Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 228 Crazy O'Neal

With the opening of the huge parachute, the Metal Slug Squad was airdropped directly.

As the final decisive weapon of the regular army, the Metal Slug tank was designed to be so small that it can be used on any battlefield on land, sea and air.

It can travel on warships, charge in cities, and shuttle freely in ruins.

It can even participate in delicate work such as airdrop operations.

The ultra-small tank structure makes it even lighter than ordinary tanks, and it can follow the army to the enemy's hinterland at any time to carry out decapitation operations.

Now that as many as 30 Metal Slug tanks have entered the field, it will be a devastating blow to any army!

Looking at the flames exploding in all directions, the man standing in the tank looked gloomy.

After taking a deep look at Qin Ming, he quickly got back into the tank and led his people to retreat.

As for the defense of the city? Now that the sky has been lost, the city is full of enemy troops, what's the point of defending it!

He really didn't expect that his former trump card Sky City would become the ultimate weapon to destroy their plan!

As the adventurers began to retreat, the rebels also scattered in panic, trying to support their own troops.

This made Qin Ming, who was hiding in the building, finally breathe a sigh of relief.

From the floor that had been bombed to pieces and completely reduced to ruins, with only the main frame still standing, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri and others looked at each other looking at the city full of flames.

The next second, they suddenly ran towards the distant battlefield at the same time, ready to execute the final plan.

And their goal at this moment is the core hub of this city, the government building!

On the way forward, Qin Ming met his soldiers and waved while running. Seeing this, the soldiers hurriedly carried their weapons and followed.

In just a blink of an eye, the original team of a few people has expanded to more than a hundred people.

After rushing to the government building, they immediately started a fierce battle with the elite troops guarding here.

And among the guards here, Qin Ming also saw an old acquaintance, that is, his former defeated general! The high-ranking general of the rebel army! O'Neill!

This bald man with a naked upper body was holding a machine gun and shooting wildly at the enemies outside.

Countless bullets hit him, but they were all bounced off by his tough skin and could not hurt him at all.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's eyes flashed, and he suddenly pulled away a machine gunner. He stepped on the bunker with a machine gun, stood up with a roar, and started to shoot at the building.

"Bald Xu Jinjiang! How are you!!!"

Da da da da da!

The harsh gunshots were continuous, and the rebel soldiers who were guarding the door and relying on the bunker to fight back were killed on the spot.

Bald Xu... O'Neill was shocked by the machine gun fire and hurriedly stretched out his hand to protect his eyes.

After finding out that the person opposite him was Qin Ming, his face suddenly turned pale, and he felt a dull pain in his back.

Knowing that he could not hold the door with this guy around, he turned around and ran without hesitation.

Seeing him running, Qin Ming chased him, but he did not rush to the door, but rushed directly to the wall beside him.

Grabbing the outer stone with both hands, his fingers were firmly pressed into it, Qin Ming turned into a spider, and quickly climbed up the wall to the upper floor, preparing to force his way to the roof from the outside.

And the final leader of the rebels! General Modern! Right there!

The big man O'Neal ran up the stairs, and Qin Ming climbed up the outer wall. The two sides started a life-and-death race for a while.

In the end, Qin Ming's speed was slightly better, and he was about to surpass O'Neal and climb to the roof in advance.

Seeing this scene, O'Neal gritted his teeth, suddenly roared, and madly crashed into the window in front.

There was a loud bang, and the bulletproof glass exploded. The big man O'Neal actually flew out of the floor and hugged Qin Ming who was climbing outside, trying to pull him down with him!

At this critical moment, Qin Ming used both hands to forcefully hook the wall, and the whole person was completely hanging outside the building.

Looking down at O'Neal who was hugging him and climbing up desperately, Qin Ming kept kicking his legs with a dark face, trying to kick him down.

O'Neal, who was kicked, turned to hold Qin Ming's thighs with both hands and refused to let go, and even kept pulling down hard.

The two of them were hanging more than 20 meters high, entangled in one place.

O'Neal tried to die with Qin Ming and fall down together, while Qin Ming tried to throw him down and kill him.

The two guys were swinging back and forth in the air, and neither of them could do anything to the other for a while. Seeing that he couldn't pull Qin Ming, O'Neal even opened his mouth and bit Qin Ming's leg. Qin Ming couldn't help screaming in pain, and kicked even harder.

"Fuck! A salary of a few hundred yuan a month! What are you playing with!"

"Don't hurt General Modern! We are righteous! We are overthrowing the useless government! We are creating peace!"

"What do you care about peace or not! I don't care! Let go!"

Trying to tell an adventurer about ideals is purely overthinking.

Adventurers are just a group of desperate people who live a precarious life every day and may die at any time.

They can't even save themselves, so how can you expect them to save others?

They can save others! Who can save them!

Swinging O'Neal with his legs, he slammed him against the wall crazily. Seeing that the bald man would not let go even if he was beaten to death, Qin Ming was furious. With the force of his hands, he actually relied on the strength of his arms to carry him with him. O'Neal climbed upward together!

This made O'Neill's eyes wide open. He saw that he was getting closer and closer to the roof of the building. He struggled wildly and swung his body. Unfortunately, Qin Ming's hands were like iron pliers. They were inserted into the wall and would not move at all, no matter how he shook. They couldn't throw Qin Ming out.

In the end, O'Neal, who had no choice but to pull off the lead wire from his waist, attempted to kill Qin Ming with a grenade.

Even if it kills him, he must be blown downstairs and thrown to death!

Looking at O'Neal with white smoke rising from his waist, Qin Ming was shocked, but it was too late to take action.

With a loud bang, the wall in that area was blown down, and Qin Ming and O'Neill fell together to a height of more than 20 meters!

Qin Ming struggled wildly with his hands, trying to grab the wall, but failed several times and only tore off several pieces of the wall.

But before he hit the ground hard, a strong wind suddenly roared in the sky.

The next second! A fighter jet draws a beautiful arc in mid-air! He rushed towards him fiercely! Caught him accurately!

Qin Ming, whose body hit the wing of the plane, was shocked and quickly raised his head to look at the driver's seat.

As a result, I saw a familiar figure at the driving position, driving the fighter jet attentively, with a machine gunner sitting behind him.

It's none other than someone else driving this enhanced fighter jet! It was his adjutant! Pilot Shuke!

And the one driving the machine gun! It’s another adjutant! Tanker Beta!

Seeing Qin Ming looking over, the adjutant Beta, who was sitting in the shooting position, grinned and suddenly raised his hand to salute.

"Pilot Shuke! Together with tanker Beta! Come to escort us! Boss! Welcome back to the team!"

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