Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 233 Super Vehicle and Super Title

Name: Black Rabbit (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Category: Vehicle (Dim Gold Quality)

Strength 35

Constitution 35

Agility 35

Spirit 35

Effect 1: Fast as a meteor (Double running speed)

Effect 2: Unstoppable (Double collision force)

Introduction: Have you seen this thing? Go! Give it to Lu Bu! From now on, you are Lu Bu's new father!

Black Rabbit equipped vehicle:

Energy machine gun (left)

Brilliant silver quality, fixed attack power 40-60 (bullet capacity 3000 rounds)

Portable double-barreled energy cannon (right)

Dim gold quality, fixed attack power 150-200 (double shot at a time, charging for 15 seconds)

Looking at the luxurious warhorse parked in front of him, looking at the machine gun on the left and the cannon on the right, if a vest is installed, it can be said that the Black Rabbit is armed to the teeth and equipped more luxuriously than himself. Qin Ming can't let it go for a while.

He patted here and pinched there, until he patted the horse's butt twice and was kicked away by the horse's hoof, and then he finally stopped harassing others.

A golden quality warhorse! Not to mention Qin Ming! I'm afraid that Lu Bu and Guan Yu have never seen it!

Not to mention that it is equipped with two super weapons!

Looking at the warhorse in front of him, Qin Ming even seriously suspected that it might be more powerful than himself!

It's just that the super warhorse is really handsome after it is built, but the consumption is also very terrifying.

A large number of messy equipment opened by adventurers were basically used by Qin Ming to fuse vehicles and firearms, and the mini-Bat tank was also used to fuse with the warhorse.

As for those protective equipment that cannot be fused with machine guns, Qin Ming used them to fuse and strengthen a new equipment.

That is Kusanagi gloves!

Name: Kusanagi Gloves - Left (King of Fighters World)

Category: Hands (Ordinary Silver Equipment, Set 1/2)

Equipment Requirements: None

Effect: Can consume mental power and use it to perform the Kusanagi clan's Red Flame.

Introduction: The gloves that contain the complete power of Red Flame are definitely the dream of Kusanagi Kyo's apprentice, Shingo Fukiya, who has never been able to make fire in his life.

Put on the sun gloves, accompanied by a flick of the palm, a ball of red flames quickly boiled up in Qin Ming's hands.

The complete version of the Sun Fire that can only be used by the Kusanagi clan! Just appeared like this!

Qin Ming didn't know if he could use this glove, but such a special equipment, and it is also one of the sets, Qin Ming thinks it is very worth strengthening and collecting.

And if he goes to the King of Fighters world, he might be able to use this glove to disguise as a member of the Kusanagi family and take the opportunity to get some benefits!

Looking up at the blazing fire in his hand, Qin Ming, with a gleam in his eyes, suddenly roared and threw the flame in his hand forward.

As a result, he tried to use his signature trick, the Great Snake Nagini, but he did not succeed. Instead, he threw out a sonic hand knife with fire!

The huge fire wheel cut forward and instantly ignited the entire wall.

Qin Ming didn't know whether this fake Great Snake Nagini was more lethal than the genuine Great Snake Nagini. Anyway, the visual effect was definitely not weaker than that of the Great Snake Nagini. The most important thing was that it flew far!

After shaking his hand to put away the fire, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction. After putting away the gloves, he immediately began to allocate attribute points.

He only had 8 attributes, and he threw them all to the physique, causing the physique to go from the original 21 points to 25 points.

Counting the equipment blessing, it has reached a full 50 points.

Qin Ming, who finally dealt with all the spoils, finally locked his eyes on his title.

This time he got three titles, two green and one blue, which are exactly silver when combined.

With the original silver title of Fu Hu Admiral, his title can be upgraded again.

Although this title did not come in handy, Qin Ming believed that it would always shine again, just like in the world of Captain Hook.

And as long as it shines once, it will be enough to pay for itself.

Therefore, with the fusion of titles, Qin Ming directly chose to strengthen the title of Fu Hu Admiral.

In the flashing light, the upgraded Fu Hu title appeared.

Title name: Fu Hu Admiral (Silver Title-Ordinary)

Effect: Appear as the protagonist camp, and randomly obtain the favorability of a female plot character in the protagonist camp, with a favorability of 650 points!

Introduction: I will help you if you have any trouble. I am a teammate and my surname is Wang...

The silver title has been upgraded by one grade, and an ordinary prefix has been directly added, and the effect has also been greatly improved.

Looking at the favorability that reached 650 points, Qin Ming really believed that as the title continued to upgrade, he would get a wife directly after entering the mission world one day!

Uh! There is also a love rival!

Of course! It is also possible to bring an extra cheap son!

650 points of favorability! What is this concept?

If he returns to the Fatal Fury world again, if the title is chosen as Mai Shiranui, then he doesn't have to work hard!

Mai Shiranui, whose love favorability is only 650! She will raise her favorability to the full on the spot!

What Andy's wife? Bullshit! That's obviously his wife!

At most, it's the wife of the two of them! Anyway, no matter what? He must have a share of Mai Shiranui!

If the effect continues to improve, then it's not that he has to have a share, but that he directly takes over the magpie's nest and drives the original owner away!

Looking at the effect of the new title, Qin Ming's first reaction in his mind was to return to the world of Dinosaur Kombat, steal the heroine Hannah, and kill the hero Jack by the way, using this title to completely regain his position.

And you don’t have to fight it yourself! He wants Hannah to beat him to death herself!

That’s right! Even though they are several worlds apart, Qin Ming has not forgotten revenge!

Extremely petty, he is still thinking about his grudge with Jack in White, and is not thinking about getting back in trouble all the time.

How dare you bully yourself when you're not up? Then you'd better not let him get up! Otherwise, he won't go back with double revenge! That counts as his Alzheimer's disease!

As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years, and for a villain to take revenge from morning to night. However, Qin Ming is neither a gentleman nor a villain.

Therefore, his purpose is to wait until he has the strength to regain his position, and then it will be too late to take revenge!

That white man Jack! The crazy woman adventurer Zero who shot herself with a gun!

And in the world of Dragon King Warrior, the priest protagonist Arudo didn’t beat him but ran away! What a bunch of idiots like the King of Fighters!

Oh, right! And Jamie Foxx is so old! How dare you speak ill of yourself behind your back! Next time I go in, I'll find a reason to beat him up again!

One of them counts! No one can escape!

He only cares about the severity of his revenge! But there is absolutely no time not to report it!

He quickly wrote down the names of all his enemies in his notebook, and finally took a pen and drew a big circle on the King of Fighters team and clicked it hard.

Qin Ming, with a dark face, gradually sharpened his eyes.

It's easy for everyone else to say that they can't escape when they stay in the plot world, and I have countless time to play with them slowly.

Today’s top priority! It’s time to get back the place this time!

He actually created two worlds of his own in a row! I really thought I was made of mud!

They're done, right? Then it's your turn to mess with them!

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