Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 196 Target! Arsenal (Annual income of one million)

In the woods, a mighty team was advancing, numbering four to five hundred people.

There were four tanks leading the way, followed by six troop carriers. However, there were no soldiers above them at the moment. Instead, they were filled with firearms and supplies.

The soldiers following the chariot carried light weapons and marched on foot in an orderly manner.

On the tank at the front, there was a guy dressed as an officer and wearing a helmet crookedly sitting on the tank. He was smoking a cigarette out of boredom.

Qin Ming, whose team is gradually growing, now has two lieutenants under him instead of one.

The second one was none other than the plane that had just joined his team... Corporal Shuke!

The reason why he wants to promote the other party is not because he is a very good flatterer like tanker Beta.

On the contrary, Corporal Shuke has a very rigid personality, does not restrain himself from talking or laughing, and is a typical one-sided person.

The reason why he was promoted out of the ordinary was mainly because Qin Ming discovered that this big-headed soldier was simply omnipotent.

He can fly a plane, drive a tank, read maps, and organize troops. He is a talent!

What a shame to be a corporal! So Qin Ming waved his hand! Officially make him deputy commander! Responsible for managing the march and combat of the troops!

Another deputy commander, Beta, is responsible for the distribution of logistics supplies.

Corporal Shuke, who was promoted, was actually not in a good mood, especially when he learned that the so-called commander was actually just a third-class soldier...

However, he watched as he just asked a casual question, and dozens of soldiers immediately put guns to his head.

He wisely chose to shut up and accepted Qin Ming's command and appointment.

After receiving new weapons and equipment, he soon understood why this third-class leader was so loved by the soldiers.

As the team was driving on the road, Qin Ming, who was sitting on top of the tank and smoking, suddenly turned his head and looked down.

"Hey! Pilot! When can we get to the front line?"

Deputy Commander Shuke, who was following the tank and looking down at the military map, couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

He also couldn't figure out why the commander kept calling him "flying a plane" after hearing his name. There were obviously no planes in the army, and he was not proficient in flying planes.

Although he didn't understand, when the officer asked, he immediately saluted and answered.

"Report! We are still about five kilometers away from the front line! We are about to enter the battlefield! By the way, sir, according to the telegraph communication, the front line commander asked us to attack the opponent's artillery positions in a roundabout way and create opportunities for them to counterattack!"

"Artillery position?"


"Is it the one in the enemy's rear who is most protected?"

"That's right!"

"Why should I go! Why don't they go!"

"Ah? Commander! This is Major General Collins' order! He..."

"Don't mention your official title to me! I won't accept this! Don't say that you are just a major general! Even five-star General MacArthur is here and it won't work! They have to go on their own! If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill him first!"


"What the hell! Who are you from? Why do you still speak for the other party? Believe it or not, I will remove you from your position!"

Faced with Qin Mingguan's behavior of crushing people to death, deputy commander Shu Ke's face suddenly collapsed.

He had already discovered that his commander did not look like a soldier at all! In other words, he is not a soldier at all!

Disobey orders, disobey discipline, and do whatever you want.

He even dared to shoot officers from other teams in public! Then throw two enemy weapons at the opponent! I just want to fool him with this!

Isn't he afraid of going to court-martial? Or did he think everyone present was blind?

If placed in other teams, the troops led by such people would have mutinied long ago.

But now the situation is that this force, which was pieced together from here and there, penetrated the enemy's defense line head-on, and just now even forcibly took away a tank group of the opponent!

The main thing is! He clearly said such treacherous words in public! But far from panicking, the soldiers around him didn't panic! Instead, he kept nodding! A look of approval! It was as if what he said was right!

This scene made Deputy Commander Shuke extremely uncomfortable. He had never seen such rogue officers and soldiers after graduating from a military academy.

He sighed helplessly, knowing that if he really had a conflict with this commander, let alone other soldiers, now I am afraid that even his original team would no longer listen to his command.

Deputy Commander Shuke could only choose to compromise first.

"Sir, what do you think we should do next?"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this. He subconsciously raised his hand to touch his chin, frowned and began to think deeply.

He had never led troops to fight, so he didn't know what to do next.

"Um, how about we go to sneak attack the opponent's arsenal, logistics warehouse or something like that? Give us some supplies for food and clothing?"

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, the soldiers around him cheered loudly. No matter how hard Adjutant Shu Ke tried to suppress it, they couldn't suppress it.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who just mentioned it casually, suddenly became energetic and slapped the tank hard on the spot.

"That's right! Let's attack the arsenal and logistics warehouse! We won't eat military rations tonight! Let's go have a big meal! Brothers! Cheer up! Let's go do something big!"

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The shouts rang out, and countless soldiers raised their weapons and cheered. They seemed to have won before they saw the target.

Shuke, the adjutant who saw this scene, couldn't help but sigh.

I don't know why, this unit is well-equipped, the soldiers are good at fighting, and the combat power is extremely strong.

But looking at them, Shuke felt more and more that these guys were not like regular troops, but more like a group of bandits.

And the so-called commander! He is a bandit leader who leads people to rob things everywhere! And he is unreasonable!

Of course, he only dared to think about this sentence, he didn't dare to say it out loud, because he was afraid that he would be shot by someone while walking.

This bandit leader now... No! It's the commander! His prestige in the army is not ordinary!

The large army of four or five hundred people turned around in such a mighty way. Instead of entering the battlefield head-on, it circled around and detoured to the enemy's side.

At the same time, in the rebel army camp, a big man was holding a cigar and listening to the report of the soldiers next to him expressionlessly.

"That is to say, an enemy reinforcement force has continuously penetrated our defense line and has now reached the vicinity of the battlefield?"


"They are very strong?"

"Very strong! They even wiped out one of our tank companies!"

"Well, I understand... Sergeant Liehuo, what do you think?"

As he spoke, the big man wearing the rebel officer's uniform and with a big bald head suddenly turned his head and looked to the side.

And there, with the sound of footsteps, a man quickly walked out of the shadows with a bright smile on his face.

"Lord Alan O'Neill, do you remember those special civilians I mentioned? I think it's these special people who are causing trouble for an ordinary support force to have such a powerful force."

"Oh? It's them? That's great, Sergeant Liehuo, since you are familiar with them, you can lead the team to deal with them, don't let me down."

"Please rest assured, sir, I will definitely deal with them quickly! Definitely!"

Bending slightly, the smile on the face of the man named Liehuo became brighter.

And this guy was wearing a set of standard sun uniforms of the protagonist Kyo Kusanagi's family in King of Fighters 97, and there was a familiar badge on his shoulder.

The badge is called: King of Fighters Team............

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