Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 214 Temporary Command

As footsteps sounded, all the enemies here stopped and the battleships fell down. The soldiers rushed into the battleships in a hurry, looking for traces of their leaders.

After rushing into the main control room, they finally found Qin Ming and General Jamie Foss.

It's just that the situation of these two people is not good at the moment. To be precise, Jamie Foss's situation is not good.

Guys who dare to fight Qin Ming in close combat never end well, and Jamie Foxx is no exception.

He rushed forward and tried to regain the ground, but he was not beaten at all. At this moment, Qin Ming was picking him up by the neck and throwing him away.

With his legs completely in the air, he was also pulling on Qin Ming's collar with all his strength, trying to fight back.

It's a pity that his weak strength is completely useless when facing Qin Ming's brutal destruction, and the damage caused at this time is almost zero.

When the soldiers who rushed to the door saw the scene in front of them, they stopped in shock and opened their eyes wide.

Qin Ming and Jamie Foss, who heard the movement, also stopped their movements at the same time and turned their heads to look over.

Looking at the large number of soldiers blocking the door, their faces turned dark on the spot.


Roaring sounds sounded at the same time, and the frightened soldiers quickly turned around and ran out of the room.

As the door closed, the sound of wrestling and fighting immediately resounded in the control room.

This made the soldiers standing at the door look at each other in confusion.

After looking at each other in silence for a few seconds, Jamie Foss's personal guards and the hound soldiers on the other side suddenly started quarreling with each other while waving their weapons, and the quarrel even broke into each other.

Inside the door, Qin Ming and Jamie Foss, who had a disagreement, were fighting fiercely.

Outside the door, the hound troops also followed the guards and fell into a mess.

This chaotic internal fight lasted for half an hour before it was finally over...

Half an hour later, in the reorganized camp tent, Admiral Jamie Foss, with a bruised nose and face, sat in the main seat with an expressionless face. Next to him stood Major General Collins with his head lowered.

On the opposite side, stood Qin Ming and his two lieutenants.

Looking at the room full of officials, and at the members of his own personal guard who were also bruised and swollen next to them, Jamie Foss's lips trembled in anger, but in the end he said nothing.

In the hand-to-hand battle just now, it was obvious that they suffered a loss. After all, it was impossible not to suffer a loss.

Even if his personal guards are all fierce men, they are all soldiers at the level of kings.

But there are only more than thirty people in the Guards, while the Hound Legion has more than four thousand people!

The fight was going on here, but before the two sides could decide the winner, other hound soldiers who came after hearing the news rushed into the battlefield.

Hundreds of people chased and beat up more than 30 people. It would be crazy if they could take advantage!

Covering his blue eyes, he looked up at the guy in front of him who was wearing a hat crookedly, an open coat, and his hands in his pockets. He looked like a puppet soldier. He took two deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and finally Get down to business.

"I have informed the senior management to send someone to take over this giant ancient warship. Its technology is very special and has never been seen before. It must be of great research value. You all turned defeat into victory this time and worked together to win this giant. You have made great contributions, and I will definitely apply for awards from the higher ups."

As soon as Jamie Foss said this, the officials around him started to flatter him. They said that he was a good commander and that he took the lead. It can be said that they said all the good things they could think of.

Jamie Foss, who ignored these flatterers, suddenly turned his head and looked at Collins aside without saying a word.

This made Major General Collins swallow nervously, lower his head, and his whole body was extremely stiff.

He knew that his performance was very poor this time. At the critical moment, he did not dare to go to the battlefield and give orders because he was afraid of death. In the eyes of Jamie Foss, his father's old comrade, his evaluation has definitely dropped to the extreme.

It's just that there was such a huge battleship in the sky at that time, and there were so many enemies on the ground, no one would be afraid of it!

If you accidentally get shot! That would really kill you!

Looking at Collins who lowered his head and dared not say a word, Jamie Foss took a deep breath and was too lazy to criticize the other party in public.

After retracting his gaze, he suddenly turned to look at Qin Ming and said in a deep voice.

"Corporal Hyena!"

"Ah? Ah yes."

"I am now using my temporary privileges to promote you to the rank of federal major. The frontline camp will be temporarily taken over by you and your troops. All soldiers will obey your command. I have only one request, and that is to guard this place! Suppress all rebel movements around ! What happened today will never happen again! You know!”


"Others are responsible for assisting Major Hyena. If anyone disobeys the command, he will be punished according to military law!"

"As you command!"

Raising their hands and saluting neatly, all the officers in the tent roared at the same time.

Major General Collins, who was standing next to him and was also saluting, looked pale at this moment.

He knew that his real power was completely taken away from him.

As the orders were issued here, seeing that the old man Jamie Foss had no other orders to issue, Qin Ming, who was finally able to move freely, turned around and issued his own orders without even leaving the camp.

"Adjutant Shuke!"


"This major now officially promotes you to captain! You are responsible for taking over all the soldiers in the camp! If someone disobeys! Kill him!"


"Adjutant Beta!"


"I will now appoint you as captain! You are responsible for taking over all the weapons and supplies in the camp! If anyone stops you, shoot him!"


"Everyone! Disperse!"


After raising his hand to salute, Captain Shuke turned and left.

Adjutant Beta, who turned around, was stunned after taking two steps, and then suddenly turned around and walked back.

"No, the boss, the third brother is responsible for the soldiers, and I am responsible for the weapons. We have taken over all these jobs. What are you responsible for?"

Qin Ming looked at him expressionlessly, and suddenly spoke after two seconds of silence.

"Captain Beta."


"Congratulations on your demotion. You are now a second lieutenant."


"Bullshit! Get out! I am responsible for you! If you don't get out, I will make you a corporal again! Get out!"


Second Lieutenant Beta crawled out of the room, and Qin Ming followed him out with his hands in his pockets and a dark face.

Seeing this scene, Major General Collins opened his mouth several times, wanting to remind Jamie Fox that the major had no right to be promoted to such a high rank.

Even if he wanted to promote someone to captain, it could only be a temporary promotion. He had to report to the top and get approval before he could be officially appointed.

This was a very serious act of overstepping his authority!

He just looked at Jamie Fox, who was still calm and ignored all this. He opened his mouth for a long time, but finally did not dare to speak.

Looking at the three figures going away at the door, he knew that as the other party completely took over the camp, relying on the terrifying assimilation ability they had shown before.

I am afraid that in less than three days, this camp will really be completely renamed Hyena.

By then, even if he regained the command, no one in the camp would listen to him anymore!

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