Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 245 Train Chase

At this moment, Qin Ming was very angry, very angry.

After all, he had already spent a lot of money to come in and hunt people, and now he found that the main task could not be completed, and he had to lose another sum.

How could Qin Ming not go crazy?

If he and the target of this time were public hatred at the beginning, now it has risen to a private grudge!

The other party lost his life! But he lost money!

Therefore, without any rest, Qin Ming immediately led Kasamoto Eri to ride wildly on horseback and rushed to the distance along the map.

Although he was not sure where the remaining two enemies were now.

But adventurers generally have the same thinking, that is, the ultimate pursuit of benefits and interests.

If it were him, he would definitely find a way to maximize his benefits in the remaining two days of return, and would never wait foolishly.

As for how to maximize benefits in this Western world? The answer is obvious, isn't it!

For adventurers! What else can be more profitable than killing BOSS!

So the target Qin Ming is heading to is the second bandit leader's address closest to Green Town on the map, and also the location of the BOSS of the second level of Sunset Knight! The Hutfield Team!

This is a group of robbers who specialize in robbing trains. They are all composed of cavalrymen, and the bounty is as high as 20,000.

Recently, they are robbing along a railway, and have robbed several trains. They even openly provoked the nearby police station and announced the next robbery target.

Qin Ming concluded that the two adventurers must be there, looking for the trace of the second level BOSS, so he immediately took Kasamoto Eri and followed the railway to find them.

Relying on the strong leg power of the black horse, Qin Ming quickly rushed into the location marked on the map and ran into a robbery in progress.

I saw that the train in front was running at a high speed, and on both sides of the train, there were cowboys riding horses everywhere.

They were constantly shooting at the people guarding the train, and the two sides were fighting very fiercely.

Seeing this, Qin Ming rode his horse and rushed in without hesitation. After pulling the energy machine gun onto the horse's back, he aimed at the people in front, regardless of which group they were from, and started to fire ruthlessly.

The cowboys who were shot screamed and fell off the horses. Qin Ming, who kept rushing all the way, soon caught up with the train.

Kasamoto Eri, who was sitting behind Qin Ming, jumped up and rushed into the carriage with a machine gun. He raised his weapon and started to kill the enemy with Qin Ming.

One was in the car and the other was on the horse. The firepower of the two guys was extremely fierce. They beat the two people who were fighting and couldn't raise their heads. They had to turn their guns and aim at this side together.

The two people who were fighting in a group originally joined forces strangely at this moment!

It's a pity that no matter how they joined forces, it was useless. The level of the guns in the hands of Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri was too high, and they could completely crush this group of minions.

Facing the heavy firepower, these cowboys had no chance to fight.

On the track, seeing a third party intervening, a carriage next to it kept running closer, preparing to intercept Qin Ming.

Even with the wooden board behind the carriage falling, a hand-cranked machine gun was revealed.

But before this old-fashioned machine gun could fire, the energy cannon on the other side of the black horse had roared, and a shot was fired at the carriage on the spot.

With a loud bang, the carriage was blown out and completely fell apart.

Several cowboys who were hiding in the car and firing wildly at Qin Ming also died on the spot, and their bodies were even blown to pieces.

With a gun in his left hand and a cannon in his right hand, Qin Ming killed through the crowd in a violent manner and quickly came to the position of the locomotive.

And here, two groups of people were fighting fiercely around the locomotive.

On one side was a group of robbers wearing green cowboy hats, which was the team of the second level boss Hetfield.

As for the other side, there were several people wearing special clothes.

One of them, Qin Ming could see through the attributes, was Billy, one of the protagonists of the Sunset Knight World, the second-ranked former sheriff!

As for the other two, Qin Ming could not see through the data with his glasses. It was obvious that they were the existence he was looking for, the other two adventurers!

Looking at Qin Ming who suddenly came from behind, the two sides who were fighting for the control of the locomotive were obviously stunned, and some of them were confused about whether the newcomers were enemies or friends.

Only the two adventurers who could not see the attributes clearly, one of them changed his face, and it was obvious that he used some special equipment to discover Qin Ming's true identity.

Before he could open his mouth to remind his companions, Qin Ming, who was riding on the horse, had turned the muzzle of the gun with a dark face and pointed the double-barreled energy cannon on the right side at him.



A loud noise was heard, and the powerful energy cannon penetrated the locomotive on the spot and blew up the steam engine inside.

The completely destroyed train was seriously unbalanced, and it fell off the rails, and then was pushed forward by the carriage that hit it from the back.

After sliding for dozens of meters, the train with sparks all the way finally stopped completely, and the more than ten long carriages were tilted and piled up in one place.

All around, people who were either knocked away by the shock wave of the explosion or thrown up by the overturned carriages were struggling to get up from the ground.

Before they could wake up from the dizziness, a figure suddenly appeared above the piled carriages.

Qin Ming held his lever-action rifle tightly, pointed his face at the crowd below and fired wildly.

No matter whether it was the people on the protagonist's side or the people on the boss's side, he was really bloodthirsty at this moment, and he would shoot anyone who showed his head!

The two sides, who had been killed several people in a row, hurriedly hid behind the bunker and launched a counterattack against Qin Ming here.

As the two sides came and went, Kasamoto Eri, who was lying in the carriage, finally climbed out at this moment.

Lying on the top carriage, he directly set up his light machine gun, and Kasamoto Eri aimed at the crowd in the distance and pulled the trigger fiercely.

If the enemy can still fight against the rifle in Qin Ming's hand.

Then the firepower of Kasamoto Eri's silver machine gun is not something that the cowboys can resist.

As the iron sheet of the carriage was penetrated by bullets, a large number of cowboys hiding behind the bunker screamed and fell down, and others had to choose to escape from the bunker, including those hiding behind the thick bunker.

Because Kasamoto Eri, who was pulling the trigger frantically, was still throwing grenades and bombing the bunker accurately.

The more you hide behind the bunker! The faster you will die!

Amid the roar, BOSS Hetfield, the protagonist Billy, and two other adventurers all rushed out of the carriage in a panic.

Before they could distance themselves from this side, a muffled sound suddenly came from the front.

The next second, accompanied by the twisting of the iron sheet in front, a figure jumped directly from the carriage and fell heavily in front of everyone.

Qin Ming, holding a rifle, had a fierce face. He strode forward while shooting, and the bullets pressed Billy and Hetfield to dodge repeatedly.

Only the two adventurers looked at each other, and did not choose to dodge, but instead charged at him, trying to fight directly in close combat.

One person jumped high, with flames wrapped around his legs, and shot at Qin Ming like a cannonball. He used a character from the King of Fighters world! Andy's signature stunt! Phantom Shiranui!

The other person's body was boiling with fire! His whole body was engulfed in flames! He dragged the flames towards this side at high speed!

He used another plot character! To be precise, it was the signature move of the plot protagonist! B-level ultimate move! Orochi Nagi!

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