Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 241: Shocking Change

"In other words, the three of them have caused you a lot of damage?"

In Green Town, the atmosphere was no longer so tense at this time.

After learning that Qin Ming and Mile Kasamoto were not accomplices of the previous bounty hunters, but had a grudge against each other, Simon's hostility became obviously less.

After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Although the two sides did not release their weapons at this time, the guns were no longer pointed at each other.

Compared to the previous confrontation, they were more like negotiating at this time.

After learning from Simon that three guys had sneaked into the town just now and almost killed him, and that their combat capabilities were completely different from those of the two adventurous rookies who first appeared, Qin Ming could basically confirm that those three guys were Who.

He was playing with his rifle with his head lowered. After frowning and thinking for a moment, he suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Farmer Simon, how about cooperation?"


"Yes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since we all have a common enemy, why can't we cooperate?"

"Oh, but the problem is that you are also enemies, bounty hunters."

"There are different types of enemies. We don't necessarily have to be enemies, but those three people over there have already attacked you. Even if we really want to fall out, let's work together to deal with them first. Then we can fight among ourselves, isn't it good? "

Simon's eyes flickered when he heard this, he lowered his head and thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

He has already seen the strength of the two people in front of him, and they are not people to be trifled with.

In this case, there is no need to fight to the death. Cooperation is naturally the best.

Waving to signal the boys to put down their pistols, Simon quickly showed a warm smile on his face.

"Since brothers are willing to cooperate, that's the best. In fact, I don't think we need to be hostile. How about this? You help me get rid of those three guys. I will give you three thousand dollars. This time, you will be considered as my employer. , you take the money and leave afterward, and everyone will be safe!"

Farmer Simon has a bounty of up to 10,000 U.S. dollars. He is a well-known bandit leader, but this 10,000 U.S. dollars is not so easy to earn. It is not easy to kill him.

Therefore, his proposal is definitely a very worthwhile deal for the Cowboys.

Not only do you not have to take risks to fight with so many enemies, but you can also make a huge sum of money while killing your enemies. No cowboy will refuse.

The premise is that they do not have any mandatory main tasks released by Nightmare Space...

Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto, who had completely reached a cooperation agreement, quickly put away their guns and immediately discussed the information in detail with BOSS Simon and his younger brother in the tavern.

After learning that the other party had blown up Simon's motorcade and killed many of his people.

Through previous observations, Qin Ming only confirmed that the opponent was a member of high status, but did not know much about the opponent's specific strength. Finally, he had a better understanding of the difficulty of the three preys this time.

After agreeing to set up a trap early tomorrow morning to lure out the enemy for hunting, Simon quickly left with his men.

And when leaving, he not only enthusiastically said that all the drinks in the tavern were free, and Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto could enjoy them at will.

He even called two beautiful tavern girls to spend the night with Qin Ming. It was obvious that they knew how to deal with the world.

After all, he is also a large-scale farmer, and works part-time as a robber leader. He has people in the police stations in the surrounding villages, and even the police chief calls him a brother.

Without some emotional intelligence and the ability to win over people, it would be impossible to get along like this.

Facing these two exotic horses, Qin Ming accepted them all without any courtesy.

As an adventurer, he dances on the tip of a knife every day. He is more of an outlaw than the cowboys, and he has already integrated the four words of carpe diem into his bones.

He has enjoyed call girls, and he has also enjoyed hot female soldiers.

But this was the first time he had seen this cowgirl from the Western era. Since it was delivered to his door for free, there was no reason not to use it.

As for whether Miles Kasamoto would be dissatisfied with this... Two cowgirls, one was ordered by Qin Ming, and the other was ordered by her! Do you think she would be dissatisfied?

This big drunkard went crazy and had more fun than Qin Ming!

In Kasamoto Mile's own words, that is, in the entire Sparrow Agent Team, as long as she is a woman, including the other heroine Feo, there is no one she has not understood in depth!

It's just that this is the first time for Miles Kasamoto to be understood in depth. After all, she is very insecure and is not willing to trust others because she is used to being in the underworld.

This is because Qin Ming used special means to summon her, which automatically increased her favorability.

Otherwise, how to get to know her in depth? The last one who dared to attack her had personally experienced another use of a wooden-handled grenade!

