Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 230 Five-star Major General MacArthur

Looking at Qin Ming who was smashed hard in the cabin, the guards around him roared and rushed over with their weapons raised.

Their weapons were excellent, but unfortunately they were still a little short of the mark when facing a melee monster with a main force body.

The first soldier who rushed over was directly knocked out by Qin Ming's punch and rolled out of the cabin.

The two soldiers who followed him were also grabbed by him and smashed hard on the iron plate next to him. One of them was even thrown high by him and hit the top of the cabin head-on, which was severely deformed on the spot.

Seeing that he could not win in close combat, another guard who rushed over directly raised the shotgun in his hand and shot Qin Ming at close range.

The dense bullets bombarded Qin Ming, but were all bounced off. Before he could fire the second shot, the weapon in his hand was grabbed and torn away by Qin Ming.

With a bang, the shotgun with the muzzle offset suddenly sprayed flames, passing over the position of Qin Ming's cockpit.

The pilot, who was driving the bomber with all his strength, was shot through with his seat and fell on the control console.

The control panel, which was also attacked by the shotgun, also burst into a lot of sparks at this moment, and stopped working on the spot with a piercing sound!

The completely out-of-control heavy bomber began to circle wildly in the sky, causing the people in the cabin to be thrown back and forth for a while, and from time to time, the unlucky ones would be thrown out of the cabin screaming.

Qin Ming, who was holding on to the cabin door tightly, followed the heavy bomber to rotate more than ten times in the sky.

Finally, accompanied by a loud bang, the bomber that was stuck on the ground slid all the way, and finally stopped moving after sliding out more than 20 meters.

The completely scrapped Rehe bomber was now emitting billowing smoke and bursting out sparks from time to time.

Qin Ming struggled to climb out of the severely twisted cabin door, holding a one-eyed man in his hand, who was the leader of the rebels! General Morden!

After dragging him away from the cabin, Qin Ming threw him to the ground.

Looking at the embarrassed one-eyed man, Qin Ming quickly raised his hand and pulled out the revolver from his waist, and loaded the bullets skillfully.

"General Modern! You lost! The war is over!"

Hearing Qin Ming's voice, Modern, who was panting heavily, couldn't help but glance at him.

"No, I lost, but the war has just begun!"

With a click, Qin Ming raised his hand to pull the safety hammer, and pointed the pistol directly at Modern's head. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance.

"Hyena! Wait a minute!"

Hearing the voice, Qin Ming glanced sideways and found that several tanks had rushed in from a distance. The leader was none other than Jamie Fox, the general of the regular army.

Jamie Fox jumped off the tank immediately after approaching, first looked down at General Modern lying on the ground, and then looked up at Qin Ming.

"Hyena, don't kill him."

"This is my trophy!"

"I know, there is no benefit in just killing him. This guy is more valuable alive and will help you get promoted."

Jamie Fox's words made Qin Ming stunned. After a little hesitation, he still shook his hand and took back the pistol.

Promotion is related to his title task, especially whether the last blue title task can be completed, which is of great significance.

As for the trophy of killing General Modern? Qin Ming, who has been in this world for so long, has long understood that people in this broken place will not drop good things! Various large vehicles will drop!

The so-called final big BOSS Modern has very low attributes. Expect to kill him to get good equipment? A BOSS with the highest attribute of only 15 points, what good equipment do you think it can have?

After a trade-off between the two, Qin Ming finally chose to complete the title and hand in the living Modern as a military merit.

Seeing Qin Ming put down his gun, Admiral Jamie Fox on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the boy in front of him was too rude and dared to hit him. He was really afraid that the other party would not listen to his persuasion and insisted on shooting Modern to death.

What value could a dead General Modern have except causing the rebels to completely run away.

At that time, let alone promotion, Qin Ming, who had been arrested but killed the other party's highest commander in public, would be lucky not to be brought to a military court.

Retracting his gaze from Qin Ming, Jamie Fox turned his head and looked at General Modern who was held up by the soldiers, and a smile suddenly appeared on his stern face.

"Old buddy, long time no see, how have you been recently?"

General Modern, who was sandwiched between several soldiers, looked up at Jamie Fox after hearing the words, and a smile appeared on his dirty face.

"Don't worry, my mission is not yet completed, and I am not going to die. But you have found a good subordinate."

"That's right! This is the boy I like! How could he be bad! He is very brave in battle! You have experienced this yourself!"

"Yes, but how long can this bravery last in the regular army......"

General Morden, with his hands chained, was taken to the chariot.

The melee in the city lasted for a whole day before it was finally declared over.

The city was finally lost. Facing the terrifyingly equipped hound troops, the rebels who had struggled for a day were still completely defeated.

As the flag of the regular army rose in the city, the city officially declared that the property had been returned to its original owner......

In the early morning of the next day, the team responsible for escorting General Modern had arrived at the headquarters in the rear area, along with Qin Ming and others.

They came here to receive awards. They decided the outcome in one battle and even captured General Modern, the enemy's commander-in-chief, alive. This time they were considered to have made a great contribution.

In the solemn meeting hall, the modern general was brought up and sentenced to more than 300 crimes in public.

Accepting the live broadcast and facing the camera, he remained expressionless throughout the entire process and did not say a word from beginning to end.

As he was pressed down, Qin Ming and others quickly appeared.

Qin Ming, who had changed into a new major military uniform, finally stopped wearing his hat crookedly. Now neatly dressed, he could be regarded as a human being at the moment.

Standing next to him, in addition to the four members of Mile Kasamoto, were his two lieutenants, Shuke and Beta, who commanded the hound troops to conduct a perfect air attack this time.

At the front of the conference hall, there was a row of high-ranking regular army officials sitting, each with a status no less than that of General Jamie Foss.

Today's external claims are that they won this battle by remotely commanding the hound troops.

It's just that people with high positions and powerful positions have already been granted no titles, so they just receive a small amount of gold. The real recipients of the award are Qin Ming and the others.

Oh, by the way, in addition to Qin Ming and others, there was another official waiting to receive the award, and that was Major General Collins, the former frontline commander who had now been deprived of real power by Qin Ming.

Although he messed up the battle, although he no longer had real power, he did not even participate in subsequent battles.

But who told him to have a general-level father? According to current reports, this major general who was so scared that he hid in the air-raid shelter and dared not go out, also became a heroic fighter, and even got injured because of it, which led to the final battle only A combat hero who can make suggestions remotely but cannot directly participate.

Even Qin Ming's seizure of power was said to be the result of his being unable to participate in the war due to injuries and voluntarily giving way to others.

Everyone standing in a row received promotion rewards and a first-class combat medal.

Among them, Shuke and Beta were promoted to majors, and the four members of Mile Kasamoto were also promoted to three levels in a row.

Major General Collins was transferred to another military camp and continued to serve as commander-in-chief.

As for Qin Ming......

"Major Hyena! Congratulations! From now on you are a major general! You are also a glorious frontline commander! The Fourth Army will continue to be led by you! And this army is officially renamed the Hound Army!"

The federal prime minister solemnly hung the medal on Qin Ming's chest and looked at the young talent in front of him with a bright smile on his face.

"By the way, Major General Hyena, Hyena is just your code name, right? Now that you have been promoted to major general and have appeared on TV, you can't continue to use your code name. You have to say hello to everyone, so you What’s your real name?”

Qin Ming, who stood up straight, was stunned when he heard this. He turned his head and looked at the camera on the side. After being silent for a second, he finally spoke solemnly with a straight face.

"My name is MacArthur!"

"Huh? MacArthur?"

"Yes! Five-star Emperor! MacArthur!"

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