Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 199 The Terrifying War Machine (Happy, Happy, Happy!)

"Metal Slug?!"

Looking at the small tank that was rushing over at a speed more than twice as fast as other tanks, Liehuo, who was leading people to escape, couldn't help but scream.

Before his scream fell, the Metal Slug 4 tank actually jumped up with a whoosh!

It jumped more than four meters high! Just like that, it drew a beautiful arc in the air!

Under the shocked gaze of everyone! It jumped over everyone's heads on the spot! It smashed hard in front of the fleeing team!

After instantly crushing a poor guy to death on the spot, the Metal Slug 4 tank turned its direction and aimed at the crowd, and the energy machine guns on both sides fired at the same time.

With a buzzing sound, the circular energy bombs connected into a piece, and madly swept through the crowd, killing countless enemies on the spot.

The shells fired from the upper barrels could form a violent explosion every time they hit the ground.

In just a blink of an eye, the special forces who tried to retreat had been killed and injured by dozens of people.

Until this moment, the fire in the crowd just woke up from a dream.

He was so angry that he roared, and suddenly raised his hand to condense a ball of boiling flames, and his whole body exuded a terrifying high temperature.

The next second! With a flick of his hand! He dragged the flames with him! He rushed towards the tank at high speed!

B-level super kill: Orochi Nagi!


The raging fire hit the Metal Slug tank head-on! The terrifying high temperature even burned the surrounding ground into crystals!

The power of the fire move is extremely terrifying! Not only because the skill level of this move is high enough! More importantly, this move! It is the unique sun fire of the Kusanagi lineage! Red flame!

Talent skill: Carved Hand!

Effect: You can choose a character with a good impression of 500 points with yourself! And copy one skill of the other party!

This copy is different from the previous copy of anger. Anger can only inherit all the skills of the other party, and other things cannot be inherited.

For example, he can only inherit Mai Shiranui's moves, but not Mai Shiranui's blood fire.

The same is true when facing Kyo Kusanagi. If he copies the opponent's ability, he can only become Kyo Kusanagi's apprentice at most, the Shingo who can't even create fire.

However, the innate skill of Fiery Fire actually copies the entire effect of the opponent's move.

Moves! Level! Even blood! All can be copied without any change!

It can be said that at this moment, when using this move, Fiery Fire is a version of Kyo Kusanagi with reduced attributes!

He actually wanted to copy the skills of a stronger person, such as A-level skills or even S-level skills.

But since he tried to use an A-level skill once, he was almost beaten to death because the attributes did not meet the standards, so he became completely honest.

Instead, he chose this super-kill skill, which is absolutely among the most powerful among the B-level skills, and is also blessed with blood power!

The raging fire instantly engulfed the Metal Slug tank, and the terrifying red flame burned the tank's skin to melt on the spot.

As one of the four sacred fires in the King of Fighters world, the red flame of the Kusanagi family is definitely the strongest in terms of direct destructive power.

The blue flame of the Yagami lineage is cold, extremely cold, symbolizing the blue flame of the power of the moon, which can penetrate the defense and attack the vital points directly. When it is used to the extreme, it can even freeze time.

As the mortal enemy of the blue flame, the red flame represents the power of the sun, and the most direct manifestation is high temperature, terrifying high temperature.

After it is used to the extreme, it can burn any object, and its lethality is unparalleled in the world!

This is the move that Liehuo used at this moment. He didn't know how many tanks he had melted instantly with this move before, but in a blink of an eye, he burned the Metal Slug tank in front of him beyond recognition.

However, the expected scene of the tank being directly disintegrated did not appear. His ultimate move only burned the tank's shell!

The next second, the Alloy Slug tank on the opposite side actually broke out of the fire! He looked like he had seen a ghost! It just ran over him head-on!

In the car, Qin Ming, who was driving the tank forward, felt the car tremble slightly, and the whole person couldn't help but be stunned.

"Did I just run over something? By the way, why did the temperature in this car suddenly become so high!"

Tugged at his collar, Qin Ming found that the temperature in the tank had increased by nearly double for some reason. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and then continued to drive the tank recklessly, just rushing straight into the crowd, sweeping everyone he saw.

And behind the tank, Liehuo, who was directly run over by the tank from the front, is now covered with scars.

He struggled to get up from the ground with his hands on the ground. He just struggled to climb halfway, and the next second he suddenly felt a sinking behind him. The Alloy Slug tank actually chased someone else and turned and ran over it again!

With a creak, the Alloy Slug tank that ran over Liehuo again rushed forward at a high speed.

Only a body that was fried on both sides and completely unrecognizable was left.

In order to maximize the power of the copied skill effect, Liehuo, who mainly focused on strength and had a low physique, died.

Name: Metal Slug 4 - Modified Version (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Special Vehicle (Ordinary Silver Quality)

Weapon 1: Energy Machine Gun (Fixed Attack Power: 50-60)

Weapon 2: Large Caliber Main Gun (Fixed Attack Power: 120-160, 12 Rounds)

Armor Value: 763/1200

Introduction: No one knows why a shoddy version of the Type 4 Metal Slug tank is even stronger than the Type 2 Metal Slug tank, just like no one knows why the ordinary broken steel plate installed later can become so hard.

The night defense battle ended quickly. After all, facing a bunch of invulnerable tanks, the special forces who did not carry heavy weapons had no chance to fight.

With the end of the battle, Qin Ming, who finally stopped chasing others, jumped off the tank. At this moment, he was scratching his head and looking at the tank in front of him in a daze.

Looking at the tank in front of him, which had been burned beyond recognition and the surface steel armor had been completely dissolved and deformed, Qin Ming thought for a long time and couldn't remember when there was a flamethrower among the enemies.

After quickly climbing up the tank to test it, Qin Ming was relieved to find that the deformation of the surface steel plate did not affect the overall performance of the tank.

After all, this is the super tank he worked hard to synthesize. Although it cannot be brought out of this world, its combat effectiveness is still good.

Except that it needs to be refilled with gasoline regularly and it is a bit troublesome to refill ammunition, it is even more useful than his brilliant silver-class warhorse.

After all, ancient warhorses don't have machine guns and cannons, let alone such high combat power.

If it is destroyed, I will be sad.

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