldiers under his command who trusted him to reshape the world...

(This world is in killing mode, and you will get the bloody key by killing adventurers)

Looking at the writing on the tent in front of him, Qin Ming looked like he had seen a ghost.

500 people? A full 500 adventurers actually entered this world? What a joke!

Could this be the legendary large world?

And it’s actually in killing mode! Good guy! Real people eating chicken, right? Not only do you have to go to the battlefield! You still have to guard against your teammates secretly firing cold shots!

Before Qin Ming could recover from the shock brought by this world intelligence, the sound of chaotic footsteps suddenly sounded outside.

Qin Ming perked up when he heard the noise, hurriedly opened the door curtain and walked out.

As a result, as soon as he showed his head, he saw a fighter jet whizzing by overhead. The hail of bullets swept across the bodies of the two soldiers in front of him in an instant, bringing up countless blood arrows and shooting straight at him.

Qin Ming was startled and trembled all over, and hurriedly retreated back to the camp.

Looking at the bullets that swept past the door and the fighter jets that quickly flew past.

Qin Ming, who was beaten until he was stunned, poked his head out of the tent again.

Then he realized that he seemed to be on a battlefield at this moment!

To be precise, he was at the scene of the raid, and he was also a member of the party that suffered the raid!

In the sky, a dozen propeller fighter jets were circling back and forth, and the soldiers above kept firing wildly at the camp below with their machine guns.

All around, as the trees swayed, more than a dozen tanks crushed the trees and rushed out of the woods.

And behind the tank, there were a lot of well-trained soldiers following.

Why do you say well-trained? Because these soldiers actually know how to coordinate infantry and tanks!

They all hid behind the tank. They followed the tank and kept approaching. After getting closer to the camp, they suddenly dispersed. They hid behind the big trees and started shooting in this direction.

rifle! Submachine gun! Even a riot shield!

Wearing steel helmets with a cross on their heads, these soldiers have very high combat literacy.

Relying on the advantage of sneak attacks first, they had the upper hand almost instantly.

In comparison, the situation on Qin Ming's side, which suffered a sneak attack, was a bit worse.

Some of the soldiers who were sleeping soundly were not even wearing clothes. Now they were being chased by a hail of bullets and running away in random directions. They had no formation at all. They had obviously been beaten silly!

In the middle of the camp, several tanks that were originally parked together were dive bombed by fighter jets, and most of them were destroyed on the spot.

There was only one tank left that was still intact, and it was successfully activated at this moment. However, the problem was that the officer who got in did not choose to turn around and shoot at the enemy tank group. Instead, he turned around and ran away with the tank.

He actually abandoned the soldiers and chose to flee alone.

Watching the officers control the tanks, they quickly rushed into the woods and disappeared.

The soldiers who were left there to die suddenly became even more confused.

Fight! roar! explode!

Smoke filled the entire battlefield, and Qin Ming, who was standing in the middle of the battlefield, was also caught off guard by this sudden modern war.

He had never seen such a posture before, and he stood there for a long time, until he was shot in the body and woke up as if from a dream.

Looking at the large number of soldiers rushing towards the tank following the tanks, Qin Ming braved the hail of bullets and rushed directly to a machine gunner.

He stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's neck, and violently threw the unfortunate guy away, causing him to let out a William scream.

Qin Ming, who was wounded by friendly troops, raised his hand to grab the light machine gun mounted on the bunker, pointed the machine gun at the rushing enemies, and pulled the trigger hard.

The roar sounded! The light machine gun began to vibrate crazily!

The flames spurted out half a meter away! The bullets are connected together! It was swept directly into the crowd rushing over!

The rebel soldiers who were strafed quickly fell to the ground and rolled to hide behind the bunker.

Then he used the bunker to shoot at Qin Ming here.

The sound of bang bang bang is continuous! Qin Ming, who was holding a machine gun and firing while striding forward, was hit with sparks flying all over his body! The new pirate uniform almost fell to pieces on the spot!

With rag strips hanging on his body, he rushed forward despite the hail of bullets, looking ferocious at this moment.

After closing the distance, he jumped on the stone, aimed at the large number of soldiers who raised their heads in surprise, and fired another burst of wild fire.

Amid the blood splattering, a large number of rebel soldiers fell on the spot, and the troops of both sides who noticed the movement here also began to move towards here quickly.

The regular army soldiers who had long been leaderless, seeing Qin Ming so brave, immediately regarded him as the backbone and tried to follow him to break out of the siege.

And the rebel troops, seeing that there was such a capable guy among the enemy, immediately regarded Qin Ming as the key target.

With a whoosh, the wind whistled, and a fighter plane swooped down from above! The machine gun was aimed at Qin Ming directly below! Continuously spraying flames!

Qin Ming, who was locked by the machine gun, quickly raised his head at this moment, and actually started roaring and firing with a light machine gun, aiming at the fighter plane rushing from the front and launched a firepower duel!

The machine guns of both sides sprayed fire at the same time, and the sound of da da da was connected.

Qin Ming, whose body was hit by countless bullets, but all the bullets were bounced off, and his clothes were completely torn.

The fighter plane that rushed over from the front was also directly shot with countless bullet holes on the top, and even the pilot was shot several times and fell powerlessly in the cockpit.

With a bang, the fighter plane brushed Qin Ming's head, passing over him with black smoke, and then plunged into the ground. The next second, it exploded directly, forming a huge fireball.

Qin Ming, who had to sweep the fighter plane down from the front, ignored the flames behind him, roared again, picked up the machine gun, and began to fire wildly around.

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