Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 219: Winning in Danger

Qin Ming had always had an idea before, that is, if he added his blood fire to the weapon, could he enchant the weapon and make it also have the defense reduction effect of the Fantasy Unknown Fire.

However, the results of the previous tests were not ideal, because before the enchantment was successful, the enchanted weapons were often eroded by the Fantasy Unknown Fire and became shattered at the touch.

This also caused his enchantment plan to be temporarily shelved.

And now, facing this invulnerable behemoth in front of him, Qin Ming, who had no chance to get close in close combat and could not beat the opponent in long-range bombardment, saw that he really couldn't do anything to the opponent, and finally started the enchantment action again.

And this time the enchantment target! It was the newly acquired vehicle machine gun in his hand!

The bullets fired by the energy machine gun are energy bullets, which are different from physical bullets.

Physical bullets will be affected by the erosion of the Fantasy Unknown Fire, causing them to become fragile and lose their power before they have time to spread the flames to the enemy.

And energy bullets have no entity at all, which makes it the best flame carrier now!

The blazing machine guns continued to spray fire, and the white flame bullets bombarded the Guwang tank crazily, hitting the heavy monster with sparks and deep bullet holes on the surface.

In just a blink of an eye, the super armor that the Guwang tank was most proud of was destroyed beyond recognition and seriously distorted.

This shocked the drivers inside the tank. They never expected that there would be a weapon that could penetrate the armor of the Guwang tank head-on.

They instinctively slowed down after being frightened, and Qin Ming immediately followed suit and continued to shoot at the tank.

Listening to the loud clanging sounds coming from the ears, looking at the cavalry who were driving side by side with them and shooting crazily at this side.

The drivers found that the situation was not right. Not only did they fail to deal with the enemy, but they were in danger. Suddenly, they looked at each other and nodded in unison.

With a deafening roar, the four thrusters behind the Guwang tank simultaneously ejected dazzling flames.

The next second! This behemoth weighing thousands of tons! It accelerated madly and rushed towards Qin Ming next to it!

The drivers who found that something was wrong! They actually chose to force a collision! Trying to crush Qin Ming to death!

The Gu Wang tank was obviously prepared for a head-on collision. Not only was the armor extremely thick, but there was also a sharp ram installed in the front. From a distance, it looked like a giant bulldozer.

At this moment, with its full power, it went completely crazy. This behemoth rushed towards Qin Ming with overwhelming momentum.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming was so scared that he stopped shooting immediately and controlled the warhorse to run forward desperately.

He ran! The Gu Wang tank was chasing behind! While controlling the machine gun to fire wildly! While accelerating and crashing forward!

Crashing down the wall! Breaking the floor! Even forcibly breaking the bridge!

Facing the Gu Wang tank that ignored consumption and operated all four thrusters to the extreme, the warhorse could no longer outrun it.

After all, the King of Valley tank is just too heavy at the moment! Otherwise, this thing with four propulsion devices installed! Can be pushed up on the spot by the propeller!

With a loud bang, the King of Valley tank that crashed through the building finally caught up with Qin Ming in front of him under his shocked eyes.

The huge tank hit him and the warhorse hard, knocking them out on the spot.

And before the two of them landed, the giant tank that was ten meters high had rushed over quickly and crushed the two of them in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the drivers inside the King of Valley tank couldn't help cheering.

Although in order to deal with an enemy, he had to control the tank to demolish three streets and almost crossed the entire city.

And it also consumed most of the precious energy inside the tank.

But all this is worth it. It is worth paying any price to get rid of a monster that can threaten the King of Valley tank!

Standing up and high-fiving each other, the drivers inside the King of Valley tank are extremely excited at this moment and celebrate loudly.

It's just...


Just as the drivers cheered, a harsh friction sound suddenly sounded. Everyone who heard the noise was stunned, and hurried to their seats to observe the situation outside through the monitoring equipment.

As a result, they saw a figure hanging on the outer armor of the tank!

At the last moment, Qin Ming, who was about to be crushed under the tank, kicked the warhorse forcefully, and at the cost of the warhorse, he jumped onto the Guwang tank!

Five fingers were like iron hooks, firmly inserted into the tank armor.

At this moment, Qin Ming, with a ferocious face, was spinning white air waves at high speed on his other hand, holding a sonic hand knife and cutting the tank armor with all his strength!

Amidst the sparks, the front armor of the Guwang tank was constantly penetrated by the dream fire, causing it to become gradually fragile, and then it was forcibly cut through by the sonic hand knife.

Piece after piece of iron plate was cut off savagely, and the Guwang tank, whose armor was one meter thick, gradually had a big hole cut out on the front!

Finding that something was wrong, the drivers panicked and manipulated their weapons to try to shoot.

However, the two Gatling Vulcan cannons above had just turned their direction when they were greeted by a series of rapid-fire hand knives.

The buzzing sound of the knife flashed into a whole, accompanied by sparks flying everywhere. The two Gatling Vulcan cannons above were cut with gaps all over the spot, exploded in flames, and were completely scrapped.

And the huge double-barreled cannon above could not shoot at the area below because of the angle!

The weapons were destroyed, and the tanks were approached. The panicked drivers hurriedly grabbed the weapons in the car, struggled to climb to the top of the tank along the upper exit, and shot at Qin Ming with guns, trying to force him down.

And several main drivers also controlled the tanks to keep crashing into various things, trying to force Qin Ming to get rid of him in this way, or to directly crash him to death.

However, without the threat of the Vulcan cannon and the double-barreled cannon, how could this ordinary collision and gun shooting possibly get rid of Qin Ming?

Strongly resisting the rain of bullets and violent collisions, after following the Gu Wang tank to crash through three floors in a row, accompanied by a loud bang, the front armor of the Gu Wang tank was finally forcibly cut open by Qin Ming!

With one kick, the last piece of armor iron that had been cut was kicked out.

Qin Ming followed the gap! He rushed into the interior of the Guwang tank!

Looking at the spacious cockpit, the drivers who were looking at him with horror.

Qin Ming reached out to wipe the dust off his face, and suddenly spat a mouthful of bloody saliva to the side.

The next second! Fiery fire! Sonic hand knife!


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