Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 210 Divine Soldiers Descend from the Sky

"What is that? When did the rebels have such a weapon?"

Jamie Fox, whose face was covered in black and gray after being blown up, was sitting in the air-raid shelter at this moment, with an extremely confused expression.

The ancient warship outside shocked him too much.

But he was a veteran after all, and he was also a man who had experienced many battles.

Therefore, after calming down, he immediately regained his sanity.

"Collins! Where is the air defense force in your army! Command them to shoot that thing down for me immediately! I don't believe how hard a wooden thing can be!"

When Jamie Fox said this, Collins, who was also hiding in the control cave next to him, raised his head in panic.

"I'll go?"

"That's right! You are the commander here! If you don't go, who can command them!"


Looking up at the top of the cave where dust was falling continuously, listening to the explosions and loud noises coming from outside, Collins' face was pale.

Going out to give orders at this time is no different from seeking death. Once the enemy targets you, you will be blown up and your body will not be found.

Seeing Collins's face full of fear, he dared not get up and go out at all. Jamie Fox gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly.

"Useless thing! Give me the military badge! I will go to command them!"

"Ah? Military badge? Military badge! The military badge fell off when I ran just now!"

"Lost? You dare to lose the military badge! You!"

Jamie Fox's expression turned very livid when he learned that the command token was lost.

He was about to point at Collins and scold him, but looking at this panicked guy, he opened his mouth for a long time, but he couldn't scold him in the end.

It's not that he can't bear it. Now, let alone scolding, Jamie Fox wants to eat people directly!

Mainly because scolding him at this time is useless!

Looking around with a gloomy expression, looking at the officers who followed him in, Jamie Fox frowned, and suddenly raised his hand to point at one of them.

"You are the colonel, right? You are the most senior officer in this camp except Collins, right? Then the other officers must know you! Come! Come with me to the air defense force to command them to fight!"


Seeing Jamie Fox talking, he directly commanded the guards to set him up, and did not care whether he was willing or not, and was ready to take him out by force.

The colonel was frightened and turned pale, and began to struggle desperately.

"I won't go! I won't go! I will die if I go out! Under that kind of firepower! I will definitely die if I go out! The air defense force may have been blown up! I won't go!"

"You have no say in whether to go or not! If you dare to talk nonsense again! I will collapse you first! Take you away!"

With a big wave of his hand, Jamie Fox turned his head and glared at Collins, and then he was ready to rush out of the air-raid shelter with his men.

After all, hiding here is waiting for death. When the troops outside are blown up, they will definitely not be able to escape.

Now the only way to reverse the situation is to defeat or repel the enemy.

Jamie Fox didn't know what the current air defense force was like, and he didn't know whether the air defense force trained by Collins could beat this weird mecha army.

But no matter what! He must give it a try! After all, hiding and waiting for death is not the style of their Jamie family!

But before he and his guards rushed out of the air-raid shelter with the pale-faced colonel, the closed iron door suddenly made a loud noise.

The next second, a huge metal knife actually forced through the iron door and inserted it in.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. The officers quickly turned around and hid behind the bunkers. The well-trained guards found bunkers and set up weapons, aiming at the entrance.

Admiral Jamie Fox also rolled and hid behind the bunker, took the machine gun from his soldiers, and aimed forward with a serious expression.

The loud bangs continued, and the heavy iron door quickly twisted and deformed, and a huge warrior mecha gradually appeared in everyone's sight along the crack of the door.

And behind this mecha with red eyes! You can also see a large number of mechas with similar shapes!

Looking at the mecha troops breaking in, Jamie Fox's heart gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.

Knowing that the other party was most likely coming for him and had locked his hiding place, he suddenly pulled the trigger and roared.


Da da da da da da!

The roars rang in the air-raid shelter, and the machine guns and submachine guns fired at the same time, forcibly tearing apart the warrior mecha that had just opened the iron door.

However, just as one was torn apart by the side, more warrior mechas had already trampled on the wreckage of their companions and rushed in with steel shields.

On one side were the ancient mechas of the magical flow, and on the other side were the modern troops of the technological flow.

The two sides launched a firepower duel on the spot in the narrow air-raid shelter.

Although the guards around Jamie Fox did not have any heavy firepower, the quality of the guns in their hands was definitely good enough, and the lethality was extraordinary.

This made it difficult for the warrior mechas rushing from the front to get close. They held a shield in their left hand and a strange weapon in their right hand, and they kept firing energy bullets, and were quickly destroyed one by one.

Although they were better than the other side in terms of firepower, the problem was that the guards who fled in a hurry did not have much ammunition on them!

Even if they tried their best to save ammunition by alternate shooting, as time went by, the number of enemies coming in increased, and the bullets in their hands began to run out.

Jamie Fox, whose machine gun suddenly stopped firing, looked at the mechas that continued to pour in and gritted his teeth.

After throwing away the machine gun, he raised his hand and pulled out the hand axe hanging on his waist, and then pulled two grenades from the waist of the guard next to him and inserted them into his belt.

After doing all this, he roared angrily.

"Brothers! Prepare for hand-to-hand combat!"

The members of the guards next to him, who were also out of ammunition and food, drew out their tactical daggers and bayonets, and pushed their bodies behind the bunker with fierce expressions.

Seeing the enemy approaching, they were tense and ready to rush out for the last fight at any time.

But before the enemy completely pressed in front of the bunker, the harsh roar of guns suddenly sounded.

A large number of bullets were fired from the entrance, and the mechas were almost instantly riddled with holes.

A large number of soldiers with steel helmets on their heads rushed out of the entrance with submachine guns roaring, and shot at the warrior mechas when they saw them.

The warrior mechas that could withstand the machine gun fire before were like paper in front of these soldiers' submachine guns, and they broke at the touch.

And as the soldiers poured in, there were bursts of roars from the entrance.

The next second, several tanks appeared at the entrance!

The sun shone into the air-raid shelter from the back, reflecting the tanks and the soldiers above.

The soldier sitting on the front tank also spoke at this moment.

"Lao Deng? Is he dead? Seeing me at this time, do you feel like a god descending from the sky?"

Qin Ming, holding a cigarette and wearing a helmet crookedly, led the troops into the venue!

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