Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 197 Metal Slug Tank (Waibibabu)

Arsenals and logistics camps, whether in ancient battlefields or modern wars, are important places that are protected.

After all, the army does not move before the food and grass. If there are no weapons and food, what's the point of fighting.

Therefore, it is not easy to raid such a military stronghold... unless you have a tank!

Amid the roar, the temporary wall was forcibly knocked open, and several tanks broke through the wall and kept firing at the surrounding buildings. The machine gunners on top fired wildly at the surroundings.

Facing the enemy's artillery fire, these tanks did not even dodge, but just forced their way in.

As a result, accompanied by the raging flames, the tanks that were hit by a shot from the front at most had some paint lost, and were not scrapped at all. Instead, they continued to advance, and even fired back, scrapping the enemy tank on the spot.

And behind the tanks, several troop carriers followed closely.

The truck with a machine gun on the front is a typical light vehicle with almost no defense capability. It is just an ordinary large pickup truck.

However, this pickup truck is actually following the tanks to charge at this moment, resisting the rain of bullets, and it is called a broken bamboo.

After that, it is the infantry team. A large number of soldiers carrying long guns and short guns are constantly advancing with the vehicles, tearing through the rebels' defense line from the front, and rushing directly into the rear arsenal camp.

Facing this large force that suddenly appeared and forcibly broke through their own defense line, the rebel team guarding here was obviously stunned.

With a panicked look on their faces, they kept taking out various weapons from the arsenal to try to resist the enemy's attack.

However, whether it is a C-type light tank, an X-type heavy tank, or even an A-type anti-tank vehicle with a longer gun barrel, facing the enemy rushing from the front, they can't stop it at all!

Watching the outrageous scene where the anti-tank vehicle fired at an enemy light tank, not only failed to blow up the enemy, but was quickly turned around by the enemy, and the head was blown off on the spot.

The rebel soldiers who were desperately fighting back with their weapons were really dumbfounded.

After more than ten minutes of fighting, the rebel soldiers who saw that they could not beat the enemy quickly drove the vehicle away from the battlefield, leaving only corpses on the spot.

Seeing that the battle was finally won, Qin Ming turned over and jumped off the tank, and immediately commanded the soldiers to open the warehouse door.

Looking at the boxes of guns and ammunition piled up inside, and more than a dozen brand-new tanks parked on the side, he finally smiled.

Just as he grabbed a weapon and looked down, footsteps suddenly came from the side, and the slightly excited adjutant Beta suddenly ran over from a distance.

"Boss! Boss, come and see! Come and see what this is!"


Looking at Beta who was so excited, Qin Ming walked over with a puzzled look.

Then, looking at the spoils in the corner, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

Because parked in this corner! It was a tank! A legendary research and development tank!

SV tank! Code: Metal Slug! Also known as Steel Slug!

The Metal Slug tank is a high-tech multifunctional tank that can jump or squat, with an energy-type heavy machine gun on top and a large-caliber main gun.

It is waterproof and fireproof, and its special material makes it extremely hard on the surface. It is a veritable black technology product, and it is also the hope of the regular army to defeat the rebels, so the regular army has been working hard to develop it.

Now many experimental models have been put into the battlefield one after another, and this one in front of him is obviously one of them.

Reaching out and touching the metal shell of the tank, Qin Ming frowned at the scratches all over it.

This tank was obviously captured by the rebels on the battlefield, and it has been transformed by the rebels. There is even a graffiti logo of the rebels painted on it, which is a circle with a big X.

This caused the performance of this pieced-together tank to decline, and it was not as good as the original.

The most important thing is that this experimental Metal Slug tank was not originally a high-end tank, but a lowest-end Metal Slug tank.

Metal Slug tanks are divided into four types according to different manufacturing materials. One is Metal Slug 4, which is a shoddy version with a steel color.

The second is Metal Slug 3, which is silver-white. Although the armor is not shoddy, the internal materials have been simplified and improved.

