Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 22: The Final Kill

With a loud bang, the bullet entered from the left temple and came out from the right temple, bringing up a blood arrow.

Rambo, whose head had been blown off halfway and had a big hole, fell straight on Qin Ming with his eyes wide open.

And just as he fell, Qin Ming had already put the muzzle of the gun against the side of his neck and fired another fierce shot!


Rambo, whose neck shot out another blood arrow, did not move, while Qin Ming, who had directly shot out the bullet, struggled to push him away and hurriedly distanced himself from him.

While climbing up and retreating, he was busy loading bullets, and after loading, he frantically pulled the trigger at Rambo's body.

After forcibly giving the opponent another round of bullets, Qin Ming looked at the enemy who was full of blood holes and completely motionless. He was out of breath for a while, holding his neck and coughing desperately.

Almost! Almost! Almost died in this guy's hands!

He attacked first and fired six shots at his face, but he didn't die! This is the BOSS? What a joke!

In the first act, with the help of the protagonists, he easily killed Te Huon, which gave Qin Ming a big illusion that the BOSS was just like that, so he couldn't help but relax his vigilance.

And the hidden little BOSS in the second act immediately gave him a vivid lesson, telling him what a BOSS is with practical actions!

After reloading the gun, he put it on his waist just in case.

After doing all this, Qin Ming came to Rambo's body and turned the body of this strong man over with force.

Looking at his bloody and dead face, Qin Ming resisted the urge to shoot him again and quickly picked up the silver key that exploded.

Looking at the normal-colored ordinary silver key in his hand, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction and immediately turned around and left the crime scene.

The lives of three younger brothers were exchanged for a silver key, which was a good harvest, not to mention that there were several white keys.

But now that all the younger brothers are dead, it is too risky to act alone.

So Qin Ming decided to stop while he was ahead and immediately joined the four protagonists to complete the mission.

Maybe he could get back early enough to catch the final boss battle and get an extra reward.

Just when Qin Ming started to go back, the four protagonists had already met the second act's big boss, the Bloody Butcher, in the poachers' secret base in the deepest part of the dinosaur forest.

The Bloody Butcher, who led several younger brothers, fought with the four protagonists on the spot.

As the final boss of the second act, this fat man named Bloody Butcher has an extraordinary high combat power.

He holds two machetes more than one meter long and is also injected with dinosaur genes, resulting in extremely strong attack and defense.

The attributes of the four protagonists are already terrifying enough, but his attributes are far above the four!

Name: Bloody Butcher (Dino Fight Act 2 BOSS)

Strength 50

Constance 50

Agility 10

Spirit 10

Skills: Thrust Fist-D Level (Thrust Knife) Flying Sit-C Level, Crazy Slash-B Level

Introduction: In the world of Dino Fight, he is the right-hand man of the final BOSS Dr. Scourge. He is extremely bloodthirsty and crazy. He likes to kill dinosaurs the most. Of course, if he has the chance, he doesn't mind killing some other creatures.

In the square full of dinosaur corpses, several figures are fighting back and forth. The four protagonists and the Bloody Butcher are fighting back and forth. It's a fair fight.

The Bloody Butcher, holding two knives, rushed around, and he would slide out at any time and do a salted fish stab on the spot.

Occasionally, he would jump into the air and sit on everyone with his big butt.

With his terrifying weight that has long been mutated, if he really sits on you, I'm afraid your internal organs will rupture on the spot!

These two moves are not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is his last move.

Holding two machetes, the bloody butcher who found the right opportunity went up and chopped wildly, his attack was as fast as lightning, and he could chop four or five times in a row in a blink of an eye.

The big man, Mays, who was unfortunately hit, was directly hit by a set of continuous slashes and fell to the side on the spot, losing his combat effectiveness.

If it weren't for the tacit cooperation and quick reaction of the three companions next to him, who cooperated to stop the enemy and forcibly dragged him away, the bloody butcher who jumped up and was ready to sit on the knife would probably sit on Mays's head and make it bloom!

This extremely lethal continuous slash is extremely terrifying, but the four protagonists are not vegetarians. The others who were prepared in their hearts immediately began to defend in a targeted manner. Once they found that the opponent was about to use this move, they would immediately use their trump cards to attack!

And their trump cards! It is the unique skills that require 1,000 points of favorability to exchange! Life-saving moves that are both B-level skills!

The power of this move is just average, not much higher than normal attacks.

But there is a reason why it can be ranked B-level, the biggest reason is that this move will have a short invincible time when used! And it has a powerful knockback effect!

Invincible! Counter all bursts!

Another muffled bang was heard, and the bloody butcher who pushed Hannah away with one shoulder had one of his swords knocked away.

He grabbed the other sword and roared wildly, leaping up and ready to chase Hannah.

Seeing this, Hannah jumped up from the ground with a somersault, and her beautiful thighs kicked the ground to accumulate power, ready to use her special skill, the spinning crushing kick!

But before she could use her special skill at the cost of forcibly losing her state, a gunshot suddenly came into her ears.

With a bang, the bloody butcher flying in the air screamed, and a blood arrow burst out directly from his body.

Immediately afterwards, several consecutive gunshots came. Facing the six-round shooting, the bloody butcher who used his skills finally couldn't stand it.

His skills were forcibly interrupted, and he fell to the ground with a bang, and the other big knife in his hand also fell to the ground.

Looking at the BOSS who was shot away, Hannah was stunned at first, and then quickly turned her head, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

"Qin Ming?!"

As her exclamation sounded, at the entrance of the secret base, a figure with a somewhat embarrassed look walked in while loading a pistol.

He quickly loaded the bullet and pulled the safety hammer hard, then raised his revolver while approaching with a stern face.

"Sorry, I met a difficult guy on the way, which delayed me a bit and I'm late."

As he spoke, Qin Ming pulled the trigger without hesitation.

And the bloody butcher who had just climbed up from the ground also had several blood arrows exploded on his body.

However, the bullets with extremely strong impact hit his body, but at most they could only make his fat body tremble, and could not make his body unbalanced at all.

The bloody butcher who was shot quickly locked his ferocious little eyes on Qin Ming, roared and rushed towards this side frantically.

Looking at the outrageous attributes of the bloody butcher, and his three skills, Qin Ming dared to guarantee that his combat power would definitely be higher than the previous hidden little BOSS Rambo!

Once he got close to him! He would definitely die!

However, facing his charge at this moment, Qin Ming did not dodge or evade, and was not nervous at all.

Because he was not fighting the BOSS alone this time!


A tender cry reached their ears! Hannah found the right opportunity and leaped up! She used a C-level skill flying kick! She kicked the bloody butcher directly!

After landing, she immediately rushed forward without hesitation and started to fight with the bloody butcher in close combat, creating space for Qin Ming to shoot.

The four protagonists had already seen how powerful the guns in Qin Ming's hands were. Now with his assistance, as long as he was given the opportunity to shoot, the originally evenly matched and powerful enemy! Will definitely die!

This! Is the power of a long-range shooter!

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