Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 192 Temporary Commander

Qin Ming was very upset when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and he stood up slowly with a dark face.

And looking at the big-headed soldier who looked at him with unfriendly eyes, the officer with his hands behind his back still looked arrogant.

"Soldier! Report your identity!"

"…………Private third class, hyena."

"Oh? It's just a private third class? Then congratulations, you are promoted, and you are now officially a private first class!"

Looking at Qin Ming with a smile, the officer suddenly lowered his voice and whispered.

"But, what should I say about this battle after I go back? I think you should know it, right?"

"Clear, of course I know it. By the way, what is the officer's rank?"

"Sergeant! Sergeant Bruce! The two next to him are my adjutants! Corporal Antonya and Corporal Krun!"

"Oh, Sergeant........."

Looking up and thinking for a while, Qin Ming carefully recalled the information he had collected before.

If he remembered correctly, his follower Kasamoto Eri seemed to have a final rank of sergeant.

I don't know what her rank is now that the plot has just begun.

But no matter what rank it is, it can't be lower than sergeant anyway.

With a flash of his eyes, Qin Ming, with a stern face, suddenly took out his revolver, pulled the trigger at the sky, and prepared to summon Kasamoto Eri.

Without paying attention to the startled officers on the opposite side, Qin Ming was suddenly stunned after firing the gun.

Because this time Kasamoto Eri did not appear as quickly as usual, but instead, a reminder sound from the nightmare space suddenly rang in his ears.

(Ding Dong! It was detected that the summoned creature Kasamoto Eri overlaps with the main character of this world. The two are officially merged. The summoned creature Kasamoto Eri of the adventurer this time will appear as a plot character.)

The sound in his ear made Qin Ming stunned, and his face showed a look of astonishment.

He was originally curious. There was already a Kasamoto Eri in this world. If he summoned another one, what would happen when the two met?

He even considered whether it was possible to use his summoned creature to pretend to be a plot character, secretly promote himself, and take a backdoor shortcut.

I never thought that the nightmare space would directly merge the two into one! Let your summons directly replace the plot characters! This is really a pleasant surprise!

It's just happy, but the problem is that who knows where Kasamoto Eri is now!

Qin Ming frowned and looked at the three officers who were looking at him with dissatisfaction. He suddenly rubbed his forehead with a headache.

The original plan to rely on Kasamoto Eri's rank to suppress them now seems to be ineffective. In this case, he can only change to a more direct method.

Suddenly raised his hand and waved, Qin Ming stretched out his hand to gesture to a soldier next to him.

The soldier who saw this gesture was stunned, and after reacting, he hurried over.

"Uh, brother, what's the matter?"

"Yes, lend you a weapon."

As he said, Qin Ming had already stretched out his hand to pull out the pistol from the other side's waist.

Then, under everyone's gaze, he raised his hand without even aiming, and instantly shot the officer on the opposite side in the forehead...

With a loud bang, the officer with a bloody hole in his head maintained his arrogant demeanor and fell straight to the ground.

Without waiting for the other two officers to react, they hurriedly grabbed the weapons on their waists and took them out. Qin Ming raised his hand and fired two more shots, quickly sending the two away.

Three bodies fell in front of everyone. The soldiers who were stunned by the sudden change hurriedly raised their weapons after reacting, all pointing at Qin Ming in the middle.

Qin Ming, who was pointed at by a large number of weapons, casually put the pistol back into the holster of the soldier next to him, patted the other's shoulder to express his gratitude, and raised his head.

"Hmm? What are you going to do? Fight with me? Want to start an internal conflict? Do you think you have a higher chance of surviving with the three of them or with me? Or do you think you can beat me?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the soldiers who instinctively raised their weapons froze.

Looking at each other, they didn't know what to do for a moment.

At this moment, the soldier who had borrowed the weapon and became an accomplice in a daze finally came back to his senses from the shock.

He suddenly ran to the side and searched for a while, and after running back, he raised his hand and handed the other weapon in his hand to Qin Ming.

Looking at Qin Ming's puzzled expression, he grinned quickly.

"The enemy attacked by surprise, and the officer was killed by the enemy. This is a normal situation, isn't it, temporary commander?"

Looking at the rebel weapon handed to him, Qin Ming's eyebrows twitched, and after taking it, he shot the corpse twice, then threw away the weapon and raised his hand to pat the other's shoulder again.

"You're right! What's your name?"

"Beta! Private Beta!"

"Very good! Private Beta! Congratulations on your promotion! You are now the temporary deputy commander!"

"Thank you for your training, sir!"

Raising his hand and saluted, Beta looked very excited.

Qin Ming, who had promoted him casually, waved and spoke.

"Okay, okay, if nothing else, let's go! Get to work! Collect weapons! We still have a tough battle to fight later!"

Looking at Qin Ming, who turned around and walked towards the tent without paying any attention to the weapons in the hands of the crowd.

The soldiers looked at each other and silently lowered their weapons.

Let the officer die, since the three of them are unreliable anyway.

If someone who is more capable of fighting leads him to break through, he will have a better chance of escaping.

As for whether the matter will be exposed later? What does it have to do with them? They didn't kill the people!

The soldiers quickly dispersed and cleaned up the battlefield.

Qin Ming, who returned to the tent, also took out a map he had picked up and began to study the surrounding terrain. Beta, his new brother, followed him.

This Beta was just an ordinary soldier before, and like Qin Ming, he didn't understand military deployment.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, because Beta, who is very smart, knows how to mobilize people!

After calling a few scouts, he quickly passed them and confirmed his current location. After comparing with the original planned route of action, Qin Ming quickly understood the current situation.

They are a reinforcement force of the regular army, and they are going to the front line to fight against the rebels. There were originally a hundred people.

However, after the fierce battle tonight, they were ambushed and only more than fifty people were left.

The four light tanks originally escorted by the army were also bombed, leaving only one.

The equipment was completely destroyed, and more than half of the personnel were killed or injured. It can be said that this team has been completely crippled.

Looking at the map, there is at least 50 kilometers of front line away from where he is now, and Qin Ming can't help but frowning with a headache.

Because there may be many enemy troops ambushed along this route of more than 50 kilometers!

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