Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 191 Regular Army Soldier

"Charge! Charge!"

Amid the roar, the remaining regular army soldiers grabbed their weapons and approached Qin Ming from all directions.

Qin Ming, who jumped onto a rock, fired wildly at the enemies around him from a high position.

His frontal fire suppression can indeed provide a great morale boost to the friendly forces.

But the problem is that the enemy may be vegetarian, but the guns and cannons in their hands are definitely not!

With a loud bang, a C1 light tank that came around from the side quickly turned the gun barrel and fired at Qin Ming!

Under the huge explosion, Qin Ming, who quickly raised his hand to block the shell with his arm guard, was blown away.

Seeing this scene, the members of the resistance army who were suppressed by the firepower cheered.

But before they took the opportunity to rush out of the bunker, a cold light suddenly flashed in the smoke in the distance!

Accompanied by a knife light more than one meter long, it broke through the smoke! It cut through the air at a high speed! It accurately chopped on the C1 tank in front! The hard steel tank was actually cut in half! Split into two!

Looking at the upper half of the light tank slowly sliding down the smooth gap, the battlefield suddenly became silent.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes, and then looked at Qin Ming who quickly walked out of the smoke and was gently turning his arm guard. He was completely unharmed. After being stunned for a few seconds, everyone finally woke up as if from a dream.

Accompanied by a scream, the rebel sneak attack troops that had just rushed up with great momentum immediately turned around and retreated into the woods.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

They rushed and ran fast. When Qin Ming came back to his senses from his astonishment, these guys had retreated to the edge of the woods.

Qin Ming was about to rush up when he saw this, but he never thought that several fighter planes would circle from the sky and attack him. They began to cover him. The bullets hit the ground and dust, and also hit Qin Ming's body with sparks and bangs.

Qin Ming, who had been hit by a burst of bullets, could no longer bear it and threw out two sound-speed hand knives.

One hit the wing of a fighter plane, causing it to spin and fall with black smoke on the spot, exploding into a ball of fire.

The other even passed through the middle of a fighter plane that was trying to dive at low altitude, splitting the fighter plane in two on the spot!

Looking at the wreckage of the fighter plane that passed by him, quickly fell to both sides, and exploded violently after landing, he looked at the enemy on the opposite side who had retreated into the forest and disappeared completely.

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and tore off the rags on his body with force, revealing the red bellyband inside.

The regular army soldiers who had been running over from all directions and were about to say something excitedly, looked at the sexy red vest on Qin Ming's body after approaching, and their smiles suddenly froze.

They looked at each other and immediately shut their mouths. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

Finally, a soldier reacted faster, took off his coat quickly, and handed it over carefully...

After a while, in the camp that finally returned to peace, the remaining regular soldiers were cleaning up the scene.

They were collecting the bodies, looking at the camp that had been bombed into ruins in just a moment, and most of their companions were dead or injured. For a while, their morale was very low.

Qin Ming, who had changed into a military uniform but still wore a pirate hat, was frowning and rubbing his forehead, checking the intelligence he had not finished reading before.

Because of the silver title of General Fu Hu, he entered the scene as a regular soldier this time.

At this moment, his identity is a third-class soldier in the army, that is, the so-called pot-covered millipede in the Marine Corps, and his status cannot be lower.

It's just that because of his heroic performance just now, the remaining soldiers around him respect him very much.

After all, it's your turn to see a teammate suddenly tearing up a tank with his hands, punching a fighter, and winning a whole enemy force head-on.

Well, let alone a third-class soldier, he is just a cook in the kitchen squad... Well, the cook seems to be an elite unit.

Anyway, no matter what kind of soldier he is! You will respect him! After all, fighting on the battlefield is more important than anything else!

With the camp completely confirmed, the protagonist camp title mission has officially started for Qin Ming.

There are still three titles this time:

Title Mission 1: Elite in the Army (promote the officer rank to the captain level)

Completion reward green title: Captain (charisma +5)

Title Mission 2: Tiger in the Army (obtain the qualification to lead a force of more than 100 people alone)

Completion reward green title: Officer (can summon four riflemen to assist in combat in each world)

Title Mission 3: General in the Army (promote the military rank to the major general level)

Completion reward blue title: General (can summon a guard to assist in combat in each world, the guard members are: one light tank, one grenadier, one machine gunner, and eight riflemen)

(Note: The military ranks in this world are: Private, Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Major General, Lieutenant General, General)

There are still three titles, two of which are actually summoning types, especially the last general title, which can actually summon a whole guard to fight!

Grenadiers, machine gunners, infantry, and even a tank.

This is just the original state. If it is upgraded, it will be a modern army!

Except for the title mission, Qin Ming did not see the exchangeable item column at this time. It was obvious that with their camp that had just been attacked, they did not have the ability to exchange props.

At this time, Qin Ming's favorability in the regular army camp was 55 points.

Looking at his pitifully low camp favorability, Qin Ming was speechless.

The soldiers around him had a high favorability towards him, but it was a pity that the favorability of these big soldiers could not affect the entire force.

Just when Qin Ming was sitting on a stone and analyzing the intelligence of this mission world, a roar suddenly sounded.

The next second, accompanied by the shaking of the trees, a tank slowly drove out of the woods next to it.

After seeing the model of this tank, the regular army soldiers who had already set up their weapons put down their weapons one after another, but their frowning eyebrows did not loosen, and they still had a look of disgust on their faces.

Because this tank that suddenly appeared was the regular army tank that the officers drove away before.

Seeing that the battle was over and it seemed that they had won, the officers actually controlled the tanks and turned back.

As the tank stopped, the lid on top opened, and several guys in officer uniforms got out of the tank.

Looking at the soldiers who were looking at them unkindly, they quickly tidied their uniforms, then put their hands behind their backs, raised their chests and said.

"Well! You performed well this time! It was worth our risk to lead away the enemy's large forces! You didn't let us down!"

After the voice fell, without paying attention to the resentful expressions of the soldiers around, several officers turned their heads and looked at Qin Ming happily.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was sitting on the stone with his head down and frowning in thought, the leading officer suddenly said with a serious face.

"Soldiers! Stand up! Report your name!"

Hearing the voice here, Qin Ming, whose thoughts were interrupted, grinned and slowly raised his head to look over, with an unusually unfriendly look.

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