Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 198 Confused Adventurer (Wow!)

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

As loud shouts rang out, countless guns and cannons roared together in the camp.

The rebel soldiers, who did not expect that they would be exposed, were almost covered by the fire net on the spot, resulting in numerous casualties.

Some of the soldiers among them were carrying special anti-riot shields, trying to resist gun fire and retreating behind the bunkers.

However, the shield that could normally hold up for a long time despite machine gun fire was today directly penetrated by rifle bullets, both man and shield.

Turning to look at the falling members of the special forces around him, an adventurer with the King of Fighters logo engraved on his shoulder gritted his teeth and roared, took out a heavy shield, and rushed forward crazily with the shield on top.

As usual, he planned to rush into the enemy group under the hail of bullets and engage in close combat with them.

After all, the Metal Slug world is a world of firearms, and people there don't value their own combat effectiveness.

Once they successfully get close, they dare not fire casually. With extremely low attributes, they are even worse than the mobs in other plot worlds!

Relying on this tactic, this big man has successfully defeated several regular army teams, and even single-handedly defeated a group of fifty people!

Roaring madly, he was carrying a large blue quality shield, his expression was extremely ferocious at this moment, and his murderous intent was sky-high!

......... Then within two steps of rushing out, he was covered by machine gun fire. His shield was hit on the spot with sparks flying everywhere, it was severely deformed, and countless blood arrows were shot out from his body.

Because he rushed too bravely, he became the leader, and was directly taken care of by two light machine guns.

And as he continued to fight, another heavy machine gun turned its muzzle and aimed at him.

These heavy weapons, which have been specially upgraded by Qin Ming, are all in the dark silver grade, which is a grade higher than the shields in the hands of the big man.

Originally, the light machine gun shot him. Although the shield in his hand could not bear it, it could at least offset the damage.

But now we are facing heavy machine gun fire! That shield can't even offset it!

Just in the blink of an eye! The blue shield has been beaten into a sieve! The big man also fell to the ground with blood holes all over his body!

Seeing this, the three machine guns aimed at him finally turned around and fired at the crowd again.

But just as the three gun muzzles were turned away, the big man who was already lying in a pool of blood suddenly trembled strangely, and the silver-white armor he was wearing suddenly shattered, revealing the unscathed flesh inside!

Ordinary silver level equipment: Brave Armor! Produced in the world of "Demon World Village"! It can be used when the wearer is on the verge of death! Help him withstand all attacks! And restore all the status of the target!

The disadvantage is that it occupies the whole body equipment slot, and the wearer cannot wear any tops, pants, helmets, boots and other armors, and after one use, the brave armor will be completely broken.

The big man, whose life had been saved by his armor, struggled to get up from the ground.

Seeing that the enemy in front was only focused on shooting at his companions in the distance, he didn't pay attention to his side at all.

He gritted his teeth and launched another charge. He got closer and pushed through the wall with his shoulder, successfully entering the camp.

Hearing the loud noise coming from here, the regular soldiers who were running back and forth carrying ammunition boxes to deliver ammunition to their companions stopped in a hurry and turned their heads to look here in surprise.

After seeing an enemy coming in, he quickly threw away the box in his hand, raised his rifle with a bayonet and rushed over.

Seeing this scene, the naked man roared angrily, pulled out two axes on the spot, and rushed towards the enemy with the axes held high.

Talent skill: Man of Steel! Turn on!

One third of the strength value! Will be converted into defensive attributes! Let yourself get double defense blessing!

He turned on his defensive skills on the spot and completely transformed into a berserker. He could be described as a big man with high attack power and strong defense. Now he had a ferocious face and red eyes.

The precious armor he had worked so hard to obtain suddenly shattered, causing him to completely fall into a state of rage.

"You bastards! I'll kill you...poof!"

Before the roar could be finished, the big man who rushed towards the enemy crazily suddenly froze.

Because with the support of double defense, even without wearing any armor, he had a defense power of up to 24 points. The moment he collided with the enemy, he was actually stabbed through the chest by several bayonets!

