Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 252 Qin Ming uses the backdoor

"In other words, you want to ask me to have some connections and send you to stand guard on the main ship and be included in the escort of the eldest lady?"

In the cabin, a lieutenant looked at Qin Ming below with a playful look on his face, playing with a gold coin in his hand.

The pure gold coins sparkled in the sunlight, and Qin Ming, who was standing below, nodded desperately.

"Yes! Everyone says that General, you are very popular! You have the means! That's why I came to ask you for my humble position!"

"Oh, so you are pretty well informed."

"It's just so so, I just have a lot of friends."

"Which team were you in before?"

"The centurion's man of left power."

"Centurion Zuoquan? Isn't he already dead?"

"It's not just him. There are not many people left in the whole team. I was just lucky at that time and was going to the toilet. Otherwise, I might have been killed by that Zhao Yun!"

Qin Ming's words made the deputy general stunned, and then a smile of realization appeared on his face.

"Oh! No wonder you want to be a guard on the eldest lady's ship, what? Are you afraid of being killed?"


"But now that Zhao Yun is hiding on our ship, and his target is the eldest lady's main ship. Aren't you afraid of meeting him again on it?"

When he said this, the deputy general suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Ming sharply.

"Speaking of which, the entire Centurions are dead, with only a few people left alive. Now you want to board the eldest lady's main ship? And you even took out a gold coin? Why is it such a coincidence? You Could this guy be Zhao Yun?"

As soon as the deputy said these words, Qin Ming's eyes widened instantly.

Before he could open his mouth to explain with a shocked look on his face, the lieutenant opposite, who had already stood up seriously, suddenly stopped his fierce expression, sat back slowly, and shook his head.

"No, this is impossible. Legend has it that Zhao Yun has thick eyebrows, big eyes, sword eyebrows and starry eyes. He is a very handsome man. Even the female soldiers of the eldest lady often discuss his appearance in private. They are yearning for him. With your can't be Zhao Yun."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming, who heard that his doubts were lifted, instinctively grinned at first. Then he immediately realized that something was wrong. The smile on his face collapsed on the spot, and his eyes became very dissatisfied.

What does the guy opposite mean? What does it mean that he can't be Zhao Yun? How is he worse than Zhao Yun?

Zhao Yun is the Five Tiger General! He is General Fuhu!

Zhao Yun is a man! He is a man too!

Although Zhao Yun has conquered the hearts of countless girls with his looks!

But Qin Ming also relied on his looks! Conquered Kasamoto Miles... This is a summoned object. It does not count if the favorability level is full.

Mai Shiranui... This was obtained by risking one's life, even breaking one's arm because of it, and it had nothing to do with appearance.

Brumarie... This is purely a resemblance to one another, and it can save lives. It has nothing to do with looks.

…………All right! Even if the appearance is just a little bit different! But he is also very manly!

Besides, Zhao Yun and his generation Zhao are indeed full of heroes! But there are many heroes of my Qin generation! Why is it not as good as him!

For example, Qin Shihuang Ying... the powerful minister Qin Hui of the Ming Dynasty... uh...

Looking at the lieutenant in front of him expressionlessly, Qin Ming gradually began to think about whether he should kill him to silence him and get the gold coins back at the same time.

The deputy general, who didn't know that his life was already in danger, was looking at Qin Ming with a smile on his face.

He tapped the gold coins on the table and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"By the way, what is your name, brother?"

"Hyena...Zhao Ming!"

"Oh, brother Zhao Ming, I do know some friends who are officials. It's just that it is the eldest lady's ship after all. It's not easy to get in and work as an official. You only give me this little money..."

At this point, the deputy general's voice suddenly stopped.

Although he didn't continue talking, he tapped the table with the gold coin in his hand, and the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh, and then suddenly pulled open his clothes, revealing nine gold coins inside.

Before the deputy general's eyes lit up when he saw this scene and he reached for it, Qin Ming put down his clothes again and said with a straight face.

"General, this is a matter of humble entrustment..."

"It's easy to talk! It's easy to talk about things! Brother, I will help you handle it right away! It's just the money..."

"Brother, I have a small fortune. My family is in business. My father threw me into the army in the hope that I could get an official position. I had planned this before, but who would have thought that the battlefield would be so dangerous? I no longer plan to be an official, I just want to go back alive. As long as you can arrange for me to be on a relatively safe main ship, then these gold coins will be yours!"

After hearing this, the deputy general finally had a bright smile on his face.

He nodded vigorously, then suddenly frowned and asked Qin Ming again.

"Brother Qin, are you really not afraid that Zhao Yun will kill him on the main ship and run into you again?"

Qin Ming couldn't help but grin after hearing this.

"The main ship is so heavily defended, there are so many soldiers, and there are ballistae and mechanisms. Can he fight it alone?"

"That's true! That's good! I'll help you with this! Just wait for my good news!"

Nodding slightly, the lieutenant stood up and walked outside the cabin.

He had never really doubted that Qin Ming was Zhao Yun, even if the time of Qin Ming's appearance was very coincidental.

The reason is very simple, because Zhao Yun just appeared from the other side of the ship, and the most important thing is that he has seen Zhao Yun from afar, and he looks completely different from this kid.

With Zhao Yun's ability, does he need to use gold coins to ask him to do things?

If he really needs to do something, I'm afraid he will just put a knife on it!

This is obviously a cowardly soldier who is afraid of death and scared. There is nothing to worry about.

Even if he really has a problem, what does it have to do with him? Can he beat the whole ship alone?

Besides, the position he assigned to the other party, even if he wanted to cause trouble, he didn't have the opportunity...

Half an hour passed in a flash, and after Qin Ming spent a thousand points of gold coins, he finally boarded the main warship where Sun Ji was as he wished, and obtained a relatively reasonable identity.

And this identity is called logistics soldier, and the main job is... cleaning the toilet.

Qin Ming, standing next to the toilet, holding a bucket in his left hand and a mop in his right hand, had no expression on his face.

He wanted to go back to the previous ship and strangle the deputy general who had betrayed him to death!

Damn it! He took ten gold coins from me! And only arranged such a job? !

If it weren't for the mission! I would have to drag him to the toilet and drown him!

With a dark face, Qin Ming stood next to the toilet without moving.

On the side, a soldier who had just finished using the toilet came out while raising his hand to adjust his pants.

When he turned around and saw Qin Ming, who was like a telephone pole next to him, he frowned and kicked him with his leg.

"What are you still standing there for! It's almost full! Go clean it up!"

Qin Ming, who was kicked, had no expression on his face, and slowly turned his head to look at him, his eyes were very indifferent.

Seeing that he didn't move, the soldier became even angrier for a moment, and kicked him fiercely again.

"You dare to stare at me! You!"


Five seconds later, with a crisp sound, a soldier with a big head was stuck headfirst in the toilet, and he was motionless.

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