Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 220 King Gu’s spoils


A huge explosion sounded, and the sky-high flames emerged inside the city, forming a small mushroom cloud.

The Guwang tank, which Qin Ming forcibly destroyed the control device and detonated the internal ammunition, was finally destroyed.

But even if it was attacked by an internal explosion, it suffered huge damage.

But this giant tank was not completely blown to pieces. It still maintained the overall shape of the tank, and its appearance was still so indestructible.

Only on the front, a square gap was forcibly cut out, leading directly to the inside.

The violent explosion that occurred here caused countless soldiers to rush over after hearing the news. Then they stared blankly at the war weapons that had turned into wreckage. For a moment, they were dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

At the same time, in an alley in the distance, a very embarrassed Qin Ming also appeared here.

Wiping the ashes from his face, he cursed all the way.

Since entering the nightmare space, this is the first time he has encountered a BOSS that can chase him head-on!

No! This is no longer as simple as chasing and running! What if this was really hit from the front by the main gun! He was immediately killed!

It's just that every advantage has its disadvantages. The ridiculous destructive power of the Valley King Tank is due to its huge size.

Everything is easy when Qin Ming is not close, but once Qin Ming is close and finds the blind spot, it will be a piece of fish on the chopping board!

It's a pity that his alloy war horse was crushed to death by the Valley King tank.

It seems that we can no longer use it in this world, and we can only wait for it to be summoned again in the next world.

Pulling the rags on his body, Qin Ming strode forward with a dark face. Before he had taken a few steps, his body suddenly stiffened and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

At the same time, a pistol quickly poked out from the shadow of the alley to the side and gently pressed it against Qin Ming's temple.


Listening to the voice ringing in his ears, Qin Ming's eyes twitched and he turned his head silently with a straight face.

"That's the code! Don't ask your boss for the code! Don't point a gun at his head!"

Upon hearing this, Miles Kasamoto immediately put away his weapon and walked out of the shadows happily.

Next to him were three heavily armed companions, who were the protagonist's group.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was looking extremely embarrassed at the moment, Kasamoto Miles narrowed his eyes and smiled brightly.

"Boss! We're hundreds of meters away! I've already noticed your red bellyband!"

"I told you this is not a bellyband! This is a vest!"

"Oh, it's all the same. When I saw such a big commotion here, I guessed that you were here. How was it? How was the harvest?"

Looking at Kasamoto Miles approaching happily, Qin Ming did not speak this time, but opened his hands slightly.

And in his hand, there was a key, a light golden key!

Valley King Tank Trophy! Dull gold level key!

This Valley King tank! It's actually a monster on the same level as Captain Hook!

Seeing the golden key, Miles Kasamoto couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, then grabbed Qin Ming and led him towards the alley.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the secret base first."

The five people escaped from enemies coming from all directions and immediately passed through the sewer and arrived at a residential building.

After entering the room and checking the surrounding environment, several people finally relaxed and found a place to sit down.

Looking at Qin Ming who was taking out a new piece of clothing and putting it on, Miles Kasamoto stood there and suddenly reached out and pointed to the side.

"Let me formally introduce you to you. This is my boss, Corporal Hyena, and these are my fighting partners, Feo, Mark and Talma."

As soon as Kasamoto Miles finished speaking, Qin Ming, who had arranged his clothes and put on his military uniform, already spoke with a straight face.

"Correction! It's not a corporal! I have been promoted now! You can call me Major Hyena! At the same time, I also serve as the temporary commander of the frontline troops! This time I am here to launch a special rescue for you! And assist you in executing your plan! "

"Major? Temporary commander?!"

Hearing Qin Ming's words, several people around him were shocked.

Fortunately for the major, although such young majors are rare, they are not uncommon in the military.

But the status of the temporary frontline commander is too high! You need to know the commander of such an important place! Generally, only those at the commander level or major general level are qualified to hold this position!

Looking at Qin Ming, who had changed into the commander's military uniform and hung the military emblem on his chest, Feiou and the others quickly stood up and raised their hands in salute.

Only Miles Kasamoto still stood there carelessly, showing no respect at all.

After all, this woman who grew up in an orphanage, started to mingle with society as a teenager, and managed to become a gangster, is not a stickler for rules.

What she hates the most is rules and regulations. It is completely impossible to expect her to be polite to her own people.

It was impossible for Qin Ming not to know what kind of character Kasamoto Miles was. After all, he had been hanging out with him for a full month and had completely understood him from the inside out.

Moreover, he himself is not a person who likes to follow rules, and he doesn't care much about them.

Therefore, Qin Ming, who ignored her completely, turned to look at the other three protagonists solemnly and spoke in a low voice.

"I specially brought the next action plan this time. Two days later, my hound troops will launch a large-scale attack on the city. At that time, there will also be regular army air forces to assist in the operation. By the way, the air force is the Philippine Air Force. Ou, your father applied for transfer."

As he spoke, Qin Ming took out a Big Brother phone from his arms and threw it to Feiou.

Looking at her hurriedly catching it, Qin Ming waved his hand.

"Let's send a message to your father to make sure it's safe. By the way, provide him with the air raid location. Your father said you are good at this. It's up to you to negotiate the specific air raid route with him."

The four protagonists can be said to have their own strengths. Miles Kasamoto is a demolition expert, Mark is a computer expert, Talma is a vehicle expert, and Fio is an intelligence expert.

Planning air strike routes and raiding the enemy's main facilities at targeted locations are indeed the areas of expertise of Feo, a master of intelligence warfare.

Of course, this does not rule out Jamie Foxx's intention to take advantage of the opportunity to show his daughter's face and make a big profit.

After all, the regular army is just a push for the management, and the secret service is very powerful. Qin Ming doesn't believe that the top officials really don't know the internal layout of the city at all.

After receiving the call, Feiou quickly ran away and gently dialed the command line.

Holding this very precious satellite phone in her hand, she quickly established communication with her father.

Jamie Foss's majestic voice quickly rang on the phone.


"Ah! Here!"

"Next, you will cooperate with Major Hyena in the city assault! You must do it beautifully, you know! Don't let me down! Don't embarrass Jamie's family!"


"Also, what do you think of Major Hyena?"


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