Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 207 Meet Miles Again

Faced with this group of unrestrained soldiers, Jamie Fox was completely angry.

This was the first time he had encountered such undisciplined soldiers.

This was not a regular army at all! This was clearly a group of hooligans! The soldiers under the command of warlords and bandits!

With a sullen face, he turned around and ordered someone to call Collins, the commander, over.

He wanted to see if these soldiers were really lawless and would not obey orders even when the commander came in person.

But before the people sent out could bring Collins back, there was a sudden roar in the distance.

As the sound approached, a convoy was actually driving rapidly in the distance.

This convoy was fully armed, with tanks leading the way in front and tanks following closely behind. It was a highly mobile mechanized force.

And the troop carriers in the back were full of soldiers with live ammunition.

On top of the front tank, Qin Ming was sitting there leaning against the lid.

Arriving at the door, Qin Ming nodded at the soldiers who stood up quickly and saluted him.

"Where is your boss Beta?"

"Report to the commander! Boss Beta is distributing equipment to the newcomers!"

"Well, where is Shuke?"

"Adjutant Shuke is training the newcomers!"

"Okay, got it, stand guard well, and I'll take you out in the next batch."

"Yes! Commander!"

The soldiers guarding the door were delighted when they heard this, and hurriedly made way with their weapons, while Qin Ming, who was sitting on the tank, turned his head and glanced at the side.

When he saw Jamie Fox looking up at him, he was suddenly stunned and suddenly turned his head to look at his soldiers.

"Who is this old Deng? Didn't I say it! Don't accept anyone! Can this old onion still go to the battlefield! What if he dies outside!"

Hearing this, the old Deng next to him... Admiral Jamie Fox, his face turned black on the spot.

Without waiting for the hound soldiers on the opposite side to give an answer, a shout suddenly came from the crowd behind Jamie Fox.

"Hey! Boss!"

Hearing the voice, Qin Ming quickly turned his head and found a familiar figure standing in the crowd.

That was her follower, a gangster who had been in the underworld since childhood! Kasamoto Eri!

This woman, who became one of the protagonists of this world because she returned to the original world, was wearing a military uniform and waving excitedly towards this side.

Seeing her, Qin Ming's eyes lit up and he quickly turned over and jumped off the chariot.

"Why did you come here? I've been looking for you all the way!"

"Boss! Did you miss me?"

With a flying pounce, Kasamoto Eri wrapped her legs around Qin Ming's waist and hung directly on him.

Putting her arm around Qin Ming's neck, Kasamoto Eri had a bright smile on her face.

After successfully saying hello, Kasamoto Eri quickly let go of her legs and fell down, and at the same time grabbed her companion next to her and took the initiative to introduce her to Qin Ming.

"Come on! Boss! Let me introduce you! This is my good sister Feiou! Feiou! This is the big brother Hyena I mentioned before!"

As Kasamoto Eri finished speaking, she stood beside her, also wearing a military uniform, but her temperament was not wild at all. On the contrary, because of the big round glasses on her face, Feiou, who looked gentle and gentle, smiled and shook hands with Qin Ming.

She was full of hostility towards the big brother mentioned by Kasamoto Eri before. After all, Kasamoto Eri had never mentioned this so-called big brother before.

Instead, she suddenly mentioned it these two days and praised it highly.

This made Feiou seriously doubt whether Kasamoto Eri, the carefree blond silly girl, was deceived by someone, so she inevitably felt hostile.

And now that they have met thoroughly, Feiou suddenly found that this big brother seems to be quite reliable.

Not only is he a soldier, but he is also an official, and he looks really good. The most important thing is that the soldiers under his command dare to go against their father, which is really courageous.

Well, I'll just give him 60 points. If I give him more, he might get proud.

With a slightly red face, Feiou quickly retracted his hand.

Qin Ming, wearing sunglasses, looked at the girl with glasses in front of him, frowning slightly.

Because the favorability of the heroine Feiou to him is 530…………

The plot character chosen by the title this time has appeared.

This choice is also expected and reasonable. After all, there are only a few main female characters in the regular army, and Kasamoto Eri is his man, so there is no need to choose. That leaves only the girl with glasses Feiou.

Just as Qin Ming frowned and looked at Feiou, footsteps suddenly came from the side.

Admiral Jamie Fox, who was called Lao Deng, came over with a stern face at this time, and as soon as he opened his mouth, his tone was full of gunpowder.

"Are you the leader of this group of military ruffians?"

Hearing this unfriendly word, Qin Ming turned his head slowly and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Who is this old onion, sir?"

"Old... I am five-star general Jamie Fox!"

"I am also the five-star emperor MacArthur!"


"What do you mean you? I am not your soldier! Get out of the way! Don't disturb me from reminiscing about the past!"


Jamie Fox, who had already revealed his identity but was still retorted, had a purple face at this moment.

As a veteran in the government army, his status and prestige are not small.

It can be said that no one in the army dared to not give him face, and they all tried their best to curry favor with him in order to be favored by him and promoted.

This was the first time that Jamie Fox had seen a guy who didn't even pay attention to him.

He dared to talk to him like this! Does he still want to stay in the army?

Just when Jamie Fox was angry, Qin Ming on the opposite side was suddenly stunned.

Looking at Feio, he suddenly discovered something strange.

That is, when he was confronting this old onion, the glasses girl in front of him who was trying hard to keep a straight face actually increased her favorability towards him by 20 points!

What's going on? Could it be that this seemingly quiet heroine is actually a black-bellied person? She just likes to watch people fight?

Or does she have a grudge with the old onion next to her?

Before Qin Ming could figure out the situation, footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

Major General Collins, who was called over, finally arrived with his troops.

Seeing the arrival of the battlefield commander, Jamie Fox, who was holding back his anger, finally found a breakthrough.

"Major General Collins! Look at your soldiers! Look at the soldiers you brought out! How did you teach them!"

Hearing this, Collins, who had already run out of breath, looked up at Qin Ming in front of him, and couldn't help but groan in his heart, and quickly realized that something big had happened.

He didn't expect that these two guys would actually collide with each other, and his face couldn't help but bitter.

Feeling the dissatisfied look of Jamie Fox next to him, he gritted his teeth and suddenly yelled.

"Hyena! You're too much! This is the federal general! Apologize to him quickly!"

When these words came out, Qin Ming on the opposite side couldn't help but be stunned. He stretched out his hand to press down his sunglasses in disbelief, and looked at Collins with wide eyes.

And the soldiers on the car, after looking at each other, quickly turned over and jumped off the chariot, and surrounded them aggressively.

Even the gun barrels of the tanks and the machine guns mounted on the vehicles silently adjusted their directions and aimed at this side.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the scene instantly became quiet.

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