Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 222 Station Explosion Case

The search plan in the city intensified, and the destruction of the Valley King tank caused the rebels to be completely furious at this moment.

After all, General Modern is now inspecting the city.

As a result, the super weapon that had just been transported to the front line was destroyed before it could show its power, and it was destroyed by one person alone. This is simply a naked slap in the face.

This caused a large number of rebel soldiers to search for the enemy's traces in the city, not only searching for Qin Ming, but also looking for the Peregrine Falcon Squad.

Because when Qin Ming was fighting with the Valley King tank, the four members of the Peregrine Falcon Squad also used this side to attract artillery fire and completed a feat.

That is, they were surrounded by layers of rebels and adventurers, and they blew up the wreckage of the Zhexue that had just been transported, and completely destroyed the energy cannon device above.

This caused all the previous plans of the rebels to fail, and the fantasy of completely improving and mass-producing the Valley King tank would no longer be possible.

The successive setbacks made the rebels completely furious, and they were now searching for the enemy's traces from house to house.

As for Qin Ming and his team at this time? At this moment, several people who had been lurking in the city for two days and one night were preparing for a new special operation.

This special operation was called the decapitation operation. The plan was simple and crude, which was to create chaos in the city and lead all the enemies to reinforce the city, so as to create opportunities for the army that was about to launch an attack.

Finally, there was a joint effort from inside and outside, taking advantage of the chaos of the enemy to completely hunt down General Modern and end this melee.

It was not easy to attract all the enemies to gather in the city.

The target you attacked was small, and you couldn't attract them.

The target you attacked was too big, and you could attract them, but you would put yourself in danger.

And you couldn't attack General Modern directly, otherwise if you really scared him away, the plan would be declared a failure.

Therefore, after some discussion, Qin Ming and others finally had a clear goal.

That was to blow up the enemy's train station! Completely destroy the enemy's supply line!

Whether it is ancient war or modern war, supply is a very important link, and there must be no accidents.

They forcibly blew up the trains and tracks in the train station, and they didn't believe that the enemy would not be anxious.

At noon, at the station, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, an uninvited guest came in front of the station that had been blocked and requisitioned.

Seeing the visitor, the rebel soldiers guarding the door hurriedly raised their weapons and quickly surrounded him.

"Who is it! Raise your hands!"

Looking at the guns pointed at him from all directions, Qin Ming raised his hands obediently.

The soldiers looked at the guy in front of them wearing the uniform of the regular army commander, and at a glance, the rank was not low. They couldn't help looking at each other, wondering why an enemy commander would appear in their own territory.

Although they couldn't figure it out, it didn't prevent the soldiers from arresting Qin Ming.

"Hand over your weapons! Hand them over!"

With the captain's shout, the soldiers around pulled the bolts at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming nodded slightly and cooperated very well to open his clothes.

"You mean these?"

As the clothes were pulled open, the weapons hanging on Qin Ming finally came into view.

These weapons were not guns, but mines! A bunch of grenades! The fuses had been pulled off! Smoking wooden-handled grenades!

Looking at the densely packed wooden-handled grenades hanging in the clothes, the soldiers who had gathered around screamed and turned around and fled in a hurry.

At this time, Qin Ming also laughed, raised his hand to tear off his coat, and threw it with the grenades towards the entrance of the station.


A loud noise spread all around! The main entrance of the station was directly blown down!

A large number of soldiers around were also blown away on the spot and scattered all over the ground.

The explosion here had just sounded, and the vehicles in the distance had begun to roar.

Accompanied by the whistling wind, a modified bulldozer broke through the wall and rushed towards the station at a high speed.

In front of it was a ram made of steel plates, and a machine gun was mounted on top.

The four protagonists sat on the bulldozer, firing wildly at the station, while forcibly knocking away obstacles and breaking through the wall to enter the station!

The armed bulldozer that was temporarily modified by vehicle expert Talma! It made a brilliant appearance!

