Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 25 Injection! Golden Potion!

Two bottles of dim potion merged to become a bottle of ordinary silver potion.

Then merge it with the dinosaur potion to evolve it into a brilliant silver potion.

Finally, use this potion as the base and merge it with another bottle of brilliant silver-level consumables that were pieced together.

With the dazzling brilliance flashing, a bottle of potion emitting golden light appeared in front of Qin Ming, who was full of excitement.

Name: Dinosaur Gene Potion (Constitution)

Category: Consumable (Dim Gold Quality)

Effect: After use, constitution +10

Introduction: Golden potion? Where did this come from?

Looking at the treasure in his hand with greatly improved effects, Qin Ming breathed a sigh of satisfaction, and then drank it without hesitation.

Then looking at the 8 free attribute points he had obtained, he hesitated for a moment, and immediately used them all.

After a period of strengthening, Qin Ming's attributes quickly improved qualitatively.

Name: Adventurer 441985

Talents and Skills: King of Broken

Strength 7

Constitution 15

Agility 10

Spirit 5

Equipment: Wife of Terhune (Normal Silver Plot) Bloody Butcher's Loving Cotton Jacket (Blue Plot) Dinosaur Glasses (Dim Silver Plot)

Worlds Experienced: Act 1 of Dinosaur Fight

Remaining Points: 560

Eight attribute points were all divided by Qin Ming to make up for his own shortcomings.

Having just passed the first world, he already had such luxurious basic attributes and such luxurious equipment, Qin Ming was very satisfied.

The only thing that bothered him was that the remaining points were not enough for him to buy medicine, so he kept them as a trump card.

And when he was visiting the trading area before, he also made a special observation and found that no one was selling loot keys.

Only after asking around did he know that this thing could not be traded at all and could only be used by himself.

This completely cut off his idea of ​​fusing the key and reselling it at a high price.

What? Buy low-level equipment? Then fuse it into a higher-level one to sell?

Let alone the starting capital required to do this, Qin Ming has nothing now.

You can't sell high-level equipment in this low-level adventurer trading area.

You can't make much money by selling low-level equipment, and you may even lose money.

Selling high-level goods is expensive enough, but the question is how many adventurers can afford it?

You sell a piece of silver equipment, and the price is tens of thousands at any time. Who among the low-level adventurers can afford this money!

Qin Ming, who had no money in his pocket, shook his head helplessly and chose to exit the nightmare space without hesitation and return to the real world.

Then he lay on the bed and began to rest, and fell asleep.

The experience of the past few days was a bit too exciting, which made him exhausted and had to rest for a few days.

As for after the rest, it was time to continue playing arcade games to collect information...

In a blink of an eye, a month of rest time has passed. In this month, Qin Ming quickly sold all his inventory at a low price.

After all, he doesn't have time to continue selling things at the stall now. In order to avoid losses, Qin Ming can only choose to sell at a low price.

After selling all the things and completely solving the things in the real world, Qin Ming returned to his personal room in the nightmare space and began to concentrate on playing games and recording the various enemy information in it.

As he played like this, he found that there were really many arcade games! There were so many densely packed that he couldn't count them all!

The enemies in it were even more varied, with all kinds of messes. By the end of the break, Qin Ming hadn't even finished playing one-tenth of them!

Qin Ming, who had slept a day in advance and had fully rested, got up early on the first day of the second month to start organizing his equipment.

A silver pistol, and hundreds of bullets bought with the money earned in the dinosaur world.

There was also a dinosaur vest and dinosaur glasses, all of which were good!

Wearing a red vest inside, a large windbreaker jacket outside, and even a round hat to wear.

Qin Ming quickly raised his hand to put on his glasses, hung a pistol on his waist, stood up from the chair, and began to close his eyes to rest.

A moment later, as the pointer reached twelve o'clock, Qin Ming disappeared directly in his room with a buzz.

Not only him, the entire nightmare space was flashing at this moment, and a large number of adventurers in the real world also disappeared.

Adventurers who chose to enter the mission world at this time! At the same time, a great adventure began!

As the world spun, Qin Ming's vision quickly recovered. He suddenly sat up from the bed and found that he had come to a somewhat old wooden house.

Before he could finish observing the surrounding situation, the soil layer on the wall in front of him suddenly fell off, and after making a noise to attract his attention, several rows of numbers were immediately displayed.

Mission world: Knights of the Round Table (Act I)

Mission difficulty: D-level

Number of players: 5

World background: The evil Archduke Garibaldi rules the world with black magic, and the world is plunged into darkness. The legendary chosen king who can pull out the sword in the stone and is destined to overthrow the evil rule has finally arrived, and led his companions to challenge the evil Archduke...

Main mission: Kill ten swordsmen, or one heavy armor swordsman.

Mission completed: reward 1000 points, 1 free attribute point.

Mission failed: deduct 1000 points, and if it is less than that, one attribute point will be randomly deducted.

Optional mission: Participate in killing the first act BOSS Sir Scone

Task success: reward 2000 points, 2 free attribute points.

Task failure: no penalty.

(Note: This mission is in peace mode, adventurers kill each other, no items will be dropped)

It is still a world of D-level difficulty, but there is no longer the powerful buff of doubling attributes, and there is no such good thing as the appearance of all the protagonists.

It is even a big problem whether you can meet the protagonist this time.

Because if Qin Ming remembers correctly, when the three protagonists, that is, the legendary Knight King and his soldiers, appeared, the village of the first level had been completely broken.

The soldiers of the evil duke, led by the boss of the first act, Sir Scone, are slaughtering in the village. The two sides who met unexpectedly fought directly in the village.

Now looking out the window, Qin Ming found that the village was still peaceful at this time, and there was no war.

In other words, he entered before the protagonists appeared. When the three protagonists arrived, they might have completed their mission or been killed by the enemy, and they would not have the chance to meet the protagonists at all.

They could only fight this battle by themselves, or find a way to let the protagonists enter in advance!

Watching the words on the wall disappear quickly, Qin Ming let out a long breath, stood up, held down his hat, raised his hand to push open the door, and strode out.

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