Fiou, the girl with glasses, has a love favorability score of 800 points, which is very, very difficult to deal with.

As for Miles Kasamoto, a big drunkard, his love favorability score is as high as 850 points! Even above Feiou!

After hanging out for most of the night, experiencing the exotic customs, and even exchanging companions midway, the lights finally went out on the second floor of the tavern.

Qin Ming, who was hugging the two cowgirls, fell into a deep sleep. After finishing, he kicked the female companion away ruthlessly on the spot. He lay alone on the other side of Kasamoto Miles and closed his eyes with his arms as his pillow.

Just when the room fell silent, Miles Kasamoto, who had drank more than a bottle of vodka, causing his face to flush, and was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

He suddenly sat up from the bed, tilted his ears and frowned to listen.

Miles Kasamoto's pupils shrank, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the clothes on the side, and yelled at the same time.

"Boss! Get up! There's a situation!"

Hearing the sound, Qin Ming was quickly awakened from his sleep.

He then opened his eyes and was about to ask about the situation, but he never thought that the two cowgirls who were sleeping with him next to him suddenly opened their eyes, took out the dagger from the jeans on the table, and stabbed him fiercely. .

Their sneak attacks were fast and ruthless, and their daggers pierced the vital points, one at the throat and the other at the crotch. Even if they couldn't kill the person, they could definitely injure the target severely.

It's a pity that what they faced this time was not an ordinary person, but a nearly invulnerable monster.

The most important thing is that the two of them, who have been tortured by the dog-male and female duo for a long time, are now weak even in their bones, and their movements are not as sharp as usual.

The cowgirl stabbed her throat with a dagger. Before the dagger hit the target, her wrist was grabbed by Qin Ming who reacted.

With a twist of his palm, Qin Ming twisted the cowgirl's arm into a twist on the spot. Before the other party could scream, he had already grabbed the other person's arm and stabbed it back.

The sharp dagger penetrated the cowgirl's temple from the side, killing the wide-eyed beautiful blonde with big waves on the spot.

Qin Ming threw the body off the bed with all his strength. He looked down and stabbed his vital part with a knife. However, it failed to move at all. As a result, the other cowgirl, whose eyes widened in shock, kicked her without thinking. Kicked out.

The cowgirl's body slid out of the bed and bumped into Mile Kasamoto's arms.

Before she could hold the dagger, she endured the severe pain in her chest and brandished the weapon to attack the equally naked beauty behind her.

With a fierce gleam in his eyes, Miles Kasamoto had already grabbed the wooden-handled grenade next to him and swung it directly on her head.

With a muffled bang, the cowgirl rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot.

Miles Kasamoto took the opportunity to stuff the grenade into the opponent's mouth, pulled out the fuse and kicked the opponent out, causing her to roll through the door and fly into the corridor.

In the corridor, the cowboys who had sneaked up and were leaning against the wall, holding pistols, ready to break in, suddenly heard a loud noise.

The next second, looking at the naked beauty breaking out of the door, their eyes were straight for a moment, and they were completely unable to realize what was going on.

Then the next second......


There was a huge explosion, and fire poured in from the doorway, illuminating the entire room on the spot.

Qin Ming, who was getting dressed, put on his pants indiscriminately, grabbed Kasamoto Miles' machine gun, put it on the window and pointed it outside, firing wildly.

Fire flashed from the muzzle of the gun, and a large number of cowboys who had come over in the dark screamed and were shot into sieves on the spot.

Seeing this, the remaining people didn't understand that the sneak attack plan had been exposed. They hurriedly looked for bunkers and started shooting at each other.

In the room, Miles Kasamoto, who was also dressed, looked livid at the moment.

After grabbing the vodka next to her and taking a swig, she pulled out the two guns from her waist and shot directly towards the door.

After rushing into the corridor, he aimed at the cowboys on both sides who were stunned by the bombing, raised his hand and fired a burst of fire.

"Damn it! I'm in the sage time! You have to disturb my rest at this time! Do you know how tired I am of dealing with three people! You can't come later!"

Hearing the roar coming from the door, Qin Ming, who was setting up a machine gun in the room and shooting wildly outside, roared without looking back.

"This is my fucking line!!!"

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