Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 227 The value of a five-star general!

After the voice outside fell, there was still no movement in the building.

As military personnel, the protagonists of the Peregrine Squad are all standard military demeanors.

Even the most timid Fio would never betray her companions, not to mention that Qin Ming saved her life and protected her with his body when the car overturned just now.

Although this is mostly because Kasamoto Eri took the initiative to pull her over.

With this kind of favor, Fio is even less likely to betray Qin Ming.

Seeing that there was still no movement in the building, the man who knew that everyone was not buying this at all could not help but shook his head, and was not angry.

Instead, he looked up at the floor with a very playful look.

Behind him, a large number of soldiers were sorting out their weapons, preparing for the upcoming building battle.

Seeing that the soldiers and their own adventurers were ready and could launch an attack at any time.

The man who was not in a hurry to give orders suddenly raised the loudspeaker and spoke again. He was ready to put some psychological pressure on the other party and make them despair.

Especially the adventurer Hyena who caused great losses to his side!

"Major Hyena! Frontline commander! Are you still thinking about your internal and external raid plan? Are you still waiting for your reinforcements to launch an attack? I'm sorry, I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

Looking at the building happily, the man's face was extremely bright.

"I have already asked people to strengthen the defense. Whether it is the sky or the ground, it can be described as impregnable. Moreover, I even sent a team to raid your camp in advance. At this moment, they may have already started fighting and have no time to rescue you, so your plan may be completely hopeless."

As soon as these words came out, Kasamoto Eri and others widened their eyes instantly.

Qin Ming, who was hiding by the window with his back against the wall, twitched his eyes slightly.

He had been in silence all the time. Hearing the laughter coming from outside, he finally spoke for the first time and started a conversation with the man outside.

"Are there any of your people in our army?"

"Do I need to ask this? Or it would be strange if there were no of our people."

"Did they reveal my action plan?"

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. I think you should know how strange our methods are. Even if you have used special reconnaissance capabilities to pick out all the adventurers in your army and avoid infiltration, is it difficult to get information from a soldier with our skills?"

"Not difficult, it is not difficult."

Thinking of the various strange abilities that the adventurers got from various worlds, as well as the various talents and skills, Qin Ming's eyebrows twitched slightly.

When he heard his words, the man outside smiled and raised the horn again.

"So you really don't plan to surrender? To be honest, I admire you very much. You are indeed a capable person who can destroy our plan like this by your own strength, but a person's ability is limited after all. A lone wolf can't go far. Can I give you one last chance to join us? So join? Or die?"

After the man finished speaking, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

Within a few seconds, Qin Ming, who was leaning against the wall, suddenly lowered his head and laughed out loud.

The man who heard the laughter was confused, and before he could figure out what Qin Ming was laughing at, Qin Ming had already spoken again.

"I said, who told you that the ground forces are my main offensive force?"


"Okay, I won't play with you anymore, Lao Deng! Do it!"

Qin Ming suddenly shouted after pulling out the mobile phone from his waist.

The next second, the rebels who were surrounding the building with great momentum suddenly felt that the sky had darkened.

They looked up with puzzled faces, and their eyes widened the next second.

Not only them, but also the adventurers, and even the leading man who was talking to Qin Ming, all widened their eyes at this moment.

Because at this moment, in the sky, there was actually a huge ancient Japanese warship slowly descending from the sky.

The size of the warship was like a small island, but it was equipped with countless modern weapons.

As the decks on both sides opened, a large number of fighters and bombers rushed out of them and dived towards the city below.

What's more terrible is that at the same time, countless soldiers holding weapons jumped off the spacecraft like dumplings, and suddenly opened their parachutes after landing at a certain distance.

Paratroopers dropped from the sky! Planes entered the field!

The air support troops that Qin Ming had been waiting for! Here they are!

As for the huge air carrier in the sky? It's not something else! It's the treasure of the King of Fighters team that was captured before! Sky City Fortress!

Ground troops? What ground troops? Where did Qin Ming get the ground troops!

The armed forces he relied on to start his career have always been light infantry corps!

As for other tanks, chariots, fighters, etc.! But they are just accessories!

Infantry! They are the real main force under his command!

The casualties of attacking from the front are too great, and Qin Ming is reluctant to spend his family assets like this.

Therefore, the offensive plan he formulated was to airdrop paratroopers and airdrop all his hound corps into the city!

With powerful equipment, as long as they are equipped with light and heavy machine guns, groups of hound soldiers can form a terrifying combat force.

Street fighting! It is the home of the hound troops!

And in order to avoid accidents, such as the plane not being able to fly in, he also applied to Jamie Fox to mobilize the Sky City Fortress.

Although this kind of giant vehicle that has just been seized is generally not allowed to be put on the front line immediately.

But Jamie Fox is a five-star general after all, and has a certain say in the federal government.

In addition, he applied for the use of the Sky City Fortress under the pretext of testing the power of new weapons, and the top leaders could not refuse to approve it.

Therefore, this giant fortress, which had just been roughly modified, was hung with new weapons and loaded with a large number of air fighters coming to support. After loading the soldiers of the Hound Unit halfway, it came directly from the sky.

What? Air defense in the city?

Before, even the entire front-line troops could not shoot down this giant fortress. Now it is just the air defense of a town. It has only undergone a simple temporary reinforcement. It is okay to shoot down a few planes, but it is purely a dream to want to shoot it down!

Above the sky! The huge fortress is like a black cloud pressing down on the city, and it has already launched crazy firepower coverage below.

A large number of bombers and fighters are also circling in the sky, engaging in fierce dogfights with the enemy air forces that took off quickly.

Countless soldiers also dropped from the sky by parachute, holding their weapons after landing, roaring and killing in all directions.

The whole city was plunged into war in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the gunshots coming from all directions, the man sitting on the tank had a dull face.

He only knew from his fellow adventurers in the regular army that Qin Ming was going to launch a strong attack on the city.

At most, he controlled a few junior officers and knew that he had applied to the high-level regular army for air force support.

How could he have expected that someone would abandon heavy weapons such as tanks and combat vehicles, directly airdrop all the soldiers in, and take the initiative to fight the most brutal street battles with others! Isn't this crazy!

He didn't expect that Qin Ming, who was only a major and had just been promoted, could persuade the high-level regular army to send the air fortress that had been seized less than a week ago to support!

This face is too big!

Looking at the paratroopers constantly falling from the fortress, and the modified Sky City Fortress that was pouring firepower madly below, the man was stunned for a moment.

At this time, in the Sky City Fortress, Admiral Jamie Fox, who personally led the troops to support, was now standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the city below with a serious expression.

It is unknown whether Qin Ming has the face to ask him, but Feiou is his only daughter after all.

Knowing that the other party is in danger and now his life and death are uncertain, Jamie Fox said that he doesn't care. That's a lie.

Since Qin Ming applied for support from the upper level, he will naturally help with all his strength.

Not to mention the Air Force and Sky City Fortress, he even brought a whole team of Metal Slug Tanks!

Twenty-four Type 4 tanks! Eight Type 3 tanks! Four Type 2 tanks!

Among them, there is even a treasure in the regular army! Experimental Metal Slug Tank! Also known as Metal Slug Type 1! Also called the original model!

That is! Dull gold-class vehicle!

In the entire regular army! Only five five-star generals are worthy of gold! Do you think I'm kidding!

Jamie Fox was not bragging before, in the army, his words really work! No one dares not to give him face!

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