Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 208 Warlord Corporal Qin Ming

Soldiers generally don't dare to go against officers.

The principle that a higher-ranking officer can crush a person applies everywhere.

Logically speaking, ordinary soldiers would never dare to follow officers to confront their frontline commanders. After all, if you don't listen to officers, at most you will be bullied, but if you don't listen to commanders, you will be court-martialed.

If you are labeled as a rebel, you will lose your life.

Even if you are not labeled as a rebel, just because of this black history, you can't expect to be promoted. No one will dare to use you in the future.

This is why many times, when the superiors are deprived of their rights, the soldiers dare not speak out, but instead raise their hands and surrender.

After all, what does it have to do with them if the superiors are deprived of their rights? They just move to another place to continue to be the big soldiers, and it doesn't affect their eating military rations.

But this only refers to ordinary soldiers. The soldiers under Qin Ming are different, to be precise, they are very different.

Because Qin Ming's soldiers! He has extra wages!

And these wages! It is the spoils and supplies captured from the battlefield!

Military pay? How much money can military pay be?

Qin Ming combined the things here and distributed them again, and the price was completely different!

Not to mention the high-quality military rations that were already priceless!

This kind of black technology item that can restore the state! The price in the market is very high! Not to mention that Qin Ming took out all the high-quality goods!

Issue guns by yourself, pay military pay by yourself, and manage by yourself.

To put it nicely, this is called an independent regiment.

To put it bluntly, this is a private army!

Do you dare to take his power? Then the soldiers will dare to take your life!

Looking at the soldiers who were pointing their guns and guns at this side and surrounded them aggressively, Collins, Jamie Fox and others became very stiff for a while.

Especially Jamie Fox, who looked like he had seen a ghost.

He never expected that in Collins's camp, surrounded by tens of thousands of troops, someone would dare to point a gun at him openly.

What's the difference between this and rebellion? They don't want to die!

Compared to Jamie Fox's shock, Collins on the side was no longer shocked at the moment, and all he had in his heart was bitterness.

Because it was only a few days! This team originally had only a few hundred people! It has expanded madly to more than 4,000 people!

And they are extremely united! They are extremely loyal! They really beat whoever the leader points to!

The most important thing is that they are not only united, but they are also very good at fighting! Extremely good at fighting!

During this period, the regular army went out to clean up the small remaining forces of the enemy.

The situation is generally that the hound troops chase the rebels and the rebels chase the regular army. The two sides really fight each other! The situation is clear!

If Collins was concerned about his reputation at the beginning and was unwilling to start a civil war at this critical juncture, fearing that it would cause dissatisfaction among the top leaders.

Now it is not a matter of whether he wants to do it or not, but he simply does not dare to do it!

Because if these 4,000 troops really fight with them! He is afraid that his 20,000 people cannot beat them!

After discovering that the situation is not right and that the other party seems to be able to make the other party very good at fighting no matter who they recruit into the team, Collins immediately issued an order not to allow Qin Ming to continue recruiting soldiers.

The reason is that he still has to keep the source of soldiers to replenish the losses of other teams that have suffered losses.

Qin Ming stopped recruiting soldiers obediently after hearing this, but the problem is that he stopped, but he couldn't stop the soldiers from running over there!

Facing a team with better treatment, better weapons and higher wages, how can you let the big soldiers of other troops not be tempted!

They go out to fight, and the spoils they share when they come back are enough to pay a year's salary here!

So since they are all fighting on the battlefield! They are all big soldiers! Why don't they go over there!

If Collins hadn't ordered to stop them desperately, and even executed two guys who tried to run over on the spot, he would have successfully deterred other soldiers who were ready to move.

Now Qin Ming has more than 4,000 people under his command! Maybe this camp is all his!

So what Collins is facing now is not the problem of how to deal with Qin Ming. In just two days, he no longer has the ability to deal with Qin Ming.

What he is worried about now is how to avoid being sidelined!

If things are not handled well! Maybe when he wakes up the next day! All his soldiers will be hyenas!

This is also the reason why Qin Ming's expression was so weird when he yelled at him just now.

Who gave the other party the power to yell at him like this? Don't take him, a corporal, seriously! Do you know how high his rank is as a corporal!

Seeing that the situation was not right, Collins' face was extremely stiff.

And the patrol troops who heard the noise next to them and rushed over quickly with guns, looked at this side and confronted again.

Having seen with their own eyes how outrageous the equipment of the Hounds was in the past two days, they hurriedly ran away with their guns...

Finally, when the atmosphere on the scene became tense, Kasamoto Eri stood up and spoke in a low voice.

"Boss, don't be impulsive, he is a general."

Hearing this, Qin Ming, who had completely tasted the sweetness of being an official, looked disdainful.

"General? What general? How many divisions does he have under his command? How many artillery and tanks does he have? Let him take a walk!"

"No, boss, he is still Feio's father."

"Fio's father? I don't care whose father he is! He's not me... Hmm? Fio's father?!"

Halfway through his words, Qin Ming suddenly froze.

He turned his head to look at Fio, who was smiling awkwardly, and then turned his head to look at the old onion opposite with a stubborn expression. After Qin Ming reacted, he suddenly grinned and waved his hand.

"Ah, it turns out that he is one of us. The flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, right? Put down your guns! Put down your guns! Fio's father, right? Hello, I am Fio's friend, Corporal Hyena, please take care of me! Remember to mention my name here when you encounter problems in the future, so that it will be useful!"

Looking at Qin Ming who happily stretched out a hand to him, he looked at the soldiers around who quickly put down their weapons.

Jamie Fox, with a dark face, had no expression on his face. He had no intention of shaking hands with him. Instead, he snorted and turned away.

Before leaving, he did not forget to speak coldly.

"Damn soldier! I hate soldier the most!"

He never expected it in his life! One day he will actually use his daughter's light!

Looking at Jamie Fox turning away, Qin Ming's smile gradually collapsed.

"Tsk, if you don't want to shake hands, then don't shake hands, as if who cares, the general is great, is he higher than me?"

Raising his hand and waving, Qin Ming signaled the soldiers to enter the barracks, turned his head to look at Kasamoto Eri next to him, and suddenly spoke after two seconds of silence.

"Eri, let me ask you something, do I look like a soldier?"

Hearing this, Kasamoto Eri turned his head and looked at Qin Ming, who was wearing a military uniform without a belt, and a military cap on his head, and couldn't help falling silent.

There was one thing she didn't dare to say, that is, Qin Ming's appearance didn't look like a soldier, he looked more like a puppet soldier...

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