Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 211 Magic VS Technology

To be honest, Qin Ming was also quite confused about what was happening now.

He had just planned with Kasamoto Eri that Kasamoto Eri would follow the protagonist group to perform the mission and earn benefits over there, while he would stay here to lead the soldiers to hunt everywhere and earn benefits here, and everyone would act separately.

Not long after the two sides separated, he had not had time to continue hunting, and his own camp was hunted by others first!

And what the hell is this in the sky? In the world of Metal Slug! Where did such a big ancient Japanese warship come from!

And these samurai mechas! This style of painting is not right! Are they really the product of the world of Metal Slug? !

Although he was confused by the sudden sneak attack, Qin Ming still reacted quickly.

Because his camp was close to the edge and not located in the core area of ​​the military camp, he was not affected by the enemy's sneak attack at all. He immediately led the hound troops into the battlefield, ready to shoot down this strange thing in the sky.

When he found a large number of enemies blocking the air-raid shelter and attacking on the way, he did not forget to bring people to help.

After all, although he and Collins, the nominal commander, and Fio's father, who seemed to be a higher rank, did not get along well, he could not watch them being killed.

The main reason was that if they were killed, the regular army would definitely send other officers to take over the camp.

These two guys were stupid and relatively easy to deal with. He did not want to try whether the next officer would be so easy to get along with.

If he met a fool who had to fight to the death with him, he would have to find a way to kill him. How troublesome!

So Qin Ming came to support him on the way. He quickly smashed the warrior mechas blocking the door. He looked at Jamie Fox who was looking up at him in surprise on the opposite side, and could not help but raise his eyebrows.

"Okay, the crisis is over. You can continue to hide in another place. The rest will be solved by my people."

After that, Qin Ming waved his hand vigorously, commanded the troops to turn around and prepare to leave.

But before he left, Jamie Fox, who had reacted, had already run over.

"Wait a minute! You can't get rid of the enemy with your troops alone! You must take over the air defense force!"

"Air defense force?"


"What defense! They were taken down the first time! They didn't even fire a single shot! They were long gone!"


"Old man, just stay aside. You have nothing to do here. We can deal with the target in the sky by ourselves."

Waving his hand again, Qin Ming led the troops to rush outside quickly.

But before the troops rushed to the door, Jamie Fox, an old man in his fifties or sixties, suddenly trotted onto the alloy warhead tank and climbed onto Qin Ming's car in front of his stunned eyes.

"Take me with you!"


"My guards are also elite soldiers! Take us with you! If we can take down the Tiansheng battleship, everything will be fine! If you can't take it down! Then we are just waiting to die here! I don't have the habit of handing life and death to others! Give me a gun!"

Looking at Jamie Fox with a stubborn face, Qin Ming shrugged helplessly and waved to the adjutant Beta beside him.

"Beta! Give them weapons!"

Adjutant Beta nodded after hearing the order, and quickly took out the weapons from the car and threw them to Jamie Fox and others.

Jamie Fox, who caught a submachine gun, looked down carefully, and after pulling the bolt hard, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

"What a good thing! It's almost as good as the guns of the elite special forces! Where did you get this stuff? Isn't it a controlled item in the military!"

"Why do you care where we got it from? Just use it! Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Qin Ming, who had once again set up a heavy machine gun, finally rushed out of the air-raid shelter with the tank.

As the sky brightened, the battlefield situation outside finally came into everyone's sight.

Looking at the battlefield at this moment, Admiral Jamie Fox, who was sitting on the tank with a submachine gun, suddenly widened his eyes, and even his mouth opened slowly in shock.

Because at this moment in the camp, a fierce battle is going on!

A large number of tanks and chariots shuttled across the ground at high speed, and the machine gunners above set up their weapons and fired wildly at the warrior mechas coming from all directions.

This caused a large number of mechas to explode, and broken mecha fragments could be seen everywhere on the ground.

And on some bunkers and buildings, some soldiers had set up heavy weapons and launched a covering attack on the ground and the sky.

The soldiers holding heavy machine guns roared wildly, aiming at the huge battleship in the sky and pulling the trigger desperately. The bullets were connected in a row, bombarding the bottom of the battleship continuously, and punching rows of bullet holes on it.

The most important thing is that there are more than a dozen fighters hovering in the sky at this moment. They are like fighting eagles in the sky, shuttling back and forth among countless flying combat mechas, unstoppable, and constantly destroying one mecha after another.

Hound tank company! Hound infantry company! Hound air force!

A legion of more than 4,000 people! At this moment, they have all rushed into the camp! And with a violent momentum! They are suppressing the warrior mechas that suddenly descended!

After all, this group of mass-produced warrior mechas are generally just special automatic vehicles of white level, and the more advanced ones are only of green quality.

As for Qin Ming's troops, their guns are blue, their clothes are blue, and their helmets are also blue.

This is because underwear is not considered equipment, otherwise Qin Ming would like to strengthen even their pants to blue!

Not to mention that in addition to these conventional weapons, there are also silver-quality machine guns and rocket launchers! Blue or silver-level chariots and tanks!

With the recent large-scale expansion of the army! Qin Ming even got more than a dozen blue-level fighters! Now they are being driven and operated by the pilot adjutant Shuke!

Such a luxuriously equipped legion! If the mass-produced warrior mecha can beat it! That would be a ghost!

Looking at a tank running rampant, knocking away several warrior mechas in an instant, and rushing towards the distance while firing.

He looked at the enemy troops that were being swept away crazily and could not compete with the fierce firepower here.

Jamie Fox, who was sitting on the tank, was stunned for a while.

After seeing the tank under him rushing towards the enemy, he quickly picked up his submachine gun and fired crazily at the warrior mechas rushing around.

Amidst the flying sparks, the warrior mechas were riddled with bullet holes before they could even get close, and fell straight to the ground.

Jamie Fox, who had quickly emptied all the bullets in his gun, casually hung a submachine gun on his body, and actually jumped directly into the tank, dragged the driver inside, and sat in the driver's seat himself.

"What the hell are you operating! Get out of the way! Let me do it!"

Accompanied by bursts of roars, the Metal Slug tank with a new driver suddenly roared forward, jumping and bouncing back and forth among the enemies, dodging the rain of bullets while aiming at the surrounding enemies and firing.

At this moment, the Metal Slug tank seemed to have a life! It was completely alive!

Name: Jamie Fox (Metal Slug 1)

Strength 15

Constance 15

Agility 25

Spirit 10

Skills: Firearms Mastery (B-level) Combat Mastery (B-level) Weapon Mastery (B-level) Driving Mastery (A-level)

Introduction: One of the five generals of the regular army! The current head of an Italian military family! A legendary figure who fought his way up from a soldier to a general! The commander-in-chief of the tank unit! Nickname in the army: Alloy Chariot!

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