When rushing past Qin Ming, Kasamoto Eri, who was sitting in the car, did not forget to raise his hand and throw his machine gun to him.

Qin Ming, who caught the machine gun, turned to face the street, turned his back to the station, and blocked the entrance of the station alone.

Inside the station, the four protagonists who rushed in were fighting with the soldiers inside.

Kasamoto Eri, who was carrying a large number of grenades and had activated special skills and obtained the support of twelve tracking explosive bombs, went straight to the locomotives parked in the station.

The so-called tracking explosive bomb is actually a remote-controlled bomb.

Just like a mechanical mouse, it can automatically move forward after starting the device, and it will explode on the spot after reaching the specified distance. The explosive power is extremely strong, and it is a fixed-point blasting, and the main blasting direction is upward.

This thing may not be very effective when used to blow up people.

But if it is used to blow up vehicles, it will definitely be a sure-fire hit.

After all, the chassis of vehicles is always the weakest part.

As the mechanical mouse rushed out at high speed, it madly shot at the locomotives around it, and bursts of roars continued to be heard.

In the flames, one locomotive after another was blown up from the bottom and turned into scrap metal on the spot.

Some locomotives that can barely withstand the explosion will immediately receive the last hit from Miles Kasamoto's wooden handle grenade.

Miles Kasamoto, who was covered with grenades, was smiling brightly at the moment, proving with facts why her nickname was Bomb Girl.

She is a completely self-taught expert in blasting!

Just as the fire inside the station was rising into the sky, a large number of rebel support troops who heard the sound and rushed to the entrance of the station had also arrived.

Chariots and tanks rushed along various roads towards the station entrance, but before they could stop, machine gunfire rang out.

Qin Ming, who was holding Kasamoto Miles' brilliant silver-class light machine gun, aimed at the surroundings and fired wildly. Although this physical ammunition could not bless Mew Shiranui, the power of the gun itself was enough to make any ordinary tank drink a pot. .

Not to mention that Qin Ming would throw grenades from time to time to surprise them.

There was a continuous roar, and the first few tanks and chariots that rushed over were blown to the ground on the spot.

The soldiers above didn't even have time to get out of the car before they were quickly dispatched.

However, after this group was eliminated, another group of enemies had already arrived, and as time went by, more and more enemies rushed over from all directions.

It is impossible to defend the entrance with just one machine gun, especially when heavy tanks have also arrived.

With a bang, Qin Ming, who stood at the entrance and fired wildly, guarding the entrance of the station alone, was directly hit by a shell, and was blasted into the station on the spot.

As soon as he rolled up and climbed up, a large number of soldiers poured into the breached entrance ahead.

There were even several tanks that crashed directly through the wall and just broke through the wall and came in!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's hands were entangled with air currents. Just as he was about to launch a counterattack, he heard a loud roar coming from behind him.

"Boss! Withdraw!"

Qin Ming turned his head quickly when he heard the sound, only to find that the station was in a mess. All the locomotives staying here had been destroyed, except for one that was not damaged.

Miles Kasamoto and the others are now standing in the locomotive, Talma is in charge of driving, and the other three are on armed guard, preparing to drive the locomotive and escape along the track.

Miles Kasamoto, who was standing at the railing, stretched out a hand towards Qin Ming, gesturing for him to come up quickly.

Qin Ming reacted without saying a word, turned around and ran towards the train.

When he runs, the enemy pursues him.

By the time Qin Mingqiang, despite the hail of bullets, grabbed Kasamoto Miji's outstretched arm and was pulled onto the train by her, a large number of enemy soldiers around him had already grabbed hold of the train and were desperately trying to climb up.

Seeing this scene, Mark, who was lying on the roof of the car, chose to pull the trigger without hesitation and shoot wildly at the enemies rushing up around him.

Talma, who was driving the vehicle, also started the locomotive on the spot.

Accompanied by the sound of whistles, the locomotive, which was spewing thick smoke, gradually accelerated and rushed out along the railway track in front of everyone!

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