Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 250 Promotion Mission! Three Kingdoms War Chronicles!

Ding! warn! This time the world is in promotion mode! Complete the main mission successfully! You can be promoted to an intermediate adventurer!

This World: The Three Kingdoms War

Mission Difficulty: B

Number of people entering: 1

Main mission requirements: Recapture Liu Bei's son Liu Adou

Mission completion reward: promoted to intermediate adventurer

Punishment for mission failure: 5 points will be deducted from all attributes, and the time will be reset. In the fifth mission world of the next round, the promotion mission will be started again.

Introduction to the world: At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms stood upright and heroes emerged in large numbers. With the end of the Battle of Chibi, their struggle for hegemony officially began. And this first battle starts with cutting off the river to capture Adou...

(Note: This world is in killing mode. Kill adventurers to get bloody keys)

Hearing the voice ringing in his ears, Qin Ming, who appeared directly on a sailboat, frowned fiercely.

Because before the reminder sound from the Nightmare Space could stop in his ears, harsh sounds were heard one after another.

Ding! There is a target using tracking props on you. It is detected that the current mission is a promotion mission, and the use of tracking props is invalid... Warning! An adventurer has used advanced permissions! Your promotion protection mechanism has been forcibly lifted! The tracking props took effect successfully!

The current number of people entering the world is: 5!

Four! This time, four guys actually came after him!

Qin Ming, who had a straight face, lowered his head and remained silent for a moment, then suddenly sneered and clenched the resurrection coin in his hand, his eyes already showing a fierce light.

He knew that the duel between him and the King of Fighters team had reached a fever pitch, and it all depended on who would win and who would lose in this blockage from the masters.

I have prepared trump cards for them, but what about them? Are you fully prepared?

Do not know why! Qin Ming was actually vaguely looking forward to it! Hope they can bring you some bigger surprises!

Raising his hand to put away the coins, Qin Ming strode out of the cabin and looked up to find that he was actually riding a boat on the river.

The big ship was full of soldiers wearing Shu army armor, and there were also Shu warships on both sides.

As for the other side? Opposite there is a fleet sailing towards the distance at a very fast speed, and there are also soldiers standing above it, all of them Wu soldiers!

The two fleets were approaching at great speed at the moment, and the troops on both sides were always ready to attack.

Qin Ming was not given much time to react. In just a moment, the two fleets had already collided violently on the river.

Amid the violent shaking, countless soldiers roared, raised their weapons, and jumped crazily towards each other's warships.

Arrows were flying all over the sky, and soldiers were fighting. In the blink of an eye, the sea that was quiet just now was filled with shouts of killing.

After seeing this scene, Qin Ming finally reacted, grabbed a long gun in the cabin, and jumped to the opposite ship.

He waved his spear and swept away the two Wu soldiers.

With a shoulder collision, another sword and shield soldier who hit him from the front was thrown into the air with both man and shield.

Qin Ming, who was holding a spear, looked like a crazy tiger for a moment. He actually used his own power to forcibly intercept the large number of Wu soldiers coming from the opposite side.

Qin Ming still has a good impression of the Kingdom of Shu. This is not only because the story of the Kingdom of Shu is romantic enough, but the most important thing is that in the mission world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, he worked very happily with him.

Aiwujiwuxia, facing the struggle between Shu and Wu, especially since he was now in the Shu camp, he naturally burst out with full enthusiasm and was ready to fight for Shu.

After all, although he is no longer a Five Tiger General, that title has long since disappeared.

But he wouldn't mind being a general of the Five Tigers again!

It's just that Qin Ming's enthusiasm went away as quickly as it came, and his natural affection for Shu also quickly cooled.

Because just when he acted as the first person to get there, he successfully jumped onto the enemy ship and defeated one hundred.

The reinforcements he expected did not arrive immediately. Instead, as the water surface swayed, the number of ships and soldiers was far inferior to that of the Shu fleet here. It withdrew...

With Qin Ming's expression as if he had seen a ghost, the menacing Shu fleet quickly distanced itself from Wu's warships, turned around and fled into the distance.

On the Wu Kingdom's warship, Qin Ming, who was too excited to fight and didn't pay attention to his surroundings at all, so he couldn't jump over at all, stood there stupidly, staring blankly.

He was in a daze, and the soldiers on the Shu warship were also looking at him in a daze.

Everyone kept looking at each other in a daze, completely confused as to why the stupid boy opposite didn't jump back.

Didn't I say before that it was just a feint attack, a feint shot and then leave.

How could a small fleet of boats stationed on the river stop Wu's elite navy? Their mission this time was just to attract the opponent's attention.

Why did this kid really fall in love?

As the water swayed, the Shu fleet drifted away.

Qin Ming, who was standing alone on the bow of the ship, watching the other party leave, finally withdrew his gaze at this moment.

Turning his head to look at the fiercely surrounding Wu sailors from behind, looking at the spears and swords in their hands, the expressionless Qin Ming suddenly smiled awkwardly.

Then he suddenly took off the pirate hat on his head, picked up the helmet of a Wu soldier's corpse on the ground, put it on his head, and raised his hand suddenly and shouted.

"Long live King Wu!"

Hearing this roar, the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom on the opposite side looked at each other, then nodded at the same time, raised their weapons together, roared... and forced Qin Ming into the sea.

This time, his identity is: a soldier of the Shu Kingdom (ordinary soldier)

The camp has been confirmed! The title mission has been opened!

Title Mission 1: Water Demon (Kill 250 Wu soldiers in a water battle 6/250)

Complete to get the green title: White Stripe in the Waves (gain the ability to walk on water, stand on the water by consuming mental power, and double the speed on the water)

Title Mission 2: Navy Admiral (promote the official position to the level of deputy general)

Complete to get the green title: Shu Deputy General (each time you enter the world, you can automatically summon 4 Shu soldiers to assist in the battle, and the type of soldiers can be freely selected)

Title Mission 3: Full of Courage (without meeting any plot protagonists, rescue Liu Adou from Sun Shangxiang and Sun Ji alone)

Complete to get the blue title: Ever-Victorious General (whenever you kill a BOSS-level character alone without any external assistance, your own strength value +1, up to 30 points)

…………With a creak, an arm suddenly stretched out from the edge of a warship in the Wu fleet that had escaped the pursuit of the Shu army.

The next moment, with his palms firmly on the edge of the boat, Qin Ming, who had been forced to jump into the river by a large number of soldiers with spears, struggled to climb up again.

He was soaked all over, and it took him a lot of effort to climb onto the boat. As soon as he got on, he was already cursing.

"Okay! You set me up right after you get on, right? You like to start the promotion mission like this, right? You're so cruel! You wait!"

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