Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 24 Drug Upgrade

Four white treasure chests, along with Qin Ming's fusion, were directly upgraded to a blue treasure chest.

Then all three boxes in his hand were opened without hesitation, and three pieces of loot were generously opened for him.

Name: The Intimate Little Cotton Jacket of the Bloody Butcher

Quality: Blue Top (Plot Equipment)

Effect: Strength +5, Constitution +5

Introduction: A small shirt carefully made of dinosaur skin, you deserve it.

Name: Dinosaur Gene Potion (Constitution)

Quality: Ordinary Silver Consumable

Effect: After use, the constitution is permanently +5 (dinosaur potion can only be injected once)

Introduction: Only the upper-level personnel of the poacher organization can use the advanced potion, the quality is guaranteed.

Name: Inferior Dinosaur Gene Potion (Strength)

Category: Blue Consumable

Effect: After use, the strength is permanently +3

Introduction: Strange? Because the effect is too poor, the defective gene potion that is rewarded to the elite younger brother to use, why is there a blue quality?

Three items, one equipment and two bottles of potions, are all top-notch goods.

Especially the last two bottles of potions, don't think that the attributes they add are not too much, at least not as much as the equipment.

But the problem is that the equipment will be replaced sooner or later, but this attribute is a real permanent increase and will never disappear.

Therefore, this kind of props that can permanently increase attributes! The value must be higher than the same level of equipment!

Looking at the three props on the table, Qin Ming touched his chin and frowned.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately made a decision in his heart.

Among the two bottles of potions, he was going to use the silver potion that increased physical fitness, not because of its higher quality, but because physical fitness was more cost-effective.

In terms of attack power, Qin Ming already has his own pistol. The attack of firearms is fixed and will not increase because your strength value is higher.

So at this stage, it is not so necessary to increase strength, not to mention that he has a title of increasing strength value, and strength is not lacking at all.

So now it is safer to increase physical fitness to save life.

However, he looked down on the silver potion, so he planned to upgrade the potion! For example, to a higher-level silver! Or... the legendary gold!

The props in the nightmare space have very fixed levels.

White, green, blue, dull silver, ordinary silver, brilliant silver, and dull, ordinary, and brilliant gold.

Each piece of equipment is also divided into normal equipment and plot equipment.

Equipment with the suffix "plot"! The attributes are stronger than those of the same level! For example, the revolver in Qin Ming's hand, the dinosaur glasses and the newly acquired small vest! That's it!

In order to maximize the benefits, Qin Ming planned to upgrade the dinosaur potion that can only be injected once.

And if you want to upgrade the level of consumables, you must fuse a large number of consumables. Qin Ming had no choice but to take out the croissants he had bought before and prepared to keep for life, and began to fuse them.

After a fusion, the nine croissants were directly fused into a dull silver quality croissant.

Silver bread, this kind of ghost thing is probably not seen by even those senior adventurers!

And the effect of this ghost thing has become very terrifying at this moment. After using it, it can directly restore 50% of its own state! It can also slowly restore an additional 25% of the state!

Really as long as you are not dead! One bite of bread can directly nurse you back to life! It is totally unreasonable!

It’s a pity that such a good bread is only the base material used by Qin Ming to strengthen the props. The most important thing is that it alone is not enough!

Because the dinosaur potion is an ordinary silver-quality prop, this dull silver-quality bread is still one level lower.

Helpless Qin Ming could only get up and walk out of his personal room with his spoils.

Along with entering the elevator and choosing the place to go, the elevator standing at the door of Qin Ming began to operate.

When the elevator door opened with a ding, he had arrived in a huge square.

This is the legendary adventurer trading area! To be precise, it is the low-level adventurer trading area!

In addition, there are intermediate, advanced, and top levels, which are places that only experienced adventurers who meet the requirements are qualified to enter.

As a rookie, Qin Ming can only come to this lowest level area.

Touching his face, he found that he was shrouded by a black fog, which completely covered his figure. He nodded with satisfaction and immediately walked into the crowd to go shopping, ready to find out if there are any cheap consumables for sale.

Unfortunately, after a round of shopping, he found that none of the equipment or consumables here are cheap.

The lowest-level white croissant, or other more common white consumable props, are priced at around one thousand points.

For example, the price of those garbage consumables that cannot be used in battle can be relatively cheaper, but it is not much cheaper, and it also requires seven or eight hundred points.

With the eight thousand points in Qin Ming's hand now, even if all of them are used to buy consumables, at most they can be used to spell out a dim silver-level consumable, which does not meet Qin Ming's expectations at all.

This gave Qin Ming a headache, so he had no choice but to spend 100 points to rent a stall and put his unwanted spoils on the stall.

And this spoil was the bottle of blue quality dinosaur strength potion!

As soon as the potion that was enough to increase the upper limit of strength by 3 points was released, it immediately attracted the attention of people around him, and they all gathered here.

Seeing that there were enough people, Qin Ming chose the bidding mode without hesitation, letting the adventurers around him increase their own prices to buy, and he only set a starting price.

As for how much the base price has been set? That's not much, so Qin Ming carefully observed the market and directly gave him a conscientious price of 8,000 points.

After finishing all this, Qin Ming immediately left the stall, completely ignoring the inquiries of the people around him, and left alone, leaving only the bottle of potion lying there waiting for others to buy it.

With the protection of the rules of the nightmare space, he doesn't have to worry about someone robbing him of zero-dollar purchases without paying him.

The punishment in the nightmare space is much harsher than American Iai.

He continued to wander around the trading area, picking up the cheapest consumables as much as possible. After Qin Ming had been shopping for half an hour, a notification sound from the Nightmare Space suddenly came to his ears.

The item bidding time ended, and his bottle of potion was sold for 11,650 points.

Obviously, this kind of potion that can permanently increase attributes is not generally popular.

Qin Ming, who had a huge sum of money in his hands, was in high spirits and spent all the money without hesitation on purchasing low-level consumables.

After calculating the quantity and secretly merging it, Qin Ming immediately chose to return to his room after confirming that the purchase amount was sufficient.

Sitting on the chair and looking at the two brand new bottles of fusion potion in his hands, Qin Ming couldn't help but nodded.

At this time, he only had 560 points left!

Even though he had spent almost all his money, the reason why he was able to scrape together enough money for medicine this time was because Qin Ming accidentally encountered a stall selling low-level junk drugs in large quantities and successfully saved a lot of money!

The boy who sold twelve bandages by himself only charged 300 points for each bandage, making the price very cheap.

Of course, the properties of bandages are also very poor. Not to mention that they cannot be used in battle. One bandage can only restore 5% of its status, and the effect is pitiful.

It is simply incomparable to other consumables of the same level that can either be used in battle or cannot be used in battle, but have excellent recovery effects.

With the help of bandages and money, he opened the way.

The two bottles of potion in Qin Ming's hands at this moment were all he had gained this time.

A bottle of dull silver quality! With a bottle of dazzling silver quality!

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