Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 218 Valley King Tank!

With a buzzing sound, two connected scorching rays flashed in the air.

The next second, before the heat wave in the air dissipated, there were loud noises from the other side.

Several buildings were penetrated by a cannon! Two large holes more than one meter thick appeared directly above!

After penetrating four buildings in a row, the energy beam continued to fly hundreds of meters away before finally dissipating.

Qin Ming, who hurriedly controlled the warhorse to slow down, turned his head and looked at the rapidly collapsing building, his face pale for a moment.

Such outrageous destructive power! This is not what he called steel and iron bones can withstand!

If this is hit by a cannon head-on! It must be bruised and purple! This piece and that piece!

He quickly turned the machine gun, and Qin Ming, riding on a tall horse, aimed at the Gu Wang tank that was walking side by side with him and started a crazy sweep.

A large number of bullets bombarded the tank, hitting the opponent with sparks flying, but it was completely unable to penetrate the front armor of the heavy tank.

Trying to shoot the sonic hand knife, even the charged version of the sonic hand knife, can only leave marks on it, but can't penetrate the armor at all.

The giant tank under attack, although the main gun has not cooled down yet, can't continue to fire.

But the two heavy Gatling machine guns mounted on both sides, which are prepared to make up for the defect of incoherent firepower, also began to rotate at this moment.

A piercing roar sounded, and a piece of fire was aimed at Qin Ming and shot wildly.

Wherever the metal storm passed! The ground was beaten with dust! The walls were also torn into pieces!

Even the cars that had been abandoned on the roadside were swept with holes on the spot! Completely turned into sieves!

Looking at such fierce firepower, Qin Ming didn't dare to stand there and continue to fight with him. He hurriedly galloped on his horse and rushed into the building next to him at the last moment.

With a buzzing sound! The metal storm swept through the building area! Sparks flew everywhere inside the store on the spot! Countless items inside were blown to pieces!

However, the bullets failed to hit Qin Ming after all. Relying on the inner wall as a cover, Qin Ming, who made the opponent lose his trace, relied on the complex environment inside the store to forcibly avoid this set of bullet rain baptism.

But before Qin Ming, who controlled the warhorse to break through the back door and rushed out of the floor, could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another loud bang behind him.

Qin Ming turned his head in surprise and his eyes widened on the spot. Behind him, in the smoke of the explosion, a behemoth broke through the wall again!

The King of Valley tank relied on its own invulnerability! Infinite strength! It actually rushed directly into the building! It forcibly knocked a big hole under the floor! It caught up again!

Name: Heavy Artillery Tank - Gu Wang (Metal Slug 1)

Heavy Gatling Vulcan Cannon: Fixed Attack Power 50-100

Developed Double-Barreled Energy Cannon: Fixed Attack Power 200-400 (45 seconds to recharge)

Defense: 50 (front) 25 (side and back)

Armor Value: 4868/5000

Introduction: A super secret weapon developed by the rebels to deal with Metal Slug Tanks, known for its powerful firepower.

Outrageous attack power! Outrageous defense power! And equally outrageous armor value!

This third act big boss in front of you! The combat power has far exceeded that of ordinary bosses!

Or it can be said that it is not something that a single person can deal with! As a big boss in the world of firearms! This thing is used to fight the army!

Amid the roar, the Gu Wang tank kept crashing through various bunkers, chasing Qin Ming and shooting desperately.

Qin Ming, who was controlling the warhorse, relied on various shelters to dodge left and right, desperately fleeing in front of the tank, and did not dare to fight the opponent.

Fortunately, his warhorse ran fast enough and had a feature that doubled its movement speed.

Otherwise, facing the pursuit of such a giant, ordinary adventurers would have been beaten to death long ago.

If they were not killed by strafing, they would be caught up and crushed to death on the spot!

Qin Ming, who was escaping, had also thought about jumping on the tank, avoiding the opponent's powerful firepower, and directly blasting it from the inside.

