Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 251 Qin Ming's Little Plan

Twisting his clothes with his hands, Qin Ming grimaced.

In the last promotion mission, he was chased by thousands of troops as soon as he appeared. If he ran slower, he would die without a burial place.

The start of this promotion mission was even worse! He was actually asked to face a boat of people alone!

Good guy! If he wasn't good at swimming! I'm afraid he would be drowned on the spot!

And he couldn't not face it. If he didn't face it, he would have to follow those Shu warships back. At that time, he wouldn't have to go into the water, but the problem was that the mission target was also far away!

What should he do then? Should he row a small boat to catch up?

He finally found out! The way this promotion mission started was very tricky! It was obvious that it was to mess with adventurers!

And the difficulty of the mission was also high! They didn't want adventurers to succeed in the promotion!

Just as Qin Ming kept shaking off the water on his body and complaining in a low voice, footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

Qin Ming shuddered when he heard the noise, and quickly climbed up to the top of the cabin.

He had just gone up when two soldiers came to the corner far away from the cabin.

They were holding long spears in their hands, wearing armor made of leather and wood, which was very good at water battles. They were patrolling here, and they were talking in a low voice about the battle that had just happened.

When they came to the vicinity of Qin Ming's boarding point, they noticed the water marks on the boat and were obviously stunned.

After reacting, they quickly raised the long spear in their hands and searched around vigilantly.

Finally, following the traces, they came to the edge of the boat and looked down.

Looking at the row of conspicuous scratches left on the hull, the two were shocked and looked at each other.

"Water monster?!"


As soon as the exclamation fell, a crisp sound was heard.

Qin Ming jumped off the roof of the boat at the back and approached secretly. He grabbed the head of a soldier who had his back to him and straightened his bones on the spot, twisting his head to a 90-degree angle.

He raised his hand and pushed the body into the water. Before another soldier who saw this scene could scream, he had already reached out and grabbed the other soldier's neck.

Under his terrifying brute force of 41 points, the Wu soldier who was directly lifted up in the air had no power to resist at all.

With a crisp sound, the other party who kept kicking his legs was strangled on the spot, and his limbs fell down weakly.

Dragging the soldier's body, Qin Ming climbed back to the top of the cabin.

After quickly changing the other party's clothes, Qin Ming, who threw the body into the river, had transformed himself into a Wu soldier.

Carrying the long halberd, Qin Ming walked on the warship with a heroic and high-spirited stride. When passing by other soldiers, he did not forget to take the initiative to say hello.

The Wu soldiers who didn't know him around him nodded in response to his enthusiasm.

Helped to carry the corpses, collected weapons, and even lined up to get a lunch.

Qin Ming, who was completely integrated into the Wu soldiers, quickly understood the current situation.

At this moment, the Wu fleet was actually here to take Sun Shangxiang, the sister of the King of Wu, who had married into the Shu Kingdom, home because her mother, Wu Guotai, was ill.

Of course, to take Sun Shangxiang, also known as Gongyao Ji, back, there was no need for such a big battle, sending out seven or eight large ships, let alone attracting Shu warships to chase and intercept.

The reason for this was that Sun Ji not only wanted to go back herself, but also planned to take Liu Bei's son Liu Adou back with her. The reason was that the person who came to pick her up said that Wu Guotai wanted to see her grandson before she died, even if this grandson was not Sun Ji's own, she was just raising him on his behalf, and was a stepmother.

And Liu Bei only had this one son!

It would be fine if she went back by herself! He even planned to take his boss's only child with him! Who can bear this?

Who knows if you are taking him back to see your grandmother or taking him back as a hostage?

Therefore, one of the Five Tiger Generals who was patrolling the camp nearby! Zhao Yun, nicknamed the ever-victorious general, chose to take action!

This Zhao Zilong, the general, was the one who carried Liu Adou in and out of the millions of Cao troops! With two machetes! He killed and injured dozens of people! He successfully broke out of the siege! He even killed Gao Lan, one of the four pillars of Hebei, in a few rounds!

As a result, he witnessed all this! Zhang He, who was also one of the four pillars of Hebei and later became one of the five sons and good generals, ran away when he saw him.

