Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 232 Huge Harvest

This world is: Metal Slug 1

Main task: Join the regular army or the rebel army, and promote the official position to sergeant or above (completed)

Reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Optional task: Join the Peregrine Squad or the Modern Special Forces (completed)

Reward: 3000 points, 3 free attribute points.

Green title: Captain (completed)

Green title: Officer (completed)

Blue title: General (completed)

A total of 8 free attribute points, 8000 points, and three titles (two green and one blue) were obtained this time

It is still the familiar picture rotation, and it is still the familiar final freeze.

The last scene presented to Qin Ming was the scene where he pointed a gun at General Modern and stared at him silently.

Metal Slug 1, a special large-scale war world, has no levels, and can be regarded as an alternative free exploration world.

And with General Modern being captured, Metal Slug 1 can be regarded as officially cleared.

However, Qin Ming did not trigger the world view this time, nor did he get the clearance reward, so the total points and attribute points he got were not too many.

However, he killed quite a few adventurers along the way!

The most important thing is that the loot he got this time was definitely not bad.

Not to mention the special golden satellite phone, which is a money-burning item. Qin Ming dared not use it casually unless it was absolutely necessary.

In addition to the phone, Qin Ming dismantled several BOSS-level tanks along the way, and killed a large number of adventurers. He got a lot of plot keys and bloody keys.

He did not fuse the bloody keys, but opened them all.

Because he found that the effect of this thing after fusion would be worse! The result of fusion is that he can choose two options for obtaining on one key!

From the original three choices of points, equipment, and inventory, it became three choices.

Originally, this effect should be good, after all, the items that can be obtained by the keys of garbage adventurers and top adventurers are worlds apart.

Consuming a garbage bloody key to open another option of top adventurers is definitely a blood profit.

But the problem is that these bloody keys look exactly the same! Qin Ming put them all together! How could he remember whose key is whose!

If the good key is used as the base and merged, wouldn’t it be a big loss!

Therefore, all the bloody keys were opened intact, and the opened ones were either equipment or inventory.

Most of them were broken, and there were only two things that were really valuable.

Name: Incomplete Invincible Venus

Category: Consumable 1/3 (Ordinary Silver Quality)

Usage Requirements: None

Effect: After activation, you can gain 1.5 seconds of invincibility.

Introduction: Mamma Mia!

Name: Billy's Mechanical Stick (King of Fighters World)

Category: Weapon (Ordinary Silver Quality)

Equipment Requirements: Strength 20

Effect 1: Attack Power 10-15

Effect 2: Stick Dance Cyclone (Consume 5 points of mental power, control the stick to extend the slap, causing large-scale damage, the damage value is strength X2, can be activated three times in a row, and each activation requires an additional 5 points of mental power)

Introduction: Poke, poke, poke, poke! An inch longer, an inch stronger! Even if I only know this one trick! I can still beat the game! Ah!

Two props, a stick and a gold star, both have very good effects.

Especially the gold star at the back! It can actually provide invincibility time!

The King of Power took seven charged sonic hand knives before, but he was still unscathed. It is probably due to this thing.

The effect of this gold star is very powerful, but it’s a pity that two of the three opportunities to use it have been used. It has no enhancement value and can only be used as a life-saving trump card.

In addition to the previous Kusanagi gloves, the adventurers provided Qin Ming with only these three valuable items.

In addition to the adventurers, the real highlight is the plot key.

The Valley King tank alone provided Qin Ming with a dull golden key!

There is also a mini-Bart killed on the road! And the Jehol bomber that was finally destroyed!

One of them is dull silver quality, and the other is ordinary silver quality.

In addition to the enemy trophies that were killed along the way.

After a fusion, Qin Ming had two brilliant silver keys in his hand! And a dull gold key!

Looking at the three trophies in his hand, Qin Ming's eyes flickered, and he chose to open them without hesitation.

With a flash of light, three brand-new props appeared in front of him.

Name: Portable double-barreled cannon (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Vehicle pendant (dim gold quality)

Equipment requirements: Vehicle

Effect: Fixed attack power 150-200 (recharging takes 15 seconds)

Introduction: An experimental double-barreled energy cannon that can be equipped on a vehicle. Although its power has been affected due to its reduced size, its lethality is still amazing.

Name: Mini Bart Tank (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Special vehicle (brilliant silver quality)

Effect: Summon a Mini Bart to participate in the battle. There is a train gun on the Mini Bart! A heavy machine gun!

Introduction: A reinforced Mini Bart tank, both its lethality and defense have been greatly improved, but it is a pity that it still has no lid.

Name: Modern Flying Combat Suit (Metal Slug 1)

Category: Top (Brilliant Silver Quality)

Effect 1: Flight mode (the aircraft behind can be controlled to fly at high speed, fuel 500/500, automatically replenished in each world)

Effect 2: Bombing mode (12 micro missiles are carried on the top, which can carry out large-scale bombing, the missile damage is 80-100, and the aircraft can be fired for blasting bombing. The aircraft damage depends on the remaining fuel, and the maximum value is 250)

Introduction: This is an escape weapon developed by the rebel scientific research unit for its own generals, but General Modern has never used it.

A gold-level vehicle equipment! A brilliant silver-level super vehicle! And a brilliant silver-level special combat jacket!

Qin Ming was very lucky this time, and all three keys opened the highest level equipment it could open.

Of course, this may also be because the gold content of the keys this time is very high.

It’s just that the clothes and vehicle equipment are still okay, but this mini Bart tank...

Looking at the tank model in his hand, Qin Ming was speechless.

A tank without a roof is useless no matter how powerful its firepower is or how high its armor value is!

Throw a grenade from above! Wouldn't that mean they would be wiped out on the spot! When he solved the little boss Mini Bart before! That's how it exploded!

Shaking his head, Qin Ming, who didn't like this vehicle very much, hesitated for a moment and raised his hand to take out his bronze gong.

This time, the alloy warhorse performed well and lived up to its cousin, the Red Rabbit! The name of the Black Rabbit!

The most important thing is that as a small vehicle, although the Black Rabbit can't bear the weight of a steel vehicle, it is flexible enough!

So Qin Ming decided! To entrust the Black Rabbit with an important task! To officially upgrade it to a golden warhorse!

And the foundation for fusion is this useless Mini Bart tank in his hand!

Who made it have no lid!

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