After all, close combat is their home ground, and the tank is most afraid of being attacked by someone.

But the problem is that they are facing two Gatling machine guns that never stop shooting crazily, and the opponent has been keeping a certain distance from them.

Qin Ming wanted to jump on it, but that also requires a chance!

The cross-fire of two Gatling guns! You can imagine how fierce the firepower will be!

Qin Ming can do everything, but he lacks the means of attacking.

This caused Qin Ming to not even have time to escape, so how could he dare to turn around and rush towards the other party!

There was another rumble, and the energy cannon that had been fully charged fired again.

The dazzling beam flew past Qin Ming's back and hit the ground directly, actually shooting a gully that stretched more than 100 meters long on the ground. The camera even made a huge explosion, causing another floor to collapse.

The terrifying destructive power of one shot per floor showed how outrageous the power of the boss in the Metal Slug world was.

As a world of B-level difficulty, the boss in Metal Slug is completely different from the boss in other worlds.

The world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 can be rated as B-level, not because the boss inside is terrifying, but the boss inside is actually only ordinary. The high score is mainly because they have soldiers! There are many, many soldiers!

The world of Fatal Fury will be rated as B-level! It is purely because the characters in the plot have high martial arts values! Too good at fighting alone!

And this Metal Slug world, even though the protagonists also have countless soldiers to assist in the battle, and both sides are evenly matched, it will still be rated as B-level! It's simply because the BOSS in this world is too powerful!

Just this one Valley King tank! It is enough to kill the previous big boss Xiahou Dun and his entire army!

Such powerful firepower! Don't even mention letting Xiahou Dun go! Even if you let Captain Hook with the power of the elves come! If he dares to take a head-on shot! He will die!

This kind of war machine! The firepower carried on it is so fierce! It is simply not something that the flesh can contend with!

The Valley King tank, which failed to hit the shells again, continued to control the Gatling gun to fire wildly at Qin Ming.

Looking at the enemy galloping in front of them, the drivers inside the Valley King tank were actually quite shocked.

After all, if you see a horse that actually beats a tank head-on, you will also be shocked.

What kind of horse is this on the opposite side! This is clearly a tank! An all-terrain multi-purpose tank!

The King of Valley tank is equipped with four thrusters! It can't even outrun it!

If an ordinary tank encounters this enemy, it would have been thrown away long ago.

Looking at a big jump, it jumped several meters on the spot, jumped over the ruins and landed steadily, and started running again. It was like a ghost horse walking on flat ground, and there was a machine gun on the warhorse, aiming at the enemy who was madly shooting at it.

Seeing that the surface of the tank was hit and uneven, the King of Valley tank drivers almost thought they saw a ghost.

The drivers who quickly retracted the machine gun into the tank and urgently replaced the bullets for it gritted their teeth for a while, with fierce eyes.

The strongest experimental tank of their own debuted for the first time, but it couldn't take down a flesh and blood warhorse. This is simply the biggest insult.

They must kill the enemy today! They must roast the horse and eat the meat!

The drivers who had finished reloading the ammunition controlled the equipment and raised the two Gatling machine guns again, preparing to launch a new round of shooting at the enemy.

However, before their guns started roaring, they suddenly heard a series of loud noises.

The next second! With the expressions of several drivers who had seen a ghost! The Gu Wang tank they were driving! There were actually a lot of bullet holes on the armor!

These bullet holes were more than one foot deep! If the Gu Wang tank was not big enough! The front armor was thick enough! I'm afraid it would have been penetrated from the front!

The machine gun bullets almost penetrated the armor of the heavy tank! Such an outrageous scene! The drivers were stunned for a while!

At the same time, Qin Ming, who had forced a burst of bullets to penetrate the front armor of the Gu Wang tank, had a happy look on his face.

He found that this trick actually worked, and he roared fiercely and set up the energy machine gun in his hand again.

And this time the energy machine gun! The surface was actually burning with white flames!

Bloodline power blessing! Phantom Shiranui!

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