With his eyes wide open and an expression of disbelief on his face, he looked down at the bayonet inserted into his body, piercing his body directly. The big man's mind went blank for a moment, and he was completely stupid.

And before he could recover from the shock, more soldiers charged towards him with rifles raised, bayonets raised in their hands and stabbed.

Then the number of defense breaks is +5!

The big man, who was almost stabbed by bayonets from all directions, turned into a hedgehog on the spot. Feeling the severe pain coming from his body, he finally woke up from a dream.

It was too late to figure out why his high defense power could not withstand the melee attacks of a group of gunmen. He roared and swung his weapon, forcing the enemies around him to fly away.

Then, with the weapon stuck in his body, he hurriedly turned around and tried to escape through the gap created when he came.

But before he could reach the gap, the harsh sound of gunfire rang out.

It turned out to be a soldier who had removed a light machine gun from the tank. He pointed the gun at this side and started firing wildly.

The bullets connected together and continuously bombarded the big man's back, splattering countless blood.

And before the big man fell to the ground, there were a lot of rifle shots all around.

The big man who was attacked by more than 20 people finally fell down in the gap created by him with a thud, staring with a pair of eyes in disbelief until he died.

He has always been nicknamed the monster killer by his companions. With his high defense power, he can abuse monsters like a vegetable. He can go in and out without difficulty. He can't even break his skin. He never expected that he would In the end, he will die in the hands of a group of mobs!

After gathering fire and killing this guy who suddenly appeared, the soldiers with their guns looked at each other in shock.

Finally shrugging, he put away his weapons and began to carry ammunition boxes to provide support to his frontline comrades.

As for why they moved ammunition boxes instead of also going to the battlefield?

First, because the shooting point in front of the camp is limited and cannot accommodate so many people.

The second reason is that since someone is shooting, someone must be responsible for providing ammunition.

The group of shooters in front were all old men who initially followed the commander, but they were the remaining recruits who joined later.

You can't possibly ask veterans to carry ammunition, right? Don't we have to let the new recruits do this dirty work?

In other words, these guys who randomly shot and killed the big man were just substitute troops...

Outside the camp, in the woods, the leader of the special operations team, the fire sergeant, was completely suppressed by the heavy fire and could not lift his head. At this moment, he reached out and pressed the helmet on his head, hiding behind the bunker and shouting.

"Where are the people! Where are the commandos! Rush in quickly!"

The companion next to him, who was also suppressed behind the bunker by fire, raised his head in panic when he heard this.

"Dead! The commando team was dead at the beginning! All of them are dead!"

"They have special riot shields in their hands! In addition to not being able to block artillery shells, they can even block machine gun fire! How could they be dead!"

"I don't know either! As soon as I rushed up, I was beaten into a sieve!"

"Where is the Man Niu? Let him lead the people to charge into the battle! Where is the Man Niu!"

After hearing the news that the commando team had been wiped out, the furious Liehuo quickly yelled.

Hearing this, the companions next to him also shouted quickly. Seeing no one answered, they stood up and waved desperately, trying to attract the attention of the bull.

But in the end, his companion didn't attract it. Instead, his action attracted a shoulder-fired rocket.

With a loud bang, the bunker in front was blown to pieces, along with the unlucky adventurer who stood up rashly.

He looked at the broken leg that fell in front of him with a puff of black smoke.

Then he looked at the front bunker that was clearly hit by a rocket, but a big crater was blown out, as if it was hit by a missile.

The corners of Liehuo's eyes twitched violently. Seeing that he couldn't hit it in, but suffered heavy casualties on his side, he gritted his teeth and suddenly waved his hand forcefully.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!!!"

As the order spread, the members of the special forces team, who had been stunned for a long time, hurriedly turned around with their weapons in hand and prepared to flee into the woods.

But before they could completely rush in, there were sudden roars from behind.

Everyone who heard the noise turned their heads in unison, only to see several tanks and chariots rushing towards this side as the camp gate opened at high speed! Behind them were a large number of roaring soldiers!

And rush to the front! It was a Metal Slug Type 4 tank with a somewhat weird shape!

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