Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 206 The main characters appear

A few days later, as a convoy drove into the camp, the front-line camp welcomed new guests.

The first to get off the car were a group of old men with high military ranks, especially the leader, who had a lot of medals on his chest and five stars on his shoulders.

He was the famous five-star general in the federal government! Jamie Fox!

In the vehicles behind these officers, a large group of guards came out one after another, fully armed and elite.

And among these elite troops, there were also several guys with different styles.

The expressions of the people carrying backpacks were either serious or lazy, and they didn't look right.

And they! They were the secret troops who followed the officers to perform special tasks this time! Members of the Peregrine Special Forces and the Sparrow Intelligence Team!

They were also the protagonists of the Metal Slug World!

Computer and firearms expert Mark Rossi!

Vehicle and heavy weapons expert Talma Rowan!

Demolition expert Eri Kasamoto!

Intelligence gathering expert Fiojaime!

The four protagonists now stood together, and as soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of the adventurers in the crowd around them, and immediately caused a burst of exclamations.

After all, for low-level adventurers, the protagonist's status is no less than that of a biological father.

As long as you have a good relationship with them, not only can you complete the task easily, but you can also earn keys by taking advantage of the situation, and the favorability can also be used to exchange props. It can be said that they are simply mobile gods of wealth.

Therefore, the appearance of the four-man group, in the eyes of adventurers, is even more dazzling than the five-star admiral who has never even heard of the one walking in front.

Five-star admiral Jamie Fox, who strode in front, quickly met with Major General Collins, the commander-in-chief of this unit.

Major General Collins, who was constantly tidying up his military uniform, raised his hand and saluted when he saw the other party coming over, and shouted excitedly with an excited expression.

"Major General Collins! Hello, sir! Uncle Fox, how are you?"

"Well, very good, Collins, you have made great contributions this time!"

It is obvious that the two have known each other for a long time. Admiral Jamie Fox did not say any official words at all. Instead, he patted the other's shoulder enthusiastically after approaching.

And hearing his words, Collins's face flushed with excitement.

"This is all because the soldiers and officers are brave enough!"

"Alas, you can't say that. If you have the ability, you have the ability. You don't need to be so polite to your uncle. You successfully defeated the flesh and blood demon O'Neill in the rebel army, but it shocked the top leaders! Work hard! Strive to continue to create new achievements!"

"Yes! Please rest assured, uncle! Collins will never let the top leaders and uncle down!"

Looking at the tall Collins, Admiral Jamie Fox nodded with satisfaction.

Then he suddenly turned around and waved.

Seeing this gesture, Fio Jamie, who was standing in the guards, reluctantly walked over with a backpack.

"Father, what's the matter with you?"

"Of course I have something to say. Why? Your childhood sweetheart has made great contributions, and you don't come to praise him?"

As soon as Jamie Fox finished speaking, Admiral Collins, who was standing with his chest puffed out in front of him, looked at Fio with bright eyes and took the initiative to greet her.

"Fio, you're here too."

Sergeant Fio, one of the four protagonists, who should have appeared in Metal Slug 2, looked up and exchanged glances with the other party, and smiled a little stiffly.

Looking at this so-called childhood sweetheart who is more than ten years older than herself, Fio felt like crying for a while.

After saying hello, Collins turned his head to look at Fio's father Jamie Fox, and suddenly spoke solemnly.

"Uncle, why did you let a girl like Feio go to the front? It's very dangerous here! Even I almost died under the enemy's bombardment several times!"

"What's wrong with going to the front? Our Jamie family is a military family, and our ancestors have been military generals for generations! I have no sons, only this daughter. If she doesn't go to the battlefield, who will?"


"No buts! I believe in the genes of our family! I believe in my daughter's ability even more! She will be fine! This time my daughter and others came here to perform a special mission under the order of the upper level, and please cooperate with her with all your strength!"


"Okay! Let's not talk about the rest of the things outside. There are so many people here, let's go in and talk."

Looking at the soldiers who gathered around, Admiral Jamie Fox, with his hands behind his back, strode towards the tent with a stern face.

Collins and others on the side hurriedly followed.

They knew that a dignified admiral suddenly came to the front line in person, and it was impossible for him to just test the legion. The other party must have come for a reason.

And the fact is indeed so. Admiral Jamie Fox came here this time, and led the special operations team here, because a big thing happened recently.

That is the regular army's air carrier: Zhexue! It was shot down from mid-air by the rebels!

This air carrier is one of the most advanced technological products of the regular army. It carries many kinds of confidential weapons on it, and it must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Therefore, the main task of the special operations team this time is to completely blow up the wreckage of Zhexue that has been occupied by the enemy! Preserve the internal technology!

The so-called inspection of the corps and the commendation of Major General Collins for his meritorious service are just a cover.

Assisting the special operations team to complete the mission is the real goal of this trip.

The main task of the frontline troops this time is to frantically attack the area where the enemy retreats, forcibly delay the enemy's large forces, and create opportunities for the special forces to sneak in and blow up the Zhexue!

After quickly issuing all the orders, seeing Commander Collins immediately taking people out to prepare for this operation, Admiral Jamie Fox and others began to inspect the barracks in a formal manner.

After all, he came with this excuse. If he didn't inspect at all after coming, it would cause the soldiers to be confused and make random guesses, which would not be good for his reputation.

So even if it was just a formality, he had to check the situation of the base.

And after this inspection, he was also very satisfied. The layout of the camp cannot be said to be perfect, but it is also quite standard and a standard textbook layout method.

Although it seems a bit rigid, at least there will be no major problems, until...

When he came to a camp, he couldn't help twitching his eyes at the door, looking at the gatekeepers who were smoking cigarettes and chewing high-level combat rations.

After standing aside and observing for a while, he finally couldn't help but yelled at the guys who took out the second one after finishing one.

"What are you doing? Who allowed you to eat high-grade military rations like this? Don't you know that this is life-saving stuff? If you don't use it after the war, you have to hand it in! What did your officers teach you?"

The sudden roar from this side scared several soldiers and quickly threw away the things in their hands and raised their weapons.

He pointed his gun at the people on the opposite side and looked at the guys on the opposite side who also raised their weapons.

The gatekeepers who found that it was not an enemy invasion could not help but roll their eyes, quickly put down their guns, and sat back on the ground with their weapons.

"Who are you, old man? Our superiors didn't care about how we eat military rations, so why do you care? Mind your own business!"


Looking at the soldiers who didn't take him seriously at all and started to eat again, Admiral Jamie Fox was so angry that his face flushed.

"Who is your commander? Let him come out to see me!"

"Huh? See you? Our hyena commander is not here! He has no time to see you even if he is!"

"You guys! Do you know who I am?"

"We don't care who you are! We only know who our commander is! No matter who else comes, it won't work! Even if you are Major General Collins' father, it won't work!"

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