Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 246 Fire VS Fire!

Two balls of fire attacked Qin Ming from top to bottom! For a moment, the murderous aura was soaring to the sky!

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, raised his hand and threw away the rifle, roaring and charging his hands.

With the violent airflow boiling from his hands, a huge sonic hand knife condensed and formed on the spot.

However, this time, the sonic hand knife was not thrown out by Qin Ming with all his strength, and the most important thing was that this hand knife was no longer milky white.

It was red! Red! Red like the sun!

Equipment props! Kusanagi gloves!

Skills! Kusanagi style! Sonic hand knife!

With his hands dragging a huge wave of flames, Qin Ming swung his hand and chopped the sonic hand knife at close range.

The huge fireball rotating at high speed collided fiercely with the two people who came from the front.

With a loud bang, the powerful shock wave spread in all directions.

The adventurer who kicked from mid-air was blown away on the spot!

Tianhuo, who also used the Kusanagi Flame, had his eyes wide open, and his legs slid back several meters, forcibly withstanding the attack.

With his arms trembling slightly, Tianhuo looked up at Qin Ming in disbelief, and couldn't help but screaming.

"Why do you also know the Kusanagi Flame!"

Hearing this scream, Qin Ming, who had a stern face, did not give an answer, but raised one hand and relied on the gloves to condense the burning flames again.

The high-speed rotating flames turned into huge air waves in his hands, and the whistling wind sounded during the rotation.

Qin Ming, who had accumulated power, roared, and threw the airflow in his hand with all his strength.

The sound of booming and booming was connected! Six huge flaming hand knives! Just like this, they rotated at high speed and shot forward like saw blades!

Tianhuo, who was startled on the opposite side, rolled and dodged hurriedly, bursting out with all his strength to avoid all these huge flaming hand knives.

Hearing the loud noise coming from behind and looking at the carriage that was cut into several pieces, Tianhuo was frightened and sweating.

Before he could recover from the shock, Qin Ming, who had thrown his skills in front of him, was already running towards him at high speed. When he got close, he flew over and punched him.

The fist wrapped with the flames of Kusanagi came through the air, forcing Tianhuo to grit his teeth and punch him.

His fist, which was also burning with the flames of Kusanagi, collided head-on with Qin Ming's fire fist.

With another loud noise, Tianhuo was hit by a punch and slid out again.

In terms of strength! He was obviously not Qin Ming's opponent!

Especially facing Qin Ming's high-speed rush and the violent and torrential attacks, he could only raise his hands to parry and was completely suppressed head-on for a while.

The companions in the distance saw that Tianhuo was in trouble and tried to rush over to support him.

But just as they approached, they were forced back by Kasamoto Eri, who had already occupied the commanding heights, with a machine gun, and had no chance to join the battlefield.

Kasamoto Eri, who had mounted the gun on the carriage, was using the advantages of the machine gun to the extreme at this time. For a while, she used her own strength to suppress everyone below.

Before the bullets were fired, no one could easily break through her defense line!

On the battlefield, Qin Ming, who fought again, rushed out again with flames wrapped around his hands.

Seeing this scene, Tianhuo, who staggered back, suddenly flashed a fierce light in his eyes.

As his hands gathered together, a blazing fire boiled in his palms.

The ultimate move, Orochi Nagi! Launched again!


With his hands swung forward, this move was obviously a ultimate move inherited from Kusanagi Kyo's father, Kusanagi Shibazu's version, and it directly hit Qin Ming who rushed over, and the flames engulfed him on the spot.

Before Tianhuo could breathe a sigh of relief, the boiling flames in front of him suddenly exploded.

Before the flames dissipated, Qin Ming had already crashed through the sea of ​​fire, forced himself to attack again, and grabbed Tianhuo's face.

Opening his bloody mouth! Qin Ming, with a ferocious expression, bit Tianhuo's neck!

A-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

As the skill hits, while the blood is absorbed, the burns on Qin Ming's body are quickly healed.

When the state is almost recovered, Qin Ming, who threw the enemy away, suddenly opened his arms again.

With the success of charging! The sonic hand knife is used again!

The buzzing sound is connected, and seven fire wheels are cut from the front.

Tianhuo, who rolled to the ground, still wanted to defend, but the flames thrown out of his hand just pushed up, and the next second they were forcibly torn apart by the air wave.

This time, the uncharged version of Orochi Nagi! Even the sound of the sonic hand knife could not offset it!

Because the sonic knife that flew over this time was no longer fiery red, but white! The color of pure white jade!

The power of blood is activated! Fantasy unknown fire!

Several rays of light flashed and passed through Tianhuo in an instant.

Tianhuo, who maintained the posture of launching the ultimate move, just froze in place without moving.

After two full seconds, with a slight shake of the body, the body turned into fragments and scattered all over the ground.

Tianhuo failed to take Qin Ming's ultimate move! Killed in seconds!

Looking at the enemy who died on the spot, Qin Ming snorted coldly and shook his hands fiercely.

The boiling white flames in his hands passed through the air, leaving two dazzling traces directly in the air.

Qin Ming, who turned his head suddenly, dealt with the first enemy, and looked at the second enemy again.

The adventurer Huoquan, who witnessed his captain being killed in seconds, was frightened and turned pale, and hurriedly turned around and fled.

As a result, he had just turned around and ran two steps when he was hit by a row of bullets shot at him at high speed. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Before he could struggle to get up, a black shadow appeared from behind.

Qin Ming, with white flames wrapped around his arms, punched him on the back of the head fiercely!

With a bang! The ground shook! Huo Quan's head was almost hammered into the ground by this punch!

Huo Quan struggled to turn around, and seeing that Qin Ming was still preparing to attack, he roared and suddenly launched his own special skills.

He put his legs together and kicked! The flames boiled instantly! Covering his whole body!

B-level super ultimate move! Super shattering bullet!

This move also comes from Andy's ultimate move. It has good lethality and is very good at knocking opponents away and keeping a distance from the enemy.

Qin Ming, who was kicked in the front, was kicked out directly.

Fire Fist, who jumped up from the ground with a carp-like somersault, gathered his hands together in a hurry and then added a flying punch, trying to pursue the victory.

However, although this energy ball was a qigong wave, the flying distance was not far. After hitting Qin Ming's chest head-on, it failed to knock Qin Ming back at all.

Instead, Qin Ming, who had stood firm, seized the opportunity and swung his hand, forcing him to use an uncharged version of the sonic hand knife!

With a bang, Fire Fist, who was hit head-on by the sonic hand knife, was directly blown away several meters.

When he landed, his clothes were torn, and blood was already flowing on his chest. He was actually seriously injured by this blow.

As the weakest of the three, Fire Fist's strength was not strong enough. He couldn't even beat his companion Lei Dian.

Now facing Qin Ming, who was completely out of control and had turned on the big suction state, it would be a miracle if he could win.

Lying on the ground, he struggled hard and tried to get up and resist again.

But before I could get up, I suddenly felt the sky darken.

I looked up and found a big foot burning with white flames. It had appeared above me without me noticing! Now it was trampling down with all its might!


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