Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 209: Sky Fortress! Flying City!

"Major General Collins! Please take care of your people! Look at how lawless they are! Do they still look like soldiers? What do you mean by having made military achievements before? Just because you have military achievements, you can ignore military law? The most important thing for a soldier is to obey orders! If he was a soldier under my command! I would have killed him long ago!"

Inside the tent, Admiral Jamie Fox was scolding the front-line commander Collins, while Collins lowered his head and dared not say a word.

Seeing Collins's drooping head, Jamie Fox sighed helplessly.

After all, the other party was the son of an old friend, and he couldn't bear to teach him too much.

The most important thing was that he also knew that the reason why Collins could become a major general was not because of his previous military achievements, but purely because his father was the commander of the army.

To put it bluntly, this guy was just a second-generation power who was airborne, and he might not have much ability.

How could such an airborne commander convince the military commanders? It was normal for him to disobey orders when he met a few powerful people.

He had seen people who disobeyed orders before, but he dared to be so arrogant after hearing his name! This was the first time he had seen such a person!

The Collins in front of him was a fake! He was not a fake!

He had fought his way up step by step with his merits! To be precise, the Jamie family had fought their way up with their skills!

Otherwise, he who forced his daughter to join the army would not let her climb step by step from a soldier. This was the ancestral precept of their family.

Jamie Fox, who grabbed the teacup and took a sip, was too lazy to continue to care about the situation here, and finally chose to change the subject.

"Have Feo and the others set out?"

Collins heard the words and quickly put his legs together and raised his hand to salute.

"Report to the Admiral! We are all on our way!"

"There must be no problems with logistics supply, and support must be ready at any time."

"Please rest assured! We will fully cooperate with the Peregrine Special Forces!"

"Well... is the environment here safe?"

"I have already sent people out to clear out the remaining small forces of the rebel army nearby. Please rest assured that this is our territory now, and it is definitely enough..."


Before Collins finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came into his ears.

Not only the sound, but even the entire tent shook violently.

Collins and Jamie Fox, who were almost knocked to the ground, raised their heads with their hands on their military caps in surprise, and Collins turned his head and shouted at the door.

"Guards! Guards! What happened outside!"

Hearing the sound coming from inside the house, the door was quickly knocked open, and a guard soldier ran in with an extremely panicked expression.

"No, General! Outside! There's an enemy attack outside!"

"Enemy attack? Haven't the enemies around been cleared? Where can the enemy attack come from?"

"In the sky! In the sky!"

Looking at the incoherent soldier, Collins and Jamie Fox pushed him away and strode out of the tent.

And they stood at the door and raised their heads, and they were completely stunned the next second.

Because above the military camp at this moment, in the sky, there was actually a huge warship floating!

That's right! Not a warship! Not an airplane! But a ship! An ancient warship made of wood and steel!

This warship is so huge that it is more like an island than a ship, a small island floating in the air.

At this moment, energy balls are constantly being shot down from above. These small balls have amazing speeds and will explode immediately after hitting the ground.

There is also a giant ramming horn at the bow, which looks like a human skeleton, which is very scary.

Looking at the giant ancient warship that directly covered the camp and was now carpet-bombing the area below, Jamie Fox and Collins were completely dumbfounded.

After all, the thing in front of them had completely exceeded their expectations. Even if it was a super aircraft carrier floating in the sky, it was much more reliable than an ancient Japanese warship.

Before the two of them could recover from their shock, a large number of soldiers had already jumped off the warships accompanied by the howling wind in the sky.

And these soldiers who landed on the ground were all warrior armors made of steel and wood! Or they could be called shikigami mechas!

The heights were big and small, the small ones were like normal people, and the big ones were four or five meters high. These magic mechas were holding weapons and killing anyone they saw, instantly causing chaos in the camp.

And the huge magic fortress in the sky also slowly descended at this moment and began to carry out close-range bombing.

If anyone who has played arcade games sees the shape of these samurai armors and the appearance of the huge warships in the sky, they will definitely be able to quickly recognize where these very distinctive things come from.

These are the weapons of the villain forces in the masterpiece arcade flight shooting game "Sengoku Blade"!

The base of the villain forces! Sky City Fortress!

There are also automatic Shikigami mechas made with female souls!

However, the former Sengoku logo on the Sky City Fortress has disappeared at this moment, replaced by a huge icon! The King of Fighters icon!

The King of Fighters team belongs! Super war weapon! Sky City!

This is also the main means for them to quickly gain the trust of General Modern and even become his partner after entering the world of Metal Slug this time!

On the huge fortress, a group of adventurers are concentrating on controlling the fortress to shoot.

The leading captain is giving orders with a serious expression.

"Everyone, pay attention! Target Jamie Foss! We must kill this admiral who is at the front line! In this way! Our trust in General Morden will be much higher!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The adventurers who heard the order nodded and immediately began to operate the gun barrels to bombard the tents below.

The Metal Slug World is a large-scale mission copy. The number of adventurers who can enter it at one time is as high as 500.

Among the 500 people this time, there are more than 300 members of the King of Fighters team alone! It can be said that they occupy most of them!

This is because this Metal Slug mission is a major operation that the King of Fighters team has planned for a long time.

For this operation, they not only spent a lot of points, but also brought their own Sky City Fortress in.

They also divided the troops into two teams, one team joined the regular army, and the other team joined the rebel army. The purpose is to collude with each other to achieve the effect of eating both sides.

After receiving the news from his comrades in the regular army, they learned that Jamie Fox, the leader of the regular army, had actually come to the front line.

The members of the rebel team activated the war fortress without hesitation, ready to destroy the front-line camp! Together with Jamie Fox, the senior officer!

At this moment, the Sky City Fortress has already made a brilliant appearance, and as soon as it appeared, it blew up the camp and the army was completely defeated.

Those more conspicuous large tents were razed to the ground in an instant, but Jamie Fox, the target, was not killed.

Because he saw that the situation was not right, he had already fled to the air-raid shelter with Collins under the escort of the personal guard.

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