Zhao Yun immediately rushed up with his men, asked the fleet to launch a feint attack, and secretly boarded the ship alone. It is said that he is now lurking in this fleet! Trying to take back Adou single-handedly! The wonderful scene of the lone wolf saving Adou was replayed!

Qin Ming, who was eating melons in the crowd, was shocked when he learned that Zhao Yun was also on the boat, and he looked around.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find Zhao Yun after searching for a while.

The centurion who was gathering soldiers in front and reminding them to strengthen their vigilance finally finished his speech at this moment and waved his hand to let the soldiers disperse again.

The soldiers carrying weapons dispersed in groups of three or five, and Qin Ming, who was in the crowd, quickly prepared to withdraw.

He was going to try to see if he could sneak onto the main warship, after all, the mission target was there.

If he could find a way to sneak up, then find an opportunity to get close to the mission target Liu Adou!

Then hug the other party and take off directly! Run away in public! Complete the promotion task as quickly as possible!

What? Why can he fly? Don't forget that he got a special equipment in the Metal Slug world, that is General Modern's flying suit!

With this thing! He can fly at a high speed for a distance!

He didn't believe that these Wu soldiers, after seeing him hug Liu Adou and fly, could also fly up and chase him!

If the plan succeeds, he can not only complete the promotion task immediately, but also complete the blue title task!

And he will return on the spot after completing the task! Let the King of Fighters team run in vain! Their expressions must be very exciting at that time!

Imagine the scene after the plan is successful in his mind. When he thought that he might have found a shortcut to complete the promotion task, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile brightly!

…………Then he tried to approach the main warship, but he was blocked by the soldiers guarding the board just before he came to the warship.

And as he was unable to report the details of his team, the soldiers guarding the ship fought with him on the spot!

The final result was that Qin Ming angrily hacked four people! Then he was forced back by the army again!

Seeing that there was no way to escape, he tried to escape by flying backpack, but was hit by the giant crossbow on the warship, and fell into the water again with black smoke spinning...

A few minutes later, accompanied by a muffled sound from the edge of another ship, Qin Ming, who was shot down from mid-air, climbed out of the water again with a dark face.

After landing, he turned around and sat on the deck, with his hands on his chest for a while, expressionless.

He found that he thought it was a bit too simple, and the difficulty of this promotion task was really not a joke.

Not only was the defense on the main ship outrageous, it was basically a sentry every three steps.

The most important thing was that there was actually a crossbow on it! A crossbow that shot very accurately!

Trying to sneak in was impossible, and the plan of falling from the sky, swooping down to hug Liu Adou, and then flying away with him on the spot was completely ruined.

Because although the other party dare not shoot Liu Adou, they will definitely dare to focus on him first. Maybe he will be shot into a sieve before he dives close.

Is it possible to attack by force? But the problem is that I can't attack by force alone!


Qin Ming couldn't help frowning when he took out an old-fashioned mobile phone from his arms and looked at the large brick in his hand.

This thing is the final camp reward he got from the Metal Slug world. It is a special prop that he got after he worked hard to climb to the position of major general with real power: military satellite phone!

If you really want to attack by force, it is absolutely impossible to do it alone. The only way Qin Ming can think of to succeed is to call people! Call people with a satellite phone!

Spend a lot of points! Call your own hound troops directly! He wants to see what these Wu soldiers can use to fight his modern troops!

But the problem is that although this method has a very high success rate, the points consumption is also outrageous!

Calling 10 soldiers would cost him 5,000 points!

50 would cost him 10,000! 1,000 would cost him 50,000!

Where would he get these 50,000 points? He would have to sell everything he had! All the points on him! Including the gold coins in his pocket! He could barely make up a deposit of less than 20,000!

What's the use of calling 50 soldiers! The attributes of the soldiers in the Three Kingdoms War Chronicle! I'm afraid they would not be killed even if they were hit by a full volley of bullets! They... huh? Wait a minute! Gold coins? !

Qin Ming was suddenly stunned, and suddenly realized something, and quickly took out a gold coin from his arms.

Playing with the dazzling gold coin in his hand, his eyes gradually lit up, and he immediately had a new plan in his mind!

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