The third is Metal Slug 2, which is gold-colored. This is a complete Metal Slug tank manufactured according to the original design. There is no shoddy work, and it is extremely hard inside and outside and fully functional.

The last one is the legendary Type 1, which is the original origin of the name of the Metal Slug tank.

Code-named SV-001, it is dark gold all over. It is the ultimate tank made at no cost. It is used to deal with the super weapons developed by the rebels.

Although it is expensive, it is very powerful.

The tank in front of him was the most common Type 4, and it was also a patchwork modified version.

Qin Ming knocked on the shell of the tank and looked at the properties of this patchwork version of the tank, his eyes flickered slightly.

Name: Metal Slug Type 4 - Patchwork Version (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Special Vehicle (Blue Quality)

Weapon 1: Energy Machine Gun (Fixed Attack Power: 25-35)

Weapon 2: Large-caliber Main Gun (Fixed Attack Power: 60-100, 12 Rounds)

Armor value: 376/400

Introduction: One of the ultimate tanks in the Metal Slug world. Although it is only a simplified battle-damaged version, it is still difficult to cover up its domineering brilliance. After all, you have seen a tank that can take off!

(Note: This is an item in the plot world and cannot be taken out of this world)

After observing the properties of this tank, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction and suddenly waved his hand.

"Collect the spoils and gather them all in the warehouse."


After receiving the order, the adjutant Beta raised his hand and saluted, then turned around and quickly led people out to collect the spoils.

Qin Ming, who was moving his fingers gently, also pressed his palm on the tank.

With a flash of light, the tank was synthesized...

Just when Qin Ming was busy in the warehouse, the soldiers who climbed up the damaged sentry tower with guns outside the military camp also began to stand guard.

In the outermost wooden tower, a regular soldier under Qin Ming was sitting on a chair with a gun in his arms, looking at the forest outside while taking out a bag of military rations from his arms to enjoy.

Such black-tech military rations that can be used to restore the state are usually not provided to the big-headed soldiers. Only those elite troops may be equipped with one or two pieces, and they are absolutely not allowed to use them unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, eating them randomly will lead to a military court! And they have to take them back after the war!

But who let them follow a good boss this time? This is a reward given to them by the boss. They can eat it whenever they want, and there is no shortage of this one in their backpacks.

When I was climbing up just now, I was bitten by a mosquito, so I just used the military rations to recover.

Chewing the delicious military rations, looking at the quiet forest in the distance, the big-headed soldier subconsciously stretched out his hand to tighten the military uniform, and let out a comfortable sigh.

But before he could completely relax, a fire suddenly lit up from a distance.

The next second, with a crisp bang, the soldier who was chewing his rations fell to the ground!

Seeing this, an adventurer who was hiding in the woods with a sniper rifle shot the sentry from a distance and successfully knocked him down quickly put away his weapon and waved his hand vigorously.

Seeing this, the soldiers who had been waiting in the surrounding woods for a long time immediately grabbed their weapons and sneaked towards the camp.

They were the rebel special forces led by Sergeant Liehuo, and their mission this time was to come and deal with this powerful enemy.

Their team was well-equipped, and the members were all good soldiers in the army, and there were also twelve adventurers! The combat effectiveness was fierce! Once they got close to them! The consequences would be disastrous!


Just as this unit was sneaking towards the camp, a fallen soldier on the sentry tower actually stood up again!

Covering his dizzy head, he took off his helmet and looked at the extended sniper bullet embedded on it. The confused soldier suddenly showed a horrified expression on his face.

The next second...


The piercing alarm sounded from the sentry tower, and several searchlights swept over from all directions, instantly illuminating the rebel special forces who were sneaking close in the night and were about to touch the edge of the camp.

The special forces soldiers, whose bodies were suddenly illuminated clearly, looked up at the bright lights in front of them, and for a moment they were confused.

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