Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 194 The Special World of Metal Slug (I wish you all the best)

"Retreat! Retreat!"

With a burst of shouting, they found that they could not attack by force and suffered heavy losses. The rebels finally chose to retreat.

With almost all the tanks destroyed and half of the planes shot down, they fled into the woods without their armor.

This made the regular soldiers who saw them successfully repelling them couldn't help but raise their weapons and cheer loudly.

After all, when had they ever won a battle before? Faced with a sudden uprising by the rebels, they almost lost half of the city in half a month, and were directly swept away by the opponent.

Because their equipment was old and had not been replaced for a long time, they were no match for each other on the frontal battlefield.

In addition, the officers would only run away if the situation was not right, and would surrender directly if they could not fight, which caused huge problems in their command system.

This means that when they encounter the same number of rebels on weekdays, they will basically be pushed aside.

The feat of dozens of people repelling hundreds of people like today has never happened before, and I have never dared to think about it.

Looking at the soldiers cheering loudly, Qin Ming, still sitting on the tank, raised his hand and knocked on the tank hard, making a loud bang.

"Alright! Go pick up the trophies for me! Firearms! Grenades! Food! Pick them all up! Oh, by the way! There are also tanks! Bring me all the tanks that are still usable! Hurry up!"

Although Qin Ming's tone was very rude and not friendly at all, with his performance in leading the team to repel the enemy twice in a row, the soldiers happily obeyed the order and immediately dispersed to clean up the battlefield.

On Qin Ming's side, he also directed his adjutant Baker to set up a tent.

Although I don't know why the boss who just had a fight with the enemy on an extremely dangerous battlefield is setting up a tent instead of taking people out of this dangerous place immediately.

But Adjutant Beta still led the people to carry out the order honestly.

If the previous officer had done this, he would definitely scold the other party's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart, thinking that the other party was crazy without thinking.

But things are different now. The one who lets the tents be set up now is the boss! Brought them a large number of sophisticated weapons out of thin air! Even the boss in bulletproof military uniforms!

Such a heroic boss! How could it be possible not to have a brain? There must be a reason for him to give such an order! It’s just that I’m short-sighted and can’t understand it!

Beta and the others had heard of bulletproof military uniforms like this, but these were legendary special combat uniforms that could only be worn by officers or elite soldiers. How could they, the big soldiers, qualify for them?

If they can be given two new clothes instead of old ones, it means that their commander has some conscience and has not gone too far in corruption.

Beta and the others didn't know exactly where the boss had taken out these equipment, but they had heard that there was a group of agents under the government who had received professional training and could hide a lot of things in the magical big pants.

Maybe the boss is one of them? Or even the best among them?

oh! The boss is wearing a red bellyband with a different style! Could it be that it is used to hide things? No wonder such a macho man wears a red vest!

Adjutant Beta, who quickly set up the tent, was talking with the few soldiers around him, constantly gossiping about his captain's magical ability.

As for Qin Ming, the captain, he didn't know that he had become the super agent with a red bellyband in other people's mouth. He had already directed the soldiers to transport the weapons into the tent.

Then, after driving everyone away, he began to concentrate on synthesizing props.

This is the first time he has done such a large-scale batch synthesis of plot props.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do it before, it was mainly because conditions didn’t allow it.

He usually hangs out with the protagonists. There are no more than four or five people around him, the number of enemies is not too many, and the number of plot world equipment that can be recognized by the space is even less.

It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and even if he wanted to combine it, he didn't have the conditions.

But this time the world is different! This time it’s a super-large war world! Nothing is missing on the battlefield! Only there is no shortage of people and equipment!

Someone! There is equipment! Then with his ability! He can have it all!

After the strengthening, the 50-man group that had just fought a tough battle received a comprehensive upgrade in equipment.

Blue quality military uniform! Blue quality helmet! Blue quality rifle!

Qin Ming even upgraded the machine gun to silver quality! And also using other captured vehicles! I upgraded my light tank! Upgrade it to green quality!

The main thing is! Qin Ming also got a lot of food!

Sitting on the tank, I looked around at the soldiers who were devouring the upgraded military rations.

Qin Ming held a portion of military rations and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch his hair, looking confused.

Name: Combat rations (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Consumables (green quality)

Effect: Restore 50% of the status of the plot character. If the physical fitness is higher than 5 points, only 10% will be restored.

Introduction: No one knows why this notoriously unpalatable combat ration is so delicious this time and why its effect is so powerful. Anyway, the soldiers know that they are in for a feast this time.

(Note: Items in the plot world cannot be taken out of the nightmare space and cannot be used on adventurers)

Looking at the green rations in his hand, Qin Ming tried to tear it open and took a bite, and then his eyes lit up.

After finishing the food in a big gulp, he suddenly clapped his hands vigorously.

"Okay! Don't eat! Each of you take two! Keep going!"


Amid the roar, fifty soldiers carrying tactical backpacks filled with food and ammunition followed the tanks again, marching towards the depths of the woods.

Under the moonlight, the light tanks with a metallic luster roared.

The light machine guns and rifles on the soldiers' shoulders also shone.

And the small troops wearing brand new uniforms and aggressive.

At this moment, this regular army group is armed to the teeth.

The most important thing is that their favorability towards Qin Ming is rising wildly, all reaching nearly 400 points.

After all, who would hate a general who can lead them to victory and constantly provide them with weapons and food!

Sitting on the tank, Qin Ming, who was shaking his body with the tank, was wearing a regular army helmet on his head, and his face was expressionless at the moment.

He found that the situation in this world was very strange. The weapons in this plot world were very strong, and the firepower was very fierce, even terrifying.

However, the basic attributes of the plot characters are extremely poor, which can be said to have brought the characteristics of high attack and low defense to the extreme.

This can be seen from the basic attributes of the soldiers on both sides.

Name: Regular Army Third Class Soldier (Metal Slug 1)

Strength 3

Constitution 2

Agility 3

Spirit 1

Skills: Firearms Mastery (D-level) Close Combat Mastery (E-level)

Introduction: A lowest-level soldier in the regular army, serving as a rifleman.

The most lame attribute ever seen! Even weaker than the lowest-level mission world monsters, and whether it is a soldier or an officer, the attributes are similar!

In other words, there is no such thing as an elite monster among them!

But if you dare to underestimate them, you are wrong.

When these guys drive tanks and planes, and rush towards you head-on, facing the baptism of gunfire and rain of bullets, you will understand what real modern warfare is!

The destructive power of the tank shells! Even Qin Ming didn't dare to use his body to take it! He only dared to use his arm guard to forcefully hit it to block it!

Once an ordinary adventurer is hit head-on, he will be crippled if not dead!

If there are low-level adventurers who are good at physical fitness or strength, they will come to the world of Metal Slug.

Facing the terrifying firepower of this world and the pure long-range shooting style, they who are only good at close combat will cry to death!

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