Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 26 Cooperation

Qin Ming walked out of the room with the sound of footsteps, and the residents in the village cast strange looks after seeing him.

This time Qin Ming's identity is very simple. He is just an ordinary traveling businessman. To put it bluntly, he is an ancient hawker.

Therefore, his strange attire makes sense.

While the surrounding villagers were sizing up Qin Ming, Qin Ming, who was wearing a small round hat, was also secretly observing them, using his dinosaur glasses to check their attributes.

Looking at their values, which were basically below the average (5), Qin Ming shook his head, and then... he really started the hawker business.

"Take a look and take a look! Metal trinkets are on sale for cheap! The price is affordable!"

Sitting behind a stone and placing a large number of bullet casings on the stone, Qin Ming began to shout loudly, causing the surrounding residents to watch curiously.

Although these spent bullet casings are not exquisite in shape, their metal material and smooth surface still arouse the curiosity of residents who have never seen these things before.

Seeing more and more residents gathering around, Qin Ming also took the opportunity to quickly observe the numerical values ​​and specific number of people, and soon discovered some stronger guys among them.

They are the militia of this village. Some of them are still wearing leather armor, and some are probably taking turns to rest. They only wear ordinary clothes. There are more than twenty people in number.

And among these militiamen, there is actually an elite monster! That is, the militia captain!

Qin Ming looked at the other party carefully and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He skillfully weaved ropes into a net, connected bullet casings to make a simple metal necklace, and sold it to the captain at a low price.

Then, before he could take the next step, there was a slight movement next to him.

Qin Ming, who heard the sound, quickly turned his head and looked over, but couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Because over there, there was a man wearing leather armor standing, looking at him with strange eyes at the moment.

Jeans, leather armor, and a standard cock parted hair.

At just the first glance, Qin Ming recognized the other party's identity.

An adventurer like him!

Not only did Qin Ming recognize him, but the guy opposite him also almost confirmed Qin Ming's identity as an adventurer on the spot when he looked at Qin Ming's appearance in a windbreaker and sunglasses, as well as the bullet casings being sold.

After all, this is the look! How could it be possible in the Middle Ages!

With his eyes flickering, the man quickly retreated and disappeared from Qin Ming's field of vision.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming shrugged slightly and didn't bother to pay attention to the other party. Instead, he continued to do his own small business with his head down and observed the crowd.

After all, this is safe mode, and there will be no rewards for adventurers fighting each other. The most important thing is that there are no plot characters to help this time.

In this way, not only does everyone have no conflict of interest, but they also have a common goal. At most they are not friends, but they are unlikely to be enemies. There is no need to be too guarded against other adventurers.

Two hours later, all the bullet casings were sold out. The most important thing was that Qin Ming, who had thoroughly confirmed the village information, finally chose to close the stall.

Just when he was putting away his things and turning around to return to the room where he settled, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Your Excellency, you are so cheerful. The enemy is about to attack, yet you still have the time to sell items here."

Hearing this voice, Qin Ming, who had already grasped the door armrest, quickly released his palm and turned around silently to look over.

And behind him, three people appeared at some point.

The clothes on these three guys have more or less modern traces, which seem incompatible with the Middle Ages.

Obviously, they are the other adventurers this time.

"Being idle is also idle. It's okay to earn a little. I wonder what you want from me?"

"Nothing, I just came to say hello to avoid any misunderstandings and conflicts in the future. I also wanted to ask if you have any intention of cooperating."


"Yes, we want to maximize the interests of the world this time, but we can't do it alone, so we want to unite other adventurers to act together."

When he said this, the leader paused slightly, and suddenly turned his head and gestured towards the room.

"If brother wants to know, why don't we go into the room and talk?"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this, but he finally nodded, took the initiative to open the door, and welcomed several people in.

The four people who entered the room sat at the table and looked at each other in silence for a moment.

Noticing that Qin Ming's palms had been silently clutching his waist, the leader raised his eyebrows and suddenly smiled on his face.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is White Wolf. This is my fifth mission. The one next to me is Black Bear, who is on my third mission. The other one is Cheetah, who is also on my third mission. I don't know, brother..."

"Hyena, second mission."

"the second time?"

"Yes, that's the second time."

As he spoke, Qin Ming took the initiative to show the attribute of his mission experience to the other party. Bai Lang's eyes flickered when he saw the data, and he was obviously relieved.

"Okay then, let me tell you in detail the plan we have made."

Turning his head slightly, the black bear beside him suddenly took out a map from his arms and spread it flat on the table, while the white wolf clicked on the circles drawn on it with his hands.

"Brother Cheetah and Brother Black Bear have already explored. There are four small camps of soldiers of the evil duke and one large camp of soldiers nearby. There are quite a few people in them. There are more than a dozen people in the small camps and more than 30 people in the large camp. There is also a small BOSS. I have found out the identity of the stronger person in the village, that is, the militia captain. I can't guarantee his specific strength, but I am sure that he can join the battle! If lucky, he can lead the troops to fight, and if unlucky, he can fight alone."

"What is the goal this time?"

"Before the army arrives! First, work together to take down these five camps! It is best to take the militia with you! Let the militia leave the village as much as possible! In this way, we can maintain the manpower! When the enemy attacks the village and the protagonist group appears, we will lead the troops to fight back! Here comes a divine soldier! While brushing the favorability, you can also participate in the fight against the BOSS to complete the second branch task. What do you think?"

Listening to Bailang's words and feeling the three people's gazes, Qin Ming nodded slightly and smiled quickly on his face.

"Of course, no problem. I'll join you. Happy cooperation!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming had already extended his hand. The three people on the opposite side looked at each other and immediately extended their hands and shook them vigorously.

"But let me make it clear in advance that we found this information, so we have to take more spoils this time."

"No problem. I have no equipment and no skills. I can just complete the mission. I won't be greedy. Oh, by the way, aren't there five adventurers this time? Where is the fifth guy?"

Qin Ming asked with a smile, and the three people on the opposite side couldn't help but frowned when they heard his words.

"I don't know. We haven't seen him either. It seems that he disappeared as soon as he came in and didn't appear in the village."

"Oh, then this is a variable. Be careful."

"Don't worry. We have many people. Nothing will happen."

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