Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 240 Big Boss Simon

In the wilderness of Green Town, as the breeze blew the yellow sand and brought up some tumbleweeds, Miles Kasamoto and Qin Ming, who were walking along the map, finally arrived at the main mission target, which is the location of the first level of Sunset Knight. , the territory of the bandit leader Simon.

As a bandit leader who has been entrenched here for many years and who dares to rob anyone, the farmer Simon has more than two hundred brothers and can be said to be the local tyrant.

Several nearby towns are his base, and taverns, hotels, and even gun shops are also his business.

I dare not say that he is as rich as the country, but he can definitely be regarded as wealthy.

There are people, guns, territory, and most importantly, money.

This resulted in Simon's rule here being impregnable. Even though the government had offered a large reward in US dollars, no one dared to challenge his authority.

And now, his challenger has finally arrived.

He suddenly stopped his horse and looked up at the scorching sun in the sky.

Qin Ming, who was squinting subconsciously due to the scorching sun, reached out and pressed his pirate hat. He finally understood why some people always said that the environment in the west was bad.

This sun is so poisonous that it can burn people to death.

After patting the dust off his body and looking at the quiet town ahead, Qin Ming shouldered his newly acquired rifle and staggered toward it on his war horse.

Next to him, Miles Kasamoto, who was also riding a horse, lowered his cowboy hat and silently glanced around.

Looking at the deserted town, she suddenly accelerated her horse two steps, came to Qin Ming's side and whispered.

"Be careful boss, there is a problem."


Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this, and quickly turned to look at her, only to find that at this time, Miles Kasamoto had already reached out and grasped the revolver in his waist.

"There are traces of fighting all around, and it's very new. There was a gun battle here recently, and it was very brutal."

As a member of the special agent team, Miles Kasamoto, although usually careless, looks very heartless, and is addicted to alcohol. He is a complete drunkard.

But she grew up in a gang, so her reflexes are sharp.

As soon as she entered the town, she immediately followed the clues and discovered something was wrong.

As for Kasamoto Miles's judgment, Qin Ming would naturally not disbelieve it. After all, if he couldn't trust a professional agent, then who else could he trust?

With a rifle on his shoulder, Qin Ming looked around silently, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"In other words, someone has already arrived first? It seems that we are a step too late."

As the pursuer who used props to forcefully follow him, Qin Ming was actually at a disadvantage.

Adventurers who enter normally may already be in Green Town as soon as they appear, and can complete tasks immediately after setting off.

But Qin Ming and the others are different. They will be randomly thrown to another place, far away from the mission location, and most importantly, far away from the target.

This can be regarded as a special protection mechanism for the hunted in the nightmare space.

Because the prey completed the task too quickly, the opponent had already returned to the space before they had time to meet, forcing the pursuer to waste a lot of points. This kind of thing happens often in the nightmare space.

It was not beyond Qin Ming's expectation that someone would arrive at Green Town first and fight BOSS Simon first.

Now that he has decided to retaliate, he is completely mentally prepared to make no money or even lose money this time.

Now he is just curious about who will lose and who wins in the end of this confrontation, and who will be fighting with Simon.

Are they my three goals? Or the other two individual adventurers?

Just when Qin Ming was wondering on his horse, something suddenly changed in the town.

The closed doors and windows on both sides were suddenly pushed open, and a large number of cowboys armed with firearms leaned out, aimed at the two men, drew their guns and shot!

Qin Ming and Kasamoto Miles reacted very quickly when they heard the noise. They turned over and dismounted to dodge the bullets, and at the same time, they also drew their weapons and started to fight back.

There was a continuous bang and bang sound, and the cowboys hiding at the window screamed and were shot one after another, their bodies rolled, and rolled out along the window.

Miles Kasamoto held two guns and fired wildly at the surroundings, keeping the gun close to the vital point.

Qin Ming pulled the lever-action rifle in his hand, kicked open the door of the nearby tavern with the strongest firepower, and went straight in with the gun in hand.

Every time a shot is fired, the firearm in Qin Ming's hand will rotate once to complete the loading.

The rifle's large-caliber bullets were incredibly powerful, especially at close range.

The cowboys who were hit were sent flying backwards one after another. Some of the guys who were hiding behind the bar and trying to use their bunkers to shoot at each other would even be penetrated with their bodies and lockers.

Amidst the bang-bang gunfire, various furnishings and drinks in the room were blown to pieces, and fragments flew all over the sky.

Qin Ming, who was walking in a hail of bullets, strode closer and rushed up to the second floor while being shot. One shot hit the cowboy who was holding a hand-cranked machine gun on the second floor, smashing him through the window on the spot. flew out.

Qin Ming took advantage of the situation and grabbed the hand-cranked machine gun. He grabbed the old antique with both hands, shook the lever vigorously, aimed outside and started shooting wildly.

On the second floor, Qin Ming set up his gun and began to cover the area with fire.

On the street, Miles Kasamoto started blasting with mines.

Facing the crazy attack of these two guys, the cowboys who hid in the surrounding buildings and tried to jointly attack them were killed on the spot and fled in disarray.

Fire and smoke continued to emerge in the originally peaceful town. Qin Ming, who quickly dealt with the enemy, jumped down from the second floor, carrying his rifle and joining forces with Kasamoto Eri, and rushed forward again.

After the two of them came to the most central location of the town, they finally saw the legendary Simon Manor here.

The three-story western-style building in front was full of cowboys with live ammunition. There were even three hand-cranked machine guns at the door and the roof above.

The wooden barrels were piled together to form a simple defense line, and a large number of cowboys hid behind them and watched covetously.

At the second-floor window in the middle, a fat man was standing at this time.

Simon, the farmer with a sausage mouth, wearing a cowboy suit and a top hat on his head, had a fierce expression at the moment. He was holding a very beautiful gold-plated rifle and looking at this side viciously.

When they saw this big boss, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were both stunned. They didn't expect that the other party was still alive.

Since he was still alive, it means that the adventurer died in the previous fight? !

It seems that the three targets of this time have not arrived before me.

Simon, the farmer standing in front of the window, looked down at the two people below, his fingers slowly slid across his beloved gun, and suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Are you two also bounty hunters who come to hunt me?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"From what you said, someone has been here before?"

"Two rookies came who didn't know their own strength. I have killed them and chopped them up to feed the cows."

"Just two? Didn't you see three people coming in a team?"

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, Simon, who was stroking his rifle with his head down, paused, suddenly raised his head, and looked over here with sharp eyes.

"What? Are they your companions?"

Hua La!

As Simon's voice fell, the cowboys around him turned their guns and pointed them at this side at the same time, with a fierce momentum.

Looking at the large number of enemies staring at him, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile with narrowed eyes.

"Don't be nervous, they are not friends, on the contrary, they are also our enemies."

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