Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 221 Furious Feiou

Suddenly, from his father, who had always been extremely serious, he heard such a question that was incompatible with his behavior, and Feiou couldn't help but be startled.

Feiou, who had never thought that his father would talk about personal matters while working, looked very shocked at this moment.

"Major Hyena?"

"Yes, what do you think of others?"

"Very strong, very strong. He just killed the newly developed Valley King tank by the rebels alone! That is a super weapon that even our team dare not provoke! He is a very good soldier!"

"Well, what about your personal opinion of him?"

"Private opinion?"

When Feiou heard this inquiry, he became even more confused for a moment.

After recalling her impression of Qin Ming, Feiou couldn't help but frown slightly.

What could she think? She has only met Qin Ming twice in total, okay! It’s not even familiar! What can you think?

Well, although I don’t know why, I obviously don’t like this kind of brutal and rude person, but when they first met, Feiou did have a good impression of Qin Ming and was quite impressed.

But that's the limit. In Feiou's eyes, Qin Ming is just Kasamoto Miles' boyfriend.

A strong soldier in the army who is very capable of fighting, whom he doesn't dislike, and is very willing to get along with.

500 points of favorability is indeed very high.

But the problem is that Feiou is a member of the army, and he is very gentle in nature.

As long as others are not too annoying, her favorability is generally good.

The three companions, Miles Kasamoto, Mark and Talma, all have more than 500 points of favorability with Fio! That is the so-called friendship between life and death!

In her eyes, Qin Ming was nothing more than another comrade who could be entrusted with life and death, nothing special.

After all, Feiou, a girl with sharp glasses who looks soft and frail, has a love favorability index of as high as 850 points! Very difficult to do!

So after scratching his head, Fio, who didn't quite understand why his father asked this question, chose to tell the truth.

"The senses are quite good. This is a man who can be relied on in critical moments. He is a very good comrade-in-arms."

Jamie Foss on the other side of the phone nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Well, that means you think it's pretty good, right?"

"Yes, he is no worse than Mark and Talma and can be relied upon."

"That's good, then you two can work hard to get along, and hold the wedding when you come back."

"Yes! Father...wait a minute?!"

Feiou, who subconsciously nodded and saluted, finally realized something was wrong when he was halfway through his words, and his expression instantly became panicked.


"Yes, didn't you say you think he is good?"

"I said that right! But..."

"Then there's nothing wrong with him. I also think he's pretty good and very suitable to join our Jamie family. Since you are willing, then marry him. From now on, he will be called Jamie Hyena.

"No! No! Wait a minute! I didn't mean that! I've only met him twice! I'm not familiar with him yet!"

"It doesn't matter, we'll get to know each other after we get married."

"But he is Mile Kasamoto's boyfriend!"

"Miri Kasamoto? That female sergeant?"

"Yes! To be precise, she is a sergeant! She has been promoted! She is one level higher than me!"

"No matter what kind of sergeant she is, she is not easy to use even if she is a general. No one can compete with our Jamie family for a man. I will promote her to second lieutenant and transfer her to another department later."


"Ah, what, this matter is settled, I have the final say, you work hard! I will give you two promotions after you turn around and make meritorious service! From now on, you and him will be responsible for managing the frontline troops. Let me tell you, this guy's methods are weird Maybe he will become a new five-star general, and he will be a powerful general. By then, our Jamie family will have two generals! You strive to become the third one, and then let your child become the fourth! indivual!"

"No! Father! Wait a minute! Me!"


Before Feiou could finish speaking, a beep sounded from the satellite phone.

Feiou's expression became dull for a moment after he hung up the phone ruthlessly.

She grabbed the phone and threw it on the bed next to her, her face bulging with anger.

As the child of a military family and the only child, Jamie Foss, who had a son in his old age, did not choose to dote on Feo, but instead raised her completely as a boy.

Feo wanted to apply for the Conservatory of Music, but was forced to be thrown into the Military Academy.

After graduation, Fio wanted to be a romantic musician, but was pushed to the shelf again and became an intelligence expert.

Feiou's hobby is eating and he is a complete foodie, but in the end he is forced to live on military rations and travel on the front line every day.

I have to admit that the military genes of Jamie's family are indeed terrifying. He obviously doesn't like this knowledge and is not interested in learning in this area.

But Feiou became the number one in the Intelligence Department of the Military Academy and was quickly promoted to the leader of the Sparrow Intelligence Team.

But now, I find that my father is still not satisfied with this! Don’t worry about your own political marriage with others! Are you planning to make yourself a general?

And not just myself! My own husband! Future son! Do they all have to become generals?

What a joke! He thought the admirals of the regular army were wholesale! There are only five admirals now!

Who can produce four in one generation? Then will the regular army be named Lianhe or Jamie?

Faced with her father's increasingly aggressive behavior, Feiou was completely angry and finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Feiou, who had been obedient and a good girl all her life, chose to explode!

The consequence is...

Qin Ming, who was sitting next to her and hugging Kasamoto Eri, was suddenly stunned, then frowned and looked at Feiou in the distance with a puzzled look.

Looking at this girl with glasses with her back to him, Qin Ming was confused at this time.

What? She just talked to her father on the phone, and he didn't do anything. Why did he deduct 100 points of favorability for no reason? What does this have to do with him?

Could it be that old man Jamie Fox secretly said bad things about me on the phone?

Okay! That old bastard! I kindly exchanged so many good things with him for a broken gun! He was not satisfied! He even wanted to mess with me behind my back!

Waiting! Wait until the next time we meet! I won’t find an excuse to give him two punches! He lay down quickly enough!

Qin Ming, who was sitting in the same place, became more and more angry.

In the end, he couldn’t swallow this breath, so he chose to get up and walk to Feiou.

Ignoring Feiou, the girl with glasses who was vigilant and distanced herself from him, Qin Ming quickly picked up the satellite phone and dialed Jamie Fox’s address.

Then, when the other party didn’t react at all! He opened his mouth and output to the other party!

Then, before the other party could curse back! He turned off the phone viciously!

Bah! The Qin family will take revenge! Old bastard! This matter is not over today!

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