Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 213 Adventurers in the Sky Battleship

The sudden opening of fire instantly killed several adventurers.

After the others reacted, they quickly hid behind the bunkers and tried to fight back.

However, the ordinary tables, chairs and benches in the control console could not withstand the sweep of the silver-level machine gun, not to mention the bombardment of the alloy bullets.

In almost a moment, the bunkers were shot into sieves, and the adventurers hiding behind them screamed and fell to the ground, and several more died.

Just as Qin Ming was frantically pulling the trigger here, there was a sharp sound of wind explosion on the side.

With the strong wind coming, the adventurer captain who had seen the situation was not right before and instantly took out the iron rod to support the ground and jumped away, avoiding the machine gun shooting, had already launched an attack.

And this move! It was a killer move!

To be the commander-in-chief of the Sky City Fortress, this captain's status and strength are extraordinary, even above the previous adventurers Feng and Nu.

After all, the two are just good seedlings being cultivated, with potential but no real power.

The captain in front of him is the real leader of the King of Fighters team!

Even if he is just the leader of a low-level adventure area! He is still a powerful person!

With a roar, he relied on pole vaulting to jump several meters away, and the moment he landed, he had already swept out with a horizontal stick.

With a strange roar from his mouth, the iron stick in his hand actually extended several meters on the spot! Dragged out a lot of afterimages! Sweeping towards Qin Ming like a steel whip!

Characters in the King of Fighters world! Stick King Billy's skills!

B-level super kill! Stick dance big whirlwind!

With a loud bang, the hard alloy warhead tank was actually swept away by this stick!

The tank rolled several times on the ground, and after landing, it jumped up again.

And Qin Ming, who was thrown out unexpectedly, was hit by the iron stick that swept over before he had time to land during the roll.

The captain of the adventurer forcefully extended the iron stick to four or five meters in length. At this moment, it was not like waving a weapon, but more like waving a telephone pole. He hit Qin Ming twice in a row, hitting Qin Ming like hitting a baseball.

As the skill was over, the captain of the adventurer instantly put away the stick, holding the long stick with both hands in a fierce manner.

Qin Ming, who was blown away, grabbed the ground with one hand while rolling, and his fingers hooked five scratches on the ground like iron hooks, forcibly stopping his body.

Looking up at the captain of the adventurer holding a stick and glaring at him, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he suddenly stood up and threw out four sound speed hand knives.

As soon as these four single sound speed hand knives approached, the captain of the adventurer swung the iron stick in his hand and accurately smashed them all.

The captain of the adventurer swung the iron stick casually, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

With the flash of white light from the weapon in his hand, he once again performed the ultimate skill of stick dance whirlwind, and swung the weapon towards Qin Ming.

Looking at the huge stick shadow that was coming at him, Qin Ming raised his arms without hesitation and tried to take the blow.

Seeing this, the adventurer captain couldn't help but show a ferocious smile on his face. He had originally reserved two layers of strength just in case, but all of them burst out on the spot.

Three loud noises spread one after another! The adventurer captain, who swung his body three times in a row, made dense cracks on the floor of the entire hall.

The glass on both sides was also shattered by the huge impact.

Although this set of combos was terrifying, the adventurer captain did not show any joy on his face after performing the skills. Instead, he suddenly widened his eyes and screamed.


Because on the opposite side, Qin Ming, who relied on the golden arm guards on his hands to forcibly block the attack, was almost unscathed at this moment.

This large-scale attack from the front was all offset by the extra defense of the arm guards and his own defense!

Without waiting for the captain of the adventurers on the opposite side to recover from his shock, Qin Ming, who had already retracted his arms, suddenly had a flash of fire in his eyes.

With his hands open, the violent airflow quickly gathered around him.

Accumulate power! Sonic hand knife! Six bursts!

Buzz buzz buzz!

A continuous sound of breaking through the air sounded, and six milky white air currents drew various arcs in the air, madly slashing towards the enemy in front.

