Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 242: Letter of Amnesty!


With a loud bang, a big hole was blown out directly on the wall of the three-story wooden tavern.

And there were bullet holes everywhere on the wall, some of which were even connected in a line.

The enemy's sneak attack was obviously premeditated. They not only brought in hand-cranked machine guns, but also pushed in two artillery pieces!

Molotov cocktails! Explosives! Detonators! They have used everything they can! It seems that they are going to raze the tavern to the ground.

Facing their fierce firepower, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were not afraid at all.

Qin Ming fired crazily with a machine gun, and Kasamoto Eri kept firing back with a wooden-handled grenade.

This caused the explosions outside to be connected, especially after Kasamoto Eri activated the A-level skill and summoned the C4 bomb.

The tavern that was destroyed by a large amount of concentrated firepower had not yet fallen, but the street that was bombed by Kasamoto Eri's series of explosions was blown into ruins first.

The streets were filled with smoke and corpses were everywhere.

The house opposite was blown down by two C4 shells. The cowboys hiding behind the bunkers were either blown to pieces or killed by machine guns along with the bunkers.

As the shooting stopped, the fierce gunfire finally stopped temporarily.

Qin Ming, who was naked and holding a machine gun at the window, kept looking around, trying to find traces of the remaining enemies.

Kasamoto Eri was standing in the room, lowering her head to change the bullets in her weapon.

But before she finished changing the bullets, a loud noise suddenly sounded outside the room.

As the wall exploded, a big man broke through the wall with great momentum, and just slammed into Kasamoto Eri, forcibly lifted her up, and hit her hard against the other wall.

The sudden sneak attack caught Kasamoto Eri off guard.

She was pushed against the wall and strangled by the neck, and she reacted very quickly and raised her revolver to fire three shots in a row.

The first shot hit the opponent's arm, and it penetrated the opponent's arm.

The second shot hit the enemy's lower body accurately at an angle.

While the opponent screamed and instinctively loosened his hand, Kasamoto Eri took another step forward and pressed the barrel of the gun against the opponent's jaw, and fired the third shot fiercely!

With a bang, the big man with a blood arrow spurting out of his head staggered backwards, but before he could retreat two steps, Kasamoto Eri, who had drawn his battle axe, stepped up and caught up with him, and hit his head with an axe.

If it was the normal version of Kasamoto Eri, melee combat would indeed be her weak point. Once someone gets close to her, she will be very passive.

But the problem is that Qin Ming summoned a super enhanced version of Kasamoto Eri!

Gold quality! It also got the enhancement of the dream water! Kasamoto Eri now has 30 points of strength and body! Ordinary BOSS may not be her opponent in close combat!

Choosing to fight her in close combat at this time! It is definitely not a good choice!

He threw the big man to the ground directly. With a battle axe in hand, Kasamoto Eri had a fierce expression and aimed at his head and swung the axe wildly. The axe blade kept chopping at the big man's head, instantly chopping him beyond recognition.

This frightened the other guy who rushed into the room and was about to rush over to join the battle, and his face turned pale and he hurriedly stopped.

Before he could recover from the shock of being intimidated by the bloody scene in front of him, Qin Ming, who was standing next to him, had already turned around with a machine gun and pulled the trigger fiercely at him standing at the door.

In an instant, the sound of machine guns shooting became one.

It is conceivable how serious the consequences would be if he was hit at close range by a bright silver light machine gun.

The man was trembling constantly after being madly shot at by bullets, and in the end he was swept backwards!

He pressed his body against the wall and was shot with more than 200 bullets. When the gunfire finally stopped, he slowly slid down the blood-spattered wall and sat down.

When he fell, he had become a sieve and died completely.

Qin Ming, who stopped shooting, took a step forward with a light machine gun and checked the other party's situation.

Looking at the other party's patchwork, leather armor on the upper body, ancient trousers on the lower body, and most importantly, a pair of sandals on the legs, he couldn't help but frown.

Behind him, Kasamoto Eri, who quickly killed the enemy, had also come over at this time.

The two turned their heads and looked at each other, and spoke almost at the same time.

"It's adventurers!"

The weird non-mainstream dress does not match the terrifying brute force of the current world characters. It is obvious what the two are.

"Aren't the two adventurers dead?"

"Something is wrong! We've been deceived! They have teamed up in advance! They are setting a trap for us!"

Qin Ming, who had frowned and realized that something was wrong, quickly threw the machine gun to Kasamoto Eri.

He turned around and grabbed the rifle on the table, and walked out aggressively.

"Let's go! Go find Simon! The three adventurers should be with him!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming turned and walked down the stairs.

After walking down, his footsteps stopped on the spot, and the sound in his mouth also stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, in the hall of the tavern, there was a group of people standing there, and the leader was none other than Simon.

He was holding a gold-plated rifle, and his expression was very serious, with more than 30 younger brothers following him.

The younger brothers who had already found a good cover were now pointing their guns at this side aggressively.

Beside BOSS Simon, there was actually a man standing at the moment, a thin man in a formal suit, leisurely trimming his nails.

Hearing footsteps coming from the stairs, the man slowly raised his head.

Looking at Qin Ming walking down the stairs, he couldn't help but grin.

"So you are the madman who came to challenge us? You are really good, so many people can't kill you."

Qin Ming, holding a rifle, stood on the stairs, and said nothing when he heard the words, just looking at the crowd below expressionlessly.

After scanning around, his sight finally locked on BOSS Simon.

"What's the matter? Why did he listen to your command obediently?"

BOSS Simon joined forces with his enemies in advance to set up a trap to mess with him. To be honest, it really exceeded Qin Ming's expectations.

After all, this is impossible! BOSS Simon doesn't know who he is! How could he deliberately join forces with others to set up a trap to mess with him?

You know, he is just a junior bounty hunter. In Simon's profession, he is a rookie bandit.

As a local tyrant, would you go to such great lengths to kill two rookie robbers you've never even heard of, and even team up with others?

It's impossible to think about it! If you say that they have already fought with Simon! The other party found that they couldn't beat him! So they chose to team up with others! That's a bit possible!

Facing Qin Ming's doubts, the slender adventurer Lei Dian below immediately raised his hand and waved with a smile, holding a prop between his fingers.

And the prop is called: Zhao'an Zhuang!

Name: Zhao'an Zhuang (Three Kingdoms War Chronicle)

Category: Consumables (Ordinary Silver Quality)

Effect: After using it on a plot character, the other party can be resurrected and obey your command (the highest attribute of the resurrected target cannot exceed 40 points)

Introduction: Explain the righteousness! Move them with courtesy! You still don't accept surrender!

There was indeed a battle in the town before, and the winner was also determined.

But the winner was not BOSS Simon! But the Skyfire Trio!

The Simon in front of me was resurrected with a prop! BOSS Simon! He had already died once!

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