Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 235 Qin Ming's Concerns

The trading hall in the low-level area is still bustling with people.

Although adventurers die every moment in the nightmare space, new people are added all the time.

This makes it always so lively here, and it has never been quiet.

Qin Ming actually doubted whether a large number of deaths would cause a shock to reality.

After all, hundreds or even thousands of people disappeared in one day. It’s okay once or twice, but if it happens more often, it’s too obvious and will inevitably attract the attention of the world.

So Qin Ming specially collected information in this regard, and finally found the reason from the double-gun woman.

And it wasn’t the double-gun woman who told him specifically, but Qin Ming, who was chatting with her, accidentally found something wrong.

He found that the real place names in the double-gun woman’s mouth! It didn’t match the real place names he knew!

In other words! They are not from the same world! The adventurers pulled in by the nightmare space! They are not all in the same universe!

Parallel world! Dislocated time and space!

These countless adventurers who look the same! They actually came from a large number of similar worlds! Rather than from the same place!

This discovery surprised Qin Ming, but at the same time he was relieved.

After all, this is good news for him. Since everyone is not in the same universe, it means that the forces of these teams cannot be completely united in the real world.

If they can't unite, it will be no easy task to deal with him in the real world.

If everyone is in the same world, Qin Ming feels terrified just thinking about the power that the team can mobilize in reality.

Now that he knows that everyone is not in the same world, the power of the team has been cut and dispersed, and there are not so many adventurers in his own territory, Qin Ming's sense of crisis has finally been eliminated.

That's right, it's a sense of crisis.

As his strength continues to improve and he gets along smoothly, Qin Ming not only did not relax his vigilance, but became more and more nervous.

Because he always believes in one idea, that is, he is definitely not the protagonist of the world, and the world cannot revolve around him.

When you find that you have awakened your superpowers, don't be too happy, because at this time, there may be countless superpowers like you in the world! And there may be many people who are stronger than you!

You! Maybe you are special! You are outstanding! But you can never be unique!

The most abundant thing in the world! Is genius and lucky people!

The most important thing is that even if you are unique, it may not be a good thing, because the more special you are, the easier it is to be targeted by others.

Qin Ming used to be a small businessman, and he understood the truth that people's hearts are sinister, and he understood how difficult it would be for an outsider to get into an industry and touch the cake that has already been divided.

It's okay when you are not doing well, and other people will help you instead, after all, you are not as good as them, and you can't compete with them.

But once you are too good and threaten their business, then you will find that all your peers have become enemies, and they will join hands to exclude you! Even mess with you! Until you are forced to leave or the business is completely ruined!

As a newcomer, you are often no match for them. After all, even a powerful dragon dares not suppress a snake.

The main reason why Qin Ming dares not stand out, dares not show his talents, and dares not use his talents casually is that he is afraid that he will be bitten to death by the local snake.

He is afraid that even if they can't bite him to death in the nightmare space, they will find him in reality and kill him.

It is true that high-level adventurers cannot enter the low-level adventurer area, let alone enter the low-level tasks.

But no one has stipulated that they can't fight you in reality! A high-level or even top-level adventurer! Suddenly appeared at your door with people!

That is different from Zhu Yuanzhang, who had not had time to make a fortune and was begging for food, and suddenly saw a hundred thousand troops appearing in front of his begging bowl, trying to wipe him out in the cradle!

Does Qin Ming dare to gamble? He doesn't dare! If he doesn't dare, he can only be a coward!

Now that he finds that the power of adventurers in the real world does not seem to be as terrifying as he expected, he finally breathes a sigh of relief.

This is also the main reason why he dared to use his ability to confront the King of Fighters Team head-on, and even planned to bite back at them.

Qin Ming, who finally took a breath, was wandering in the low-level trading area at this moment, and was constantly scanning the adventurers around with the props in his hand.

The prop in his hand is called the number confirmer! It is a special prop that he exchanged in the nightmare space for 5,000 points.

He is looking for the people of the King of Fighters Team and recording their numbers to prepare for the next revenge action.

Not daring to cause trouble is not daring to cause trouble, but this does not mean that Qin Ming will be afraid of trouble.

Now that the other party is determined to mess with him, it is useless to be timid!

Not retaliating! It is not Qin Ming's character!

How they chased him! That's how he chased them!

The more awesome-looking guys are! The more he is his target!

If he doesn't hurt the other party! The other party will never let him go! Only when they know the pain! They will be afraid!

This was also the main reason why Qin Ming took the risk to strengthen his troops in the last world and beat them to death, just to tell the other side that he was not easy to mess with! And he would never let go of any grudge!

Continue to hunt? Then we will fight to the death! I will fight the opponent to my death!

If the opponent dares to hunt me with all his strength! I will really be defeated by then! Then he will take the initiative to join the enemy forces of the King of Fighters Team! And there is only one request! That is to let them fight to the death with the King of Fighters Team!

The barefoot are not afraid of the shoes! He wants to see whether the opponent has good teeth! Or his stone is hard enough!

Presumably, the opponent should have some of his own intelligence now, at least he can confirm that he can make a lot of high-level plot equipment.

Next! I will find a way to kill a few of their teams! Then! Both sides can have a good talk!

And before that...

Standing in the crowd, Qin Ming glanced at a huge sign erected in a conspicuous position in the trading area, with a blank expression on his face.

And on the sign, there was a row of big words.

《Hyena Commander! Please come and talk if you see it! The King of Fighters Team sincerely invites you! 》

Looking at the conspicuous neon words, Qin Ming pulled his hood slightly, and did not choose to walk over. Instead, he quietly withdrew from the crowd and disappeared in the sea of ​​people.

The status of both parties is not equal now. The so-called negotiation is actually just a condescending charity from the other party.

Qin Ming could guess even if he didn't go. The other party must want to take the opportunity to win him over, give him some benefits, let him join them, and help them do things.

What Qin Ming wants is not to win him over! What he wants is for the other party to be afraid of him! The other party actively begs to negotiate peace with him! Unconditional peace!

Put yourself on the same level as them! Formal negotiations on the same status! Instead of threatening negotiations that will kill you if you can't reach an agreement!

If he goes to negotiate at this time, it will only tell the other party that he is afraid.

He must not be afraid, because if he is afraid, he will really lose. What he wants! Is that the other party is afraid!

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