The captain of the adventurers saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and he quickly held the iron stick and spun it up. With the blazing fire burning on the stick, it turned directly into a whistling fire wheel!

B-level super-kill! Super Flame Whirlwind Stick!

Kill against kill! Special skills against special skills!

Two special skills, one attack and one defense! They collided in the control room!

With the harsh cutting sound! The moment the two came into contact! The raging fire on the stick had been engulfed by the white flames on the sonic knife!

This caused the original super-large fire wheel to be directly rendered into a white fire wheel for a moment.

The iron stick that was madly infiltrated by the dream fire became fragile on the spot, and then, with the adventurer captain looking like he had seen a ghost, it was forcibly cut off by the other five sonic knives that followed!

The sound of the wind was buzzing, and the sonic knife slashed across the adventurer captain's body, and then chopped hard on the wall behind, leaving five regular cuts more than two meters long on the wall.

The adventurer captain, who suddenly stood still, had his eyes wide open.

After being stiff for two seconds, as his body shook, the iron stick in his hand and his flesh were split into several pieces, and he died on the spot.

The Super Flame Whirlwind Stick is a killer move that combines both offense and defense. It can protect the body when rotating and offset all melee and ranged attacks.

And at the last moment, the flame on the stick can be thrown out to bombard the enemy with a medium-distance fireball by surprise. It can be said to be a very perfect killer move.

Relying on this skill, the adventurer captain has offset other people's killer moves before, and he is invincible.

It's a pity that he is facing a charged sonic hand knife that has evolved to A-level this time!

Not to mention that it can fire six times in a row! There is also the mutant bloodline of the dreamy unknown fire inside!

First, the stick was eroded by the dreamy unknown fire and became fragile, and the fire wheel was forcibly offset by the first sonic hand knife.

Facing the other five sonic hand knives that followed closely, the adventurer captain, whose trick had been broken, was really unstoppable.

The sudden death of the captain here caused other adventurers to scream.

They had never expected that their boss would be killed so quickly, so they turned around and tried to flee.

However, facing the double firepower interception formed by the alloy warhead tanks driven by Qin Ming and Jamie Foss, how could these ordinary adventurers rush out?

Amid screams, all the adventurers in the control console were quickly eliminated. Jamie Foss came to the control console and quickly stopped the operation of the giant warship Sky City.

With a loud bang, the Sky City warship fell to the ground, and countless warrior mechas that were fighting with the hound troops in the surrounding camps also stopped their actions and entered standby mode.

Seeing that he had finally dealt with this big guy, Jamie Foss breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the control console to relax completely.

Qin Ming, who had been holding a gun to warn him, also lowered his weapon when he saw this.


"Yes, it's solved. This thing is already our trophy. Boy, happy cooperation."

"Yes, happy cooperation, Lao Deng."

When Qin Ming finished speaking, Jamie Fox, who had already smiled and even took the initiative to extend his hand to Qin Ming, suddenly froze.

Looking down at Qin Ming's hand, he slapped it away without thinking, making a crisp sound.

"Boy! You call me Lao Deng when you open your mouth and Lao Cong when you close your mouth! You don't know what it means to respect your elders!"

Qin Ming, who was hit on the palm, also widened his eyes on the spot when he heard the words.

"How dare you say that to me? You were the first to call me a soldier! You want me to respect the elderly? You don't even know how to love the young!"

"I am a general of the federal government! A five-star general! When I was in the army! You were still in your mother's womb! What's wrong with me scolding you? Others beg me to scold you, but I don't have the chance!"

"Then go find those who beg you! You are a guy who takes advantage of your age! You still want to be a general? Even your hot sauce doesn't work! Don't play that trick on me! You are a general, and you still need me to save you?"

"You little bastard!"

Jamie Fox, whose sore spot was touched, couldn't help but turn black in his old face. He threw the submachine gun hanging on his body to the ground in an instant, and then rushed directly towards Qin Ming.

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