Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 249 Complete Fallout

As the skills were changed and upgraded, all the original skills for using firearms in the army in Qin Ming's mind strangely disappeared, and were replaced by a large number of skills for using heavy firearms.

Artillery control! Bazooka shooting! Machine gun control!

A large amount of firearms knowledge appeared out of thin air in Qin Ming's mind, which quickly gave him a deeper understanding of the use of firearms, and even indirectly led him to learn good vehicle driving skills, but it was not counted as a separate skill.

He took Kasamoto's light machine gun lying nearby, skillfully dismantled it, and then quickly assembled it.

Qin Ming, who was holding a machine gun, suddenly aimed at the wall and fired wildly. After a burst of gun pressure, he actually used the machine gun to create a fixed-point sniper effect!

Looking at the dense bullet holes clustered together on the wall, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction. After putting down the machine gun, he picked up the two revolvers on the table and directly merged the two revolvers into one.

After upgrading the revolver to the ordinary silver plot level, Qin Ming threw the pistol to Miles Kasamoto and temporarily left it to her to use.

As a summoned creature, Miles Kasamoto can use offensive equipment and even consumables, but unfortunately he cannot wear any defensive protective gear.

Otherwise, Kasamoto's mile attributes are not weak to begin with. If he can be blessed with a set of equipment, his combat effectiveness may not be lower than Qin Ming!

After processing all the loot and adding all attribute points to the physique.

Looking at the few remaining points in his arms, Qin Ming walked out of the room with a straight face and walked towards the trading area.

The next thing we have to face is the promotion task! Extremely difficult! He has to prepare again!

And he didn't know how he would react when he learned that the King of Fighters team, his key training target, had been sniped.

It is even less clear whether the other party has the props to break through the protection of the nightmare space and forcefully pursue him in the promotion mission to snipe him.

Anyway, the feud has been settled! It was forged several worlds ago!

The two sides always have to score to determine the winner! Whoever gives in first will be the grandson! Literally!

Either one of them will be killed! Either one party is completely unable to bear it! Take the initiative to initiate peace talks! Bow down to the other party, apologize and make compensation!

Are you okay? How can there be any peace in the nightmare space?

Even if the opponent really has a way to pursue him in the promotion mission! That's nothing more than a fight!

So many people have been killed! Qin Ming doesn't care about killing one or two more!

In other words, forcing the opponent to chase him and risk his life in the promotion mission is Qin Ming's ultimate goal of provoking the opponent. After all, it is not easy to break the protection of the nightmare space, and the price paid will definitely be high.

If you let the opponent use ordinary props to chase people, and a few ordinary team members die on the way, they may not care at all. After all, they have no shortage of points and no shortage of people.

But the key to training is dead! Plus the loss of valuable props! Even paying a huge price to break the space protection! Qin Ming didn't believe they didn't care!

Do it! Then you have to hurt the other person! Make the other party suffer a lot!

While busy, Qin Ming rarely cheered up and began to prepare for the next task.

Prepare props and consumables, and keep the gold coins in the inventory at the same time. Use them as backup funds in case something goes wrong and the mission fails.

Qin Ming, who quickly made all preparations, stood alone in the trading hall at noon a month later, looking at the adventurers coming and going around, silently waiting for the mission to start.

But before he had time to arrive, footsteps suddenly sounded next to him.

The next second, Qin Ming suddenly felt a tightening on both sides, and several adventurers had appeared beside him.

Looking sideways at the King of Fighters team medal on his opponent, Qin Ming showed no expression on his face.

The adventurers who did not look at him, but raised their heads and looked straight ahead, also remained silent.

The two sides stood in a row without moving. After a long time, a big man holding a cigarette suddenly spoke.

"Our leader said that if you join us, everyone's previous debts will be written off. From now on, you will be one of the Eight Elites, and the entire team of more than 10,000 people will obey your orders."

Qin Ming, who was looking ahead with an expressionless face, put his hands in his pockets when he heard this and didn't even look back.

"Then I also said that if you join me, your previous debts will be canceled in one go. I can also give your boss an official position and allow your leader to be one of my eight heroes. How about that?"

"Brother, we are all adventurers. Why are we fighting to the death? It's not easy to survive in the nightmare space, so you have to fight to the death and lose both sides?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming, who had been looking ahead, finally looked back and looked back at the big man.

"What? Are you scared?"

"This batch of eight good seedlings! You have already killed five of them! What else do you want!"

"I want to kill five more."

"...Last chance! Join us! Everyone is friends! We are all our own! The treatment we give you will never let you down!"

"Sorry, I don't make friends with my enemies, let alone the dead."

Withdrawing his gaze and pressing the brim of his pirate hat with his hand, Qin Ming turned around and strode away, quickly disappearing into the crowd.

The adventurers from the King of Fighters team who watched him leave remained sullen and silent. After a long time, they raised their hands and held down their earphones.

"My lord, he is still uncooperative."

After hearing this, there was silence in the earphones, and a faint voice came after a few seconds.

"Chase them in and kill them."


Qin Ming's behavior of standing motionless and waiting quietly in the trading area was simply a naked provocation, and he almost chased you in and wrote the words "I have the guts" on his face.

Faced with this kind of provocation, it is naturally impossible for the King of Fighters team not to respond.

After all, the eight key training targets in the low-level area were almost wiped out by him alone! Who can bear this!

You must know that just to train eight of them, the points spent on them are already a huge amount of money!

Now that they can't reach an agreement, the other party is determined to fight to the end.

The King of Fighters team, which no longer cared about whether the price was high or not, finally chose to use their last trump card.

That means dispatching an elite hunting team! Consume precious props! Forcibly cross-border downgrade to hunt targets!

And this time the leader of the hunting group! He is one of the senior adventurers of the King of Fighters team! The team's top fighter who is expected to become a member of the Eight Elites! He is also the adventurer-style brother! Ghost flame!

As for what to do if even Ghost Flame and the others fail in their hunt?

The other party can kill Guiyan and the others! What else can you do? Even if the King of Fighters team wants to send more people then! He has no one to dispatch!

It's impossible to let the only top adventurer in the team, the boss King of Fighters, appear in person!

For an existence of his level, the price to be paid for being downgraded! Even their King of Fighters team can’t handle it!

With a flash of light, the hunting team followed Qin Ming and disappeared into the nightmare space at the same time, heading for the promotion mission together.

And compared to the King of Fighters team, which was in a heavy mood and had to pay a huge price to catch up with the promotion mission, Qin Ming was actually in a pretty good mood at the moment.

After all, in order to pursue the promotion mission world, the opponent who has used precious props and paid a huge price must rack his brains to kill himself.

But I just need to find a way to complete the task.

Even if he couldn't complete it this time, the worst he could do was fail the promotion, wait four more worlds, and then come back to continue the challenge, there would be no loss at all.

But will the King of Fighters team be able to come up with a second promotion tracking item by then? Even if it can be taken out! The price paid must also be very huge.

not to mention! Qin Ming still has a trump card in his hand!

Raising his hand, the silver coin flew up and was caught firmly by Qin Ming.

And this coin! It’s called the Nightmare Resurrection Coin!

Send experts in to kill him? joke! Even if you kill him! This matter is not over yet!

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