Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 236 Cowboys in the West

The huge sign in the trading area stood for a whole month, and it was not put away until the end.

During this month, Qin Ming did not show up at all. He did not even buy or sell any equipment or props. He just used the number confirmer to find the target on the first day, and then he never showed up again.

At noon a month later, Qin Ming, who was sitting on the bed holding Kasamoto Eri, was suddenly stunned, and then frowned and stood up.

Listening to the reminder sound of the nightmare space ringing in his ears, he took out the props that had been prepared long ago without difficulty and opened it on the spot.

And this prop! It is called the fighting ticket! It is sold in the nightmare space! A special prop worth 5,000 points!

Name: Fighting Ticket

Category: Consumables (Ordinary Silver Quality)

Effect: Lock an adventurer's number! Follow the other party into the mission world!

Introduction: Boy, you are good at fighting, right? Come on! I'll throw a coin to challenge you... Boy, you are good at fighting, right! Come on! Let's go out and fight!

As the scroll in his hand turned into light and disappeared, the prompt sound of the nightmare space quickly rang in Qin Ming's ears.

(Ding! Special tracking props have been used... The props are being activated... The activation is successful! You have followed No. 439167 into the mission world! Transmission begins!)

As the dazzling light flashed, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri disappeared in the room in an instant.

At the same time, a team of adventurers who had just appeared in a mission world couldn't help but show a look of astonishment on their faces.

Listening to the prompt sound of the nightmare space ringing in their ears, the expressions of the three people became extremely strange for a while.

"Strange! Someone dared to track us? He must be crazy! Have you two offended anyone recently?"

"No, we are preparing for the promotion mission, where do we have time to offend people?"

The three people standing together looked at the number of people entering this time from 5 to 6, and their expressions became more and more weird for a while.

Good guy! There is only one pursuer?

One chasing three! The other party is so brave!

Touching his chin, the leader Tianhuo shook his head and chuckled, his expression was extremely playful.

"It seems that we are treated as soft persimmons by others. One person dares to challenge the three of us. He is brave! I just don't know if his bones are so hard!"

Chi Lei, his companion with frowned eyebrows next to him, heard the words and flickered his eyes slightly, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Tianhuo, it's better to be careful. I heard that several of the key training targets this time have been lost. Maybe there are hostile forces sniping us again. You must be careful."

"Don't worry! Even if I can't beat it! Don't you still have you! Three against one! It's okay!"

Slightly moving his shoulders, Tianhuo's smile gradually became fierce.

"I want to see! Who is so arrogant this time!"

Tianhuo! One of the key training targets among the low-level adventurers of the King of Fighters team! As famous as Feng, Fury, Power King, Stick King and others! It is called the Eight Heroes of the Low-level Area! The ability is fire!

Just when the three people here were startled by the sudden sound in their ears.

On the other side, Qin Ming, who followed to the mission world, gradually regained his vision, and relied on the information pieced together by the small fish in the stream in front of him to confirm this world.

In the stream, countless fish and shrimps suddenly gathered and condensed into several rows of small characters.

This world is: Sunset Knight Act 1

World Difficulty: C

Number of Entrants: 6

Main Task: Participate in killing the first act BOSS: Simon, Grideville.

Task Completion Reward: 3 free attribute points, 3000 points.

Task Failure Penalty: 3000 points.

Optional Task: Promoted to an Intermediate Bounty Hunter

Task Completion Reward: 2 free attribute points, 2000 points.

Mission failure penalty: None

Introduction: In the Western era, cowboys were rampant. Since there were groups of cowboy robbers, there would naturally be cowboy hunters who specialized in hunting robbers for a living. The era of bounty hunters began...

(Note: This world is in peace mode. Adventurers fight each other and will not get any spoils.)

Sunset Rider! A classic Western-themed shooting arcade game!

Of course, more people like to call it the name of Western Cowboy!

Looking at the small fish scattered in the water, Qin Ming, who was wearing a pirate hat and a pirate suit, raised his eyebrows and looked at the desert around him, grinning.

It turned out to be another shooting world, he liked it.

Although there were not many enemies in this world, at least not as many as in the Metal Slug world, he could not strengthen and form his own army.

But the problem is that this is a cowboy world! For cowboys! Guns are very important! But horses are also extremely important!

And Qin Ming! There happened to be a dark horse that could be called the best!

In other words! This is his home court again!

He quickly took out the gong and struck it. With the sound of the gong, a black warhorse quickly rushed out from the distant woods.

It had a machine gun on the left and a long-barreled cannon on the right, and it looked very cool.

He pulled out a revolver and fired a shot into the sky. After quickly summoning Kasamoto Eri, Qin Ming took Kasamoto Eri and jumped on the horse, and immediately rushed towards the distant city.

Since he was going to be a cowboy this time, the pirate costume Qin Ming was wearing now was not in line with the style of this identity, so he planned to get a suitable set of clothes first.

After all, his identity this time! With the power of the title! It has been confirmed that he is a bounty hunter!

Even the title tasks and exchangeable items! Have already appeared!

Title Task 1: Duel Glory (Rely on a revolver to kill at least 5 elite enemies in a single duel)

Complete to get the white title: Quickshooter (Agility +10)

Title Task 2: Honor Detective (Complete at least ten bounty wanted tasks)

Complete to get the white title: Bounty Hunter (points reward obtained in each mission world, additional +10%)

Title Task 3: Life and Death Moment (Use a revolver to successfully kill a BOSS-level character in a single duel)

Complete to get the green title: Western Cowboy (When using a revolver-type weapon, the attack power is additional +25)

Three titles, two white and one green, the latter two have very special effects, Qin Ming also saw it for the first time.

In addition to the title, the exchange method of this world is also very strange.

The exchange in this world does not talk about goodwill, but only about honor value.

Completing bounty missions or killing bounty targets will earn you special coins.

These cowboy coins can be exchanged for various equipment in all police stations. The equipment in each police station is different and the prices are also completely different.

Kill people! Make money! Exchange equipment!

Then use the equipment to kill more people! Make more money! Exchange for better equipment!

The same cowboy style and the same western rules.

Qin Ming has just entered this world and has already felt the unique passion of the West from the missions and titles.

Hunt! Or be hunted! It only takes a moment!

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