Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 231 Super Props! Big Brother!

After many years, General MacArthur became famous again, but this time he appeared as a major general, and he was a major general with real power.

There are major generals so young in the regular army, but there are very few major generals so young and powerful, who can lead an army alone.

In fact, according to the intention of the federal high-level officials, Qin Ming, who had made great contributions, was given the rank of major general, and the real power was to be taken back.

After all, he is young, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so there is no need to confer all the titles at once.

Otherwise, if he makes contributions in the future, there will be nothing to be conferred.

But when a high-level official went to the military camp to take back the military power, he was surrounded by more than 10,000 aggressive soldiers.

Looking at this armed force that had penetrated the rebel army head-on, it was not a big deal at this moment, and even dared to point a gun at its own armed forces.

The high-level official suddenly felt that it was not impossible to let Qin Ming continue to be in charge of this army!

After all, the rebels have not been completely dealt with. If another rebel army is formed, and it is a more capable rebel army, they will be driven crazy!

After all, he is a young talent in their own family! It is also a good thing to have real power!

And I heard that he is still single! There is no other force behind him! That's even better!

Work hard in the future! Maybe one day he will marry a family in the upper echelons! Promoted to general!

With the promotion to major general, Qin Ming completed all three title tasks in the world of Metal Slug 1. After returning, he can use the titles he obtained before to upgrade his silver title! The effect will definitely be more powerful!

The most important thing is that Qin Ming, who has become a senior official, also received a lineup reward.

The lineup exchange column in the world of Metal Slug is very special. It cannot exchange things with anyone's favor, and can only use points to buy props.

And the higher the official position, the better the things you can buy.

As a major general, Qin Ming is even eligible to buy a Metal Slug tank!

Although he could only buy one, and it was only a Type 3, and the price was as high as 20,000 points, he didn't want it at all.

The most important thing is. With the end of the war, the regular army began to reward meritorious service. All adventurers on the winning side of the regular army also received a special reward equivalent to their own military rank and military merit.

And the military reward Qin Ming received! It turned out to be a prop of dull gold quality!

Name: Military Satellite Phone (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Special Equipment (Dim Gold Quality)

Equipment Requirements: No. 441985

Effect: Call for air support (consume points, can call hound troops for air support in other worlds)

Call 1: Hound Assault Team (spend 5,000 points, summon 10 hound infantry and 1 hound machine gunner to participate in the battle)

Call 2: Hound Special Operations Team (spend 10,000 points, summon 50 hound infantry, 4 hound machine gunners Gunners, two light tanks and two heavy tanks to join the battle)

Call 3: Hound Armed Squadron (spend 50,000 points to summon a whole hound brigade to join the battle, including 1,000 riflemen, 20 machine gunners, five light and heavy tanks and armored personnel carriers, and twelve fighter bombers)

Call 4: General Attack Order (spend 250,000 points to summon all hound troops to conduct an airdrop general attack, with a total of 14,695 people)

Introduction: Hyena calls hounds! Immediately conduct an airdrop general attack! What? The top leaders didn't issue an order? My words are the order!

Looking at the old-fashioned mobile phone in his hand, Qin Ming is now in a state of laughter and tears.

Logically speaking, this prop is definitely a magical tool that can shake down more than 10,000 people in one breath, and all of them are armed to the teeth soldiers to help find.

With the hound troops in hand, let alone facing a team of adventurers, even if you let him fight 500 adventurers alone, Qin Ming will not be afraid!

But the problem is the price of this summoning! Isn't it too outrageous!

250,000 points? Who can afford it! Summoning once will cost you everything!

No! Even if you sell the current Qin Ming! He can't get so much money!

Speaking of the super-large battleship that was captured by the King of Fighters team, it should be a similar prop, which was summoned directly from other worlds by spending points.

The effect of this prop is powerful, but once there is a problem, it will directly cause the prop to be scrapped.

For example, this satellite phone, how many people it can finally call depends on how many people there are in the hound troops.

If there are 10,000 people in total, you can shake 10,000 in one breath. If there are only 100 people, you can only call 100.

After all, it can't create people out of thin air, right?

If the Hounds were wiped out during a certain use, then this golden item would be completely useless.

The same is true for the item used by the King of Fighters to summon the Sky City Fortress. Now that even the Sky City Fortress has been taken away, where can they call for warships!

Qin Ming put away the satellite phone and returned to his front-line position again.

He planned to arm his own troops in the end. After all, they were his own soldiers, and he couldn't let them live too badly.

What's more, at a critical moment, he might need them again.

After upgrading and integrating all the equipment seized from the battlefield and handing them over to Adjutant Beta for safekeeping, and handing over the temporary command of the army to Adjutant Shuke, Qin Ming finally left the barracks with satisfaction.

He divided the power, not because he was afraid that someone would take advantage of his absence to seize his power, he didn't care about that at all.

Not to mention that the reason why the hound troops were able to fight and were loyal was all due to their special talents.

As long as they didn't have their own special talents, no one could take away his position.

He chose to divide the power between the two, mainly because the personalities of Shuke and Beta were too extreme.

Shuke was a typical rigid soldier, with the advantages of loyalty and integrity, and clear rewards and punishments.

Although he could manage the army well, he couldn't defend himself if someone wanted to mess with him or secretly seize power.

And Beta was a complete soldier, the kind of bad oil, proficient in changing his mind and harming others for his own benefit.

Although it is impossible to expect him to lead troops to fight, if this guy gets to the top, he will definitely be a typical federal officer who is afraid of death.

But he is good at managing money! He has a smart little brain! He is also very good at playing tricks on people!

One of them is responsible for managing the army and the other is responsible for accounting. In this way, even if he is not there, Qin Ming is not afraid of accidents in the army.

Want to take advantage of Qin Ming's absence and take away the military power of the two with a military order?

You can fool the adjutant Shuke with this trick, but do you want to use this trick to deal with the adjutant Beta?

I am afraid that you will be shot several times in the back the next day and forced to commit suicide.

One is civil and the other is military, one is good and the other is bad, one manages the soldiers and the other manages the finances, and the two can perfectly cooperate.

After leaving the barracks, Qin Ming had a drink with the four protagonists who had shared hardships.

At the last moment, he did not forget to find Admiral Jamie Fox and punched him a few times for a reason. After taking revenge on him for saying bad things about him behind his back, he finally left the Metal Slug world.

Only Jamie Fox, who wanted to take the opportunity to mention the marriage, was beaten for no reason before he could say anything, and was confused.

Qin Ming! Return!

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