Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 234 The Shocked Team

In the nightmare space, at the King of Fighters base camp, the atmosphere was very solemn.

The senior executives gathered together, now looking down expressionlessly.

Standing below was the man from the King of Fighters who had met Qin Ming before, and the person in charge of this operation, codenamed: Ghost Electric.

After a long silence, one of the senior executives finally spoke.

"Raiden, how about the losses this time?"

Raiden answered quickly with a straight face.

"Of the three hundred low-level adventurers, only less than one hundred came back alive, and the others either died in the operation or in the subsequent chaos."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several senior executives trembled violently, and one of them even widened his eyes, obviously shocked by the number of casualties.

"Less than 100 survived?"

"Yes! And the Sky City Fortress was also lost. The good seedlings Li Wang and Gun Wang who were in charge of leading the team died in the battle. Liehuo, who was originally expected to be included in the key training target, also died in it."

The more Lei Dian said, the darker the faces of the senior leaders sitting in the front became.

When he heard the last part, one of them couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the table hard, and stood up directly.

"Why is the loss so big this time! Isn't the plan good! Wasn't the original plan to help General Modern win! All members were awarded official titles and rewards! Get a lot of benefits at once! Why did things develop into this mess!"

The large loss of low-level members is actually nothing.

After all, there are not many other things in the nightmare space, but there are many novice adventurers.

There are many low-level adventurers willing to join the team, and they don't lack low-level adventurers at all.

But three of the key training targets that were finally found died in the battle, and the Sky City Fortress, which cost 150,000 points to deploy once, was taken away. This loss is too great! It is really hard for them to accept!

Looking at Lei Dian with a gloomy look, the senior executive who stood up spoke coldly.

"What happened? Who caused the operation to fail!"

Lei Dian did not give an answer immediately after hearing this, but glanced at the crowd next to him.

After a slight silence of one second, he spoke in a cold tone.

"It's Hyena, a lone adventurer, number 441985, a low-level adventurer."



"No organization? Just one person beat you into this state?"

"Yes, his talent should be very special. This guy has become a commander. The most important thing is that the combat power of his soldiers is very terrifying. A single adventurer can hardly take down a team of ten people. Instead, it is easy to be killed by the opponent. Most adventurers died at the hands of his soldiers, and the final plan was defeated by his airborne troops."

When he said this, Lei Dian, with a stern face, took out two forms from his arms and handed them over solemnly.

"This is the information I collected. By controlling his soldiers, I can confirm the weapons and equipment in their hands! The worst are blue quality! All of them!"

As soon as this was said, the scene suddenly became silent. The top leaders looked at each other and their expressions gradually became serious.

"All of them?"

"Yes! All of them!"

"How many are there?"

"There are more than 10,000 soldiers alone."


Taking a breath of cold air, the top executives finally looked serious.

After all, being able to produce so many blue equipment, even if they cannot bring them back to the nightmare space, what it represents is self-evident.

Looking at the people with serious expressions, Lei Dian suddenly added a sentence with a straight face.

"My lords, I believe you should still remember the intermediate adventurer in the Legion Team, the darling of the Legion Team, the arms dealer?"

Hearing the code name of the arms dealer, the eyes of the top executives flickered.

"Of course I remember, in order to kill him, there were twelve teams at that time, and thousands of elites were dispatched together, and they barely killed him. In the end, less than 200 of the more than 1,000 people came back alive."

"I suspect that he is another arms dealer!"

As Lei Dian's decisive voice fell, the hall fell into silence again.

The senior executive who sat back in his chair silently lowered his head, frowned, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"If he is also an arms dealer, then it's not surprising that so many people were lost this time, it's not surprising..."

Arms dealer, a member of the Legion team, a mid-level adventurer.

His famous battle was to assist the Legion team, relying on a large-scale war world, to wipe out more than 2,000 adventurers of another team in one go, almost killing all the low-level and mid-level adventurers of the other side!

And his talent skill is very special, called the King of War.

The effect is that any plot equipment that cannot be replaced in the mission world can be unconditionally upgraded to blue quality!

There is no limit on the number! There is no activation requirement! Anything can be strengthened!

Relying on him, the Legion team almost swept all the war-type mission worlds!

After all, there are many participants in that kind of world, and the number of plot equipment is also huge, which is very suitable for him to exert his abilities.

However, the tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Faced with the Legion Team that was suppressing all the teams on its own and madly monopolizing the world resources of war-type missions, the other teams that were suffering continuous losses finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The elites of the twelve teams forcibly carried out a decapitation operation in a large-scale mission world.

The sealing props to prevent the opponent from returning and the restrictive props to prevent the opponent from resurrecting, this decapitation unit used all means.

The result was that both sides fought to a draw, and the elites sent by the twelve teams were almost killed by the army of plot characters with enhanced equipment.

And the arms dealer who was in his prime and led the legion team to walk sideways in the war world was officially declared dead.

Knowing that the opponent this time might be a monster of that level again, the senior executives sitting in front of them turned pale for a while.

The leader who had been silent all the time exerted force with his palm and crushed the armrest of the chair. Finally, he slowly raised his head and spoke for the first time.

A hoarse voice immediately sounded in the room, and a terrifying momentum swept around.

Even on his chest, even with the clothes blocking it, a sun-like light pattern could be clearly seen.

This light pattern is called the snake tattoo!

"Who provoked him?"

Hearing these few words, everyone at the scene lowered their heads quickly, and even Lei Dian, who had always looked calm, swallowed nervously.

"Report, report to the King of Fighters! He had a conflict with Feng, the seed figure in our team!"

"Feng? Isn't he dead?"

"Yes, he has died for the second time, both times at the hands of the other party."

"Then why did he appear in the same world with us this time?"

"I have checked it out. It is because the King of Sticks took the initiative to pull him into the mission world in order to please Master Gui Yan, trying to get rid of him."

As Lei's phone fell, the room fell silent again.

The King of Fighters, sitting in the main seat, slowly turned his head and looked at Gui Yan in the crowd.

Looking at the pale opponent, the King of Fighters took a deep breath, closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, and suddenly spoke.

"Find him, recruit him, and let him ask for whatever salary he wants. It's better to resolve a feud than to create one. Tell him that as long as he is willing to join our King of Fighters team, he will have a place in the Eight Heroes. He will be equipped with everything, including bloodline, skills, and equipment!"

"Yes! But......"

"But what?"

"But sir, what if he doesn't want to?"

"Then find a way to catch him and give him one last chance to cooperate. If he is still stubborn after being caught... then let him sleep forever, as if this arms dealer has never appeared."


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