Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 223: One Man Guards the Pass

Beep! Beep!

Amid the thick smoke, an old locomotive rushed out of the station at high speed.

There were still a large number of soldiers fighting on the front of the train.

He reached out and grabbed a guy who kept stabbing him with a knife, and then threw him against the chimney of the train, and then threw the dizzy guy out.

Looking at the rebel soldier who screamed William and was thrown away while rolling on the ground, Qin Ming raised his leg and kicked another guy out of the train.

The rebel soldiers were fearless when fighting.

It's a pity that the absolute gap in strength is not something that courage can contend with.

Qin Ming and others who quickly dealt with all the soldiers on the train finally breathed a sigh of relief when they looked at the train station behind them where flames and smoke were still rising.

But it was obvious that they breathed a sigh of relief too early, because facing their naked provocation, how could the enemy give up?

With the sound of the engine, a large number of tanks suddenly broke through the wall and rushed over from all directions.

They had armored vehicles, troop carriers, and even the classic three-wheeled motorcycles of the devils!

It was the kind that one person was responsible for driving! The other was responsible for sitting on the side! A special small tricycle with a machine gun!

They quickly rushed to the side of the locomotive, aimed the machine gun at the locomotive and started to shoot desperately.

Qin Ming and others who were forcibly repelled by bullets also took out their weapons and relied on the cover to start a fight with them.

Amid screams and fire, one motorcycle after another was blown up, or the driver was killed, causing the vehicle to lose balance and suddenly turn and hit other vehicles.

The troop carriers and armored vehicles following next to them were also killed from time to time, causing the vehicles to roll over and fall to the ground.

However, only a few were killed by machine guns, and more vehicles had taken the opportunity to successfully get close.

A large number of soldiers held their weapons, jumped directly onto the locomotive after closing the distance, and tried to play close combat with Qin Ming and others with rifles equipped with bayonets.

The result is naturally imaginable.

Qin Ming, who bit someone hard and beat a poor guy to death on the spot, has now grown to two meters away.

At this moment, he was pulling a man's thigh with his left hand and another guy's arm with his right hand, sweeping the two soldiers around.

A large number of soldiers who rushed to the locomotive and rushed over fiercely were smashed away as soon as they approached, screaming and rolling to the ground, and were left far behind by the locomotive.

What's more, they were directly rolled under the locomotive, crushed to a bloody mess on the spot, and their bodies were seriously deformed.

Qin Ming, who was holding two enemies as weapons, killed all the soldiers who rushed up.

Finally, he threw the weapon in his hand and smashed it hard on the truck next to him, smashing the troop carrier to the ground on the spot, and the soldiers on it were also thrown out.

Just when Qin Ming had just dealt with the enemies on the car, there was a sudden howling wind in the sky.

The next second! Two armed helicopters came from both sides at high speed! There are not only machine gunners shooting at this side! There are also many enemies with fierce eyes! Holding various weapons and glaring at Qin Ming!

Modern Special Forces... No! It should be said that the adventurers of the King of Fighters team! They are on the stage!

Looking at the enemies below who are looking up at them, the adventurers who came in the armed helicopter naturally guessed that Qin Ming is also an adventurer.

After all, such a strong melee ability does not seem like a plot character that will appear in the gun battle world!

They looked at Qin Ming and suddenly roared in unison. The next second, they jumped down from the sky with weapons in hand.

"Go! Kill him!!!"

With a roar, this group of guys whose attributes far exceeded the plot characters all landed on the locomotive, and they charged with weapons in hand the moment they landed.

The first person jumped up after approaching, and came up with a flying slash.

However, the chopped big knife was intercepted by Qin Ming's golden arm guard without any injury. Not only did the knife fail to cut the guard, but the blade broke on the spot.

Before the wide-eyed adventurer could recover from his astonishment, Qin Ming, who blocked the blow, had already swung his right arm and hit the opponent's neck with one arm.

The adventurer who was attacked was directly swung several meters away, screaming and falling out of the train, rolling on the ground continuously, and was completely thrown out.

Qin Ming, who solved one person with one punch, turned around and swung his arm, smashing the long spear stabbed from the side. At the same time, he swung his other fist from top to bottom and hit the adventurer's head hard.

With a loud noise, the adventurer's head was actually punched into the chest by his fist! The body was shortened on the spot!

The adventurer's neck was constantly bleeding! He fell down! Fell off the train!

Qin Ming, who killed two people in a blink of an eye, now had a ferocious look in his eyes. He kicked the attacker behind him and raised his hand to grab the chopped blade. With a strong poke, his palm burning with blazing white flames actually broke the big knife in the middle!

Grabbing the broken blade, he threw it into the neck of another adventurer and pierced through his neck.

Qin Ming, with white flames in his eyes, now looked like a tiger, and several bodies had fallen beside him.

Narrow area! Close combat! This is simply Qin Ming's perfect hunting ground!

A-level combat proficiency! He has already become a close combat expert!

In addition, he has 45 points of strength and body attributes! And the outrageous white flame blessing that can ignore 25 points of enemy defense!

It can be said that under the same level of strength, anyone who dares to fight Qin Ming face to face is looking for death.

Not to mention these adventurers who jumped down, their strength is not as good as Qin Ming at all, and they are not in the same league with him!

Qin Ming roared and punched out, relying on the high-speed rotating airflow on his palm, and actually punched through the chest of an adventurer with one punch. He swung the corpse on his arm and punched several people behind him.

Looking at the body of his companion who was thrown out of the train in the blood.

He turned his head and looked at the monster in front. If he was caught by him, no one could survive three moves.

The remaining adventurers were livid, holding weapons and shrinking timidly.

Seeing that they did not dare to rush, Qin Ming's eyes flashed with fire, and he actually chose to take the initiative to attack.

With his arms open! The air wave spun up!

Extreme posture! Charged sonic hand knife! Seven bursts!

Buzz buzz buzz!

The flames connected to the front of the train. The adventurers who were too timid to move forward only had time to scream, and their bodies were cut into several pieces in the next second.

A large number of broken limbs and arms were scattered all over the ground, and the blood instantly dyed the train red.

They were hit by a charged sonic hand knife head-on, and they were basically broken at the touch, and they had no power to resist at all.

Not close? Qin Ming is also good at long-range!

Qin Ming, who forcibly killed a large number of adventurers with a big move, was about to raise his head to deal with the armed helicopters that were still shooting at this side in the sky, but suddenly heard a loud noise from the front.

Qin Ming frowned when he heard the movement and quickly looked up.

As a result, he saw a big man jumping off a new helicopter, rolling up the moment he landed, and rushing towards him rapidly.

Looking at the huge man with a karate uniform and a sanitary napkin tied on his head, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly flashed with fire. Without thinking, he raised his hand and gave the other party a sound-speed hand knife.

But he never thought that the big man didn't even dodge, but raised his hands and forcibly blocked it with his arms.

Although there was a bloody cut on his arm, he took the opportunity to rush in front of Qin Ming.

With a roar, he grabbed with both hands.

Must kill! Heaven and earth return!

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