Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 193 Armed Corps (Happy New Year)

"These are all the weapons we have now?"

In the dilapidated camp, Qin Ming looked expressionless for a moment as he looked at the large number of weapons in front of him.

The soldiers standing opposite also had very bitter expressions.

I saw a large number of rifles and a large number of grenades placed on the ground of the camp.

As for heavy weapons, even light weapons such as light machine guns, the number is pitiful.

Two light machine guns, one heavy machine gun, two shoulder-mounted anti-tank rocket launchers, and four submachine guns. These are all the heavy weapons of this team.

Oh yeah, and a light tank.

It is completely impossible to expect to break out of the siege with these things, and if someone deliberately ambushes you.

Qin Ming, who picked up a rifle and looked at it, couldn't help but grinned when he looked at this white rag.

Having no other choice, he suddenly waved his hand and signaled all the soldiers to get out.

Then he just rolled up his sleeves and started merging equipment on a large scale.

Although these plot weapons cannot be taken out of this world, they can still be used to arm soldiers.

Qin Ming is not so arrogant as to think that he can defeat the entire resistance army alone, let alone how many members of the King of Fighters team may exist in this large world.

So he must arm this remaining army! Just increase the strength in your hands!

rifle! Fusion!

Machine gun! Fusion!

Submachine gun! Fusion!

In order to provide soldiers with life-saving capabilities, he even integrated a lot of military uniforms.

As for the materials used for fusion? There is not much on this battlefield, except for as many corpses as you need.

Even if not every piece of clothing would be used as equipment by Nightmare Space, he would have no shortage of materials in such a large-scale battle.

When the remaining fifty soldiers were called back to the tent by Qin Ming, there were already a lot of brand-new weapons placed in front of them.

All green firearms, all green uniforms and helmets.

The few remaining heavy weapons in the team were even enhanced by him into blue quality!

Qin Ming, who was also wearing a military uniform, was expressionless after distributing new weapons to the soldiers and seeing how they couldn't put them down.

"Listen up, follow me and rush forward later. Let's continue to move closer to the front line. There are soldiers on the opposite side and you are soldiers too! You couldn't defeat them before just because your weapons and equipment were not sophisticated enough! It's not that you are not good enough! Now I will give you They provide you with sophisticated weapons! We even provide you with bulletproof military uniforms! If you still fail to defeat them, I will kill you first!”

"As you command!"

"All set out! Target! Frontline!"


Wearing green bulletproof military uniforms and carrying brand-new weapons, more than fifty soldiers finally saw hope of survival and headed toward the woods ahead.

There was also a tank driving at the front of the team.

The cover above the tank was opened, and Qin Ming sat arrogantly on top, with a blue heavy machine gun even placed in front of him.

That arrogant attitude almost had the words "hit me if you have the guts" written on his face.

As the team marched, they quickly passed through the woods and were immediately attacked a second time by the rebel troops lurking nearby!

In terms of quality, these rebels are originally from regular soldiers, and their military quality is definitely not bad. As members of an elite corps, their combat effectiveness is even higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

In terms of equipment, let alone that. If the weapons in the hands of the rebels are regular weapons, then the weapons in the hands of the regular army are just a bunch of junk. If they can shoot, it is good. As for whether they are accurate, they can only leave it to fate.

This is also the main reason why the regular army collapsed immediately after encountering a sneak attack.

This is just like the late Ming Dynasty. They want weapons but not weapons, and they want morale but not morale. Being able to fire three shots in front of the battle is considered worthy of the military salary that may not be paid!

But now that they have new weapons and uniforms, the combat effectiveness of this group of regular troops is not the same...


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a rocket was shot out from the woods, hitting Qin Ming who was wearing an officer's uniform and sitting in the most conspicuous position.

However, Qin Ming, who had quick eyes and quick hands, hit him with a backhand with a rapid-fire hand knife, and detonated it in mid-air on the spot.

With the flames soaring into the sky, a large number of shouts of killing rang out from all directions. Countless rebel soldiers raised their weapons and fought out of the woods again.

It’s still the same routine, it’s still the same style of play.

Tanks opened the way, soldiers followed closely, and fighter jets could be seen gradually approaching in the sky.

But this time, before they could rush in front of them, the piercing sound of gunfire rang out.

The resistance soldiers who rushed to the front and carried riot shields were directly hit by rifle bullets, piercing them and their shields.

The ensuing machine gun fire caused the trees to explode, and countless unlucky soldiers were killed along with their bunkers.

Qin Ming, who was sitting at the firing point above the tank, grabbed the only heavy machine gun in the team with both hands and started shooting wildly at the crowd rushing from the front.

The shield could not withstand bullets, and the trees could not withstand the penetration of heavy ammunition. Even a light tank was forcibly penetrated by the machine gun upgraded to blue quality. It was riddled with holes and stopped running on the spot.

The rebels who came out from the front were quickly repelled by the strong firepower of this side as soon as they showed their heads.

Deputy Commander Tucker, who was hiding behind the bunker, carried the only rocket launcher in the team and shot at the armored tanks on the opposite side.

This rebel force that rushed out to try to swallow up the enemy's small support team was obviously stunned.

They never expected that a mere support force could be so good at fighting, and they never expected that the other side could kill the tanks with light weapons. They were pressed in the woods for a while and did not dare to stick their heads out to fight back.

Fortunately, at this time, the fighter unit that came to support in the sky finally arrived at the battlefield.

And as soon as they approached, they immediately dived to try to suppress the firepower.

However, this tactic that they had been used to and could be said to be tried and tested, hit a nail today.

Facing the hail of bullets from below, before they had time to rush to the front of the enemy's position, the rebels' E-B fighters were hit and smoked everywhere, and completely lost control.

A large number of fighter planes crashed into the ground, exploding bright sparks. The other fighter pilots were well-trained. Seeing that the situation was not right, they immediately controlled the fighter planes to take off and try to distance themselves from the enemy below.

However, although they successfully avoided the random shooting of rifles, they were still shot down by three machine guns chasing and shooting when they passed over the enemy's front line.

Looking at the group of fighter planes that had just made contact and had not even had time to open fire, and six or seven of them were shot down on the spot, the rebels hiding in the woods were stunned for a moment, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

Is this really a regular army? When did they have such sophisticated weapons! Could it be an elite special operations team? !

The people in the intelligence department didn't say there were elite troops here!

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