Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 229 Aerial Dogfight

On the rooftop, a group of people were arguing. A large number of soldiers desperately pushed a one-eyed general to try to get him on the bomber.

While pushing, they were still trying to persuade him.

"General! You should leave quickly! The city can no longer be defended!"

General Morden, who was pushed by the guards, turned pale when he heard this.

"Bullshit! What will happen to the city if I leave! What will happen to my soldiers! Get out of my way! Give me the gun!"

"General! The rebels can't do without you! Go quickly! We will handle this!"

"I will never abandon my soldiers!"


"They are my soldiers! Don't stop me!"

Seizing the weapons of the guards, General Morden was furious.

"The battle is not over yet! The city has not been completely lost! Even if the city is lost! We can still fight street battles! Even if I die in battle! The rebels will continue to fight! If you are not afraid of death, follow me!"

Hearing General Morden's words, the soldiers around looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Just as he was about to speak, he didn't expect that a fighter plane suddenly flew up along the wall accompanied by the howling wind.

Looking at the fighter plane soaring into the sky and the three enemies on it, the guards turned pale for a moment, and General Morden's pupils shrank.

Seeing the commander's uniform on Qin Ming clearly, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, holding a machine gun and suddenly turned around and rushed towards his heavy bomber.

"Go! Kill them!"

With the propeller turning, General Morden's exclusive heavy bomber! Take off!

Name: Heavy bomber - Rehe (Metal Slug 1)

Weapon 1: Automatic tracking missile (attack power 100-150)

Weapon 2: Bounce self-destruct bomb (attack power 30-80)

Weapon 3: Heavy Gatling gun (attack power 50-60)

Defense 15

Armor value: 1500/1500

Introduction: This bomber is the symbol of General Morden. He once took this heavy bomber and led the team to forcibly blow up the enemy's arsenal, reversing the situation in one fell swoop. Now, this heavy bomber, which originally symbolized honor in the regular army, has become a nightmare for the regular army.

In the howling wind, the extremely large Rehe bomber quickly chased the small fighter in front.

Qin Ming, sitting on the fighter, controlled the machine gun and immediately fired at it.

Beta, the adjutant on the side, also turned the muzzle and began to shoot desperately.

While they were strafing, the Rehe bomber decisively launched a counterattack.

The heavy Gatling machine gun on it was not so bad. Facing the flexible fighter, it was difficult for the machine gun to hit the target.

The real threat was the automatic tracking missile on it!

Once this thing left the cabin! And successfully locked the target! It would automatically adjust the angle to chase the target! It can be said to be a killer weapon against the fighter!

In addition, this bomber was also loaded with a large number of bouncing bombs, which was the origin of its name Rehe.

The plane flew over the sky and dropped countless bombs. These bombs would bounce and roll, fall to the ground along various gaps, and then explode, completely blowing up a whole area into a sea of ​​fire.

That sea of ​​fire was Rehe! A river of blazing flames!

However, in the sky, the bouncing bombs that the Rehe bomber was most proud of were obviously useless. After all, these bombs only jumped, not flew.

Therefore, General Modern, who did not take them out at all, immediately ordered the soldiers to launch a large number of tracking missiles, trying to shoot down the fighter in front.

He stood alone at the hatch, carrying a rocket launcher and shooting continuously.

Facing the pursuit of countless missiles, Shuke, the adjutant who controlled the fighter, frowned and kept making the fighter perform various difficult movements, passing by missiles one after another.

The missiles that flew over the fighter immediately detonated in mid-air after losing the target, forming huge fireworks one after another.

The fighters that kept shuttling back and forth in the flames were dancing on the edge of a knife, and they would be engulfed by the flames if they were not careful.

However, it was engulfed, and it was impossible to kill it with one or two missiles, relying on the hardness of the fighter that had been strengthened to the ordinary silver quality level.

In the sky, fighters and bombers circled wildly and launched the most primitive aerial dogfight.

That is, both sides kept adjusting their positions, trying to bite each other's tail and deal a fatal blow to each other.

The performance of the fighter was strong, and the performance of the bomber was also not low.

This caused the two sides to fight hard for a while, and neither could do anything to the other.

Although the performance of the aircraft could not determine the winner, the weapons could!

The bullets loaded on the fighter were limited after all, and could not be compared with the ammunition load of the heavy bomber.

After a long fight, Qin Ming and his adjutant Beta, who were operating the machine guns and firing continuously, had their weapons misfired one after another.

This made the two of them stiffen their expressions, looking at the bombers that were still chasing behind and firing missiles, and their eyebrows quickly frowned.

There were no shooting weapons, so it was no longer possible to use the fighter to shoot the opponent down from mid-air.

So Qin Ming quickly changed his strategy, jumped onto the fighter, turned his head and roared at his adjutant Shuke.

"Shuke! Go up! Throw me on the bomber! I'll take care of them!"

Hearing this, Shuke's expression was serious. He did not open his mouth to give an answer, but quickly responded with practical actions.

The fighter made a perfect turn in the whistling sound, drew a C-shaped trajectory in the air, and flew upside down on the spot to the top of the Rehe bomber.

No longer avoiding the machine gun's strafing, there was no choice but to continue dodging the two tracking missile bombings from behind.

Adjutant Shuke made the fighter and the enemy bomber complete a close-range docking at the fastest speed!

Looking at the Rehe bomber just below, Qin Ming suddenly let go of his hand and hit it hard on the Rehe bomber.

The fighter above, which was bombed by two missiles on the spot, also had black smoke coming out of its tail, and the body was shaking and falling into the distance.

After flying a certain distance, Shuke and Beta found that the fighter had completely lost control, and chose to abandon the plane and parachute without hesitation.

As for Qin Ming?

With a bang, Qin Ming, who was hit by General Morden's frontal shot, was almost blown away directly.

He grabbed the door with one hand and forced himself to hang outside the plane. He resisted the gunfire of other soldiers and jumped back into the cabin with both hands!

He knocked off the modern general who had finished reloading and raised the gun barrel to continue shooting at himself.

At the same time, he grabbed the guard who was stabbing with a gun and threw him out of the cabin.

With his feet landing heavily, he stood firmly in the cabin.

Qin Ming! Landing successfully!

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