Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 23 Return

Amidst the bursts of gunfire, the bloody butcher broke through several times and tried to close the distance with Qin Ming, but failed, and finally fell under the siege of several people.

With blood holes all over his body, he stared with a pair of unblinking eyes and completely lost his movement.

The four main characters, who were already scarred, and Qin Ming, who looked equally embarrassed, sat aside and began to rest.

Of course, Qin Ming did not forget to pick up the key that the Bloody Butcher revealed, a dim silver key that was also silver-white but had a very dim luster.

He habitually loaded the bullet and put it in his waist.

Turning to look at the four seriously injured protagonists, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and suddenly turned to look at Hannah.

"What are you going to do next?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, Hannah and others looked at each other and shrugged slightly.

"What else can we do? Go back and recuperate. After you recover, continue to fight against these guys. Because they are poaching dinosaurs, the exciting dinosaurs have begun to attack human cities, resulting in a large number of casualties. We must stop them."

"Well, okay, let's just say goodbye. If there is a chance in the future, we can work together."

Upon hearing that the other party was going back to recuperate, Qin Ming, who understood that this mission was completely over and that it would no longer be possible to trigger hidden missions, reached out and shook hands with Hannah and others.

In fact, even if it can continue to be triggered, Qin Ming is a little afraid to take it. After all, the mobs and BOSS in the second act are already so terrifying, and the four protagonists are so dangerous to fight.

What about the third act? Shouldn't there be BOSS levels everywhere?

All of his younger brothers are dead, and the protagonists have also been maimed. It’s better to give it up as soon as possible, lest he die again!

Hearing that Qin Ming was leaving, Hannah showed a look of reluctance on her face, but she didn't say much.

After all, Qin Ming was not one of their own, and being able to help him twice in a row was already the end of his kindness. If he continued to risk his life with them, they would be embarrassed.

Follow the route back to the Cadillac parked at the edge of the forest, and take the car back to Jack's repair shop.

Qin Ming secretly went to the box to exchange some items and quickly walked out of the repair shop.

And the only one who came out to see him off was Hannah, the woman with whom he had the best relationship. Even though she was scarred, she still insisted on seeing him off.

After this battle, especially the emergency help at the last moment, Hannah's favorability towards Qin Ming has reached 350 points, and she has completely entered the stage of friends, almost reaching the level of confidant.

He saved people and helped, but in the end he only had this little favorability. Qin Ming finally realized how difficult it was to increase his favorability.

As for the favorability of the other three? The goodwill between Mais and Mustafa has improved a bit after this cooperative battle. Although not much, it has at least improved.

As for Jack's favorability, seeing Qin Ming's relationship with Hannah getting better and better, instead of improving at all, his favorability dropped a bit.

Therefore, these two guys can't expect to make friends in this life. If they don't form a mortal enemy, it can be considered a healthy development.

Qin Ming did not choose to retain Hannah's favorability and the sporadic favorability with the other two. After all, who knows when the next time he will come in will be.

If there are benefits, they must be exchanged for physical goods. Only in this way can the benefits be maximized. This has always been Qin Ming's life creed.

Therefore, Qin Ming decisively exchanged all his favorability points for croissants!

That’s right! It’s a croissant worth 50 favorability points! A total of 9 were redeemed!

besides! Qin Ming also completed a title mission! That's the white title for the group that hunted down one hundred poachers: Defenders of Nature!

White title: Guardian of nature

Effect: Strength +10

Introduction: Killing is to protect life! How dare you kill the dinosaur! Then I dare to kill you!

Qin Ming walked out of the repair shop with a full harvest and quickly disappeared into a white light.

mission completed! Return to the nightmare space!

Standing in an illusory world, Qin Ming chose to return. A large amount of data and pictures suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

A sneak attack on a seriously injured mini-boss in an ambulance, a fierce battle with many minions in a building, a follow-up shot at Terhune on the rooftop, a one-on-one battle with a hidden mini-boss in the forest, and finally a team-up with the four protagonists to kill bloody enemies Butcher.

The slide-like picture finally settled on the scene where Qin Ming shot Rambo, the military bully, through the temple. The data that kept rolling next to him finally stopped at this moment.

The system's cold voice then sounded.

Ding dong! Congratulations to adventurer 441985 for returning!

The main mission this time: hunt down ten minions or one elite monster! Completed, reward 1000 points! 1 free attribute point!

This optional mission: Kill the first act BOSS Terhune! Completed, 2000 points awarded! 2 free attribute points!

Trigger the hidden mission: kill the second act BOSS Bloody Butcher in advance! Completed, 5,000 points awarded! 5 free attribute points!

Congratulations to Adventurer No. 441985. This time, you have obtained a total of 8,000 points and 8 free attribute points.

Listening to the system prompts in his ears and looking at his harvest this time, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile brightly on his face.

Triggering the hidden mission in the first act, and cooperating with the protagonists to forcefully kill the BOSS in the second act, the reward is indeed terrifying.

A full 5 free attribute points! Almost twice the original rewards!

And these rewards are not the most important! The most important thing is! In his inventory at this moment! There are two silver keys! And four white keys!

Just the first adventure! Has completely made him rich!

Although he was almost strangled to death on the way, compared with these rewards, all the struggles are worth it.

As the data in front of him dissipated, Qin Ming suddenly felt his vision brighten, and the next second he appeared in a small room.

The room, which is only 50 meters in size, is fully equipped with toilets, beds, refrigerators, tables, chairs and benches, and there is even a weird-shaped computer on the side.

And here is Qin Ming's personal room in the nightmare space.

You can take out all kinds of food and drinks in the refrigerator at will, with no limit on the quantity. You can eat a full banquet every day, but you can't take it out of the room.

The computer is a prop for searching information, and all arcade games have been downloaded in it, so you can check the information and get familiar with the dungeon in advance.

The design of this nightmare space is quite user-friendly, and it can be said that it is helping adventurers grow as much as possible.

However, the extremely difficult tasks still lead to a very high mortality rate for adventurers.

Qin Ming, who was sitting on the bed and looking around, suddenly let out a long breath and solemnly took out all his spoils from the inventory.

He was ready to open the box.

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