Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 200 Kusanagi Gloves (Ahahahahahahaha)

As the personnel dispersed, the soldiers began to clean up the battlefield again.

At this time, Commander Qin Ming was sitting in the room, checking his spoils.

There was also a team of ten people armed with live ammunition at the door, helping him to guard the door.

Wearing the best military uniforms and holding the best equipment, this team of ten people is Qin Ming's current guard, and it is also the elite soldiers selected from the team by Adjutant Shuke.

After all, Qin Ming is now an official, even if the rank is only self-proclaimed, he is actually a third-class soldier.

But no matter who appointed the official, an official must have official authority, so the Hyena Guard was established.

In order to make a name for himself, he even gave his large army a code name, called the Hound Corps.

In front of the table, Qin Ming was concentrating on opening the box at this moment, and the treasure chest he opened at this time was not the spoils of ordinary enemies, but the special spoils he accidentally found in the enemy's body, the adventurer's bloody key!

To be honest, when Qin Ming saw these bloody keys, he was confused. He had been sitting in the tank and rushing around, and he didn't notice that there were adventurers in the crowd.

Especially after finding six bloody keys, he was even more confused.

The key explosion rate in the Metal Slug world is a bit disappointing.

Don't think that keys can be found everywhere just because this world is a war world and there are many soldiers on both sides fighting.

On the contrary, although there are many enemies in the Metal Slug world, the problem is that their attributes are poor!

Poor attributes! The probability of exploding keys will also be reduced!

If the explosion rate of small monsters in other worlds is about one in ten, then the explosion rate in the high-difficulty world is one in five.

And what about the Metal Slug world? This is a disappointing place! The key explosion rate is ridiculously low! Sometimes you have finished a small-scale battle! You may not be able to find a key even if you search the battlefield!

Although the explosion rate is low, the keys in this world are very practical.

Because the spoils of war in this world are generally related to modern warfare, and the things that are opened are either grenades or firearms.

And this kind of long-range thermal weapon is always the most popular among the low-level adventurers in the nightmare space, and the selling price is also the most expensive!

Even after killing those vehicle soldiers, there is a small chance that you will get a vehicle.

If you really win the prize and get a vehicle, it will be a real success!

The low explosion rate in the world of Metal Slug is linked to the high value of the key.

Compared with the value of the high-value keys in this world, the temptation of the adventurer's bloody key seems mediocre.

Qin Ming did not merge them with each other, but opened them all in the form of a blind box, and all the items he chose were equipment without exception.

After all, low-level adventurers are a group of poor ghosts. Expecting to get money from them? That's just overthinking.

With the continuous light of blood, a large pile of broken equipment appeared in front of Qin Ming.

The fat man's vest, the gangster's jacket, the karate master's belt, the army's standard pistol, Qin Ming even opened a helmet from this world.

Looking at the equipment in front of him, which was either white or green, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help showing an expression of knowing it earlier.

Then, while flipping through the equipment, he was suddenly stunned, and his eyes gradually widened.

Raising his hand, he pulled out a glove from a pile of rags. He stared and looked at it carefully, and the more he looked, the more shocked he was.

That's right, not a pair, but a single glove.

And on top of this single glove, there is a sun pattern engraved, which looks extremely conspicuous, and you can even feel a hint of temperature when you touch it.

In a pile of rags that Qin Ming had no expectations for! This really opened a treasure... ... um, or half a piece?

Name: Kusanagi Gloves (King of Fighters World)

Category: Arm/Left (Green Set 1/2)

Attributes: Wearing this glove, you can rely on it to consume mental power and perform a weakened version of Red Flame.

Introduction: This is a glove of Kyo Kusanagi, and it is also a symbol of the identity of a member of the Kusanagi family. It has the power to control fire.

Suit? It is actually the legendary suit? !

Picking up this left glove, Qin Ming took off the arm guard with a look of surprise and tried to put it on.

As he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, a raging fire flew up with a bang, and a ball of red flames quickly burned up in his palm!

Looking at the raging fire in his palm that continued to emit terrifying heat waves around, Qin Ming looked curious. With the swing of his other arm, a ball of milky white strange flames also boiled up.

And this is the dream fire he formed by absorbing the dream power of Dream Island!

Looking at the two completely different flames on his palm, Qin Ming tried to merge the two together with a curious look, and then...


A huge explosion sounded, and the guards who heard the movement quickly broke open the door and rushed into the room.

"Commander! Commander, are you okay?"

The soldiers looked for Qin Ming in the room and saw him in the corner.

At this time, Qin Ming was sitting in the corner, or more precisely, he was blown here. His hair was blown up like a chicken coop and his face was smoked black.

He wiped his face with his hand and saw the soldiers surrounding him. He hurriedly stood up by holding the wall.

"It's okay, it's a small problem. I won't get in the way. You guys go out."

"Ah? But Commander, this explosion............"

"I was hungry just now! Can I eat a grenade? Go out!"


Seeing Qin Ming getting anxious, the ten guards raised their hands to salute and quickly turned around and walked out of the room.

Qin Ming, who stretched out his hand to pull his hair, looked at the Kusanagi gloves in his hand happily and nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad! Not bad! Although it conflicts with his own flames! But it's the first time he has such special equipment! Collect it!

Picking up the broken equipment on the table and fusing it, forcibly upgrading this green suit accessory to blue quality, Qin Ming casually stuffed it into the inventory, wanting to see if there is a chance to get another one in the future to make a pair.

After sorting everything out, Qin Ming turned around and walked out of the room.

The things in the warehouse have been dealt with almost, and the location here is too conspicuous, so it's better not to stay for long.

So Qin Ming prepared to retreat with the soldiers and continue to collect money in another place.

As for where the next target is? But no one has stipulated that there is only one arsenal on the battlefield!

Besides, even if there is no arsenal, there is still a logistics warehouse!

Qin Ming lacks everything on this battlefield, except for the target!

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