Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 253 Bow-waisted Lady! Sun Shangxiang!

Qin Ming's job of cleaning the toilet was finally avoided by him.

Because he had demolished the toilet! What else could he clean!

Looking at the burning toilet and the soldiers who fell in the toilet, the soldiers hurried to put out the fire.

After a while, as the flames were finally extinguished, the soldiers who were busy and dusty finally had time to find the cause of the fire.

In the end, they really couldn't find the source of the fire, so they could only conclude that a soldier was upset and set himself on fire in the toilet.

After all, a soldier really died in the toilet.

Without a place to work, Qin Ming, who had become a toilet soldier, finally changed his job.

He became a deck cleaning soldier, responsible for cleaning the deck.

Holding the mop, Qin Ming worked hard to drag the ground back and forth on the ship, while constantly observing the surrounding environment.

Finally, he could move freely on the ship, and the more he looked around, the more surprised he was.

Because he found that there were too many soldiers on the ship, so many that they were scary, and there were all kinds of them.

Cloth-armored archers! Leather-armored sword and shield soldiers! Leather-armored spearmen! There are even Baiyue barbarians!

That is, a group of extremely burly men! Almost naked! A big man wearing horns and holding iron chains!

This group of barbarians are all elite monsters, with terrifyingly strong attributes. The only good thing is that there are not too many of them. They are all stationed on various important roads, and there are wild beasts around them.

And in the core area, which is the rest area of ​​the big boss Sun Ji, Qin Ming also saw two special types of soldiers.

That is the armored soldiers and the female guards!

And they are also elite monsters! Elite monsters in a high-difficulty world!

Name: Eastern Wu Armored Soldiers (Three Kingdoms War Chronicle Act 1)

Strength 30

Constitution 30

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Skills: Block (C-level) Steel Slash (C-level)

Introduction: One of the most elite troops of Eastern Wu, good at charging and breaking formations, is an ace heavy infantry, and can even compete with cavalry troops.

Name: Female Guards (Act 1 of the Three Kingdoms War)

Strength 20

Physique 20

Agility 20

Spirit 20

Skills: Armor-piercing arrows (C-level) Thrust attack (C-level)

Introduction: The personal guards trained by Gongyao Ji personally, who once scared Liu Bei so much that he dared not enter the wedding room, are well-equipped and are definitely not just for show.

The armored soldiers are a group of heavily armored, heavily armed canned soldiers who are airtight, even with armor on their faces, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed, holding a long-handled broadsword, and have amazing defense at first glance.

As for the so-called female guards, they are a group of female warriors wearing armor, carrying swords on their waists, and holding longbows.

They can fight at a distance or in close combat with helmets, and their data has almost no shortcomings. They may not be the best fighters! But they must be the most difficult ones!

If you dare to charge head-on, the coordinated defense line of the armored soldiers and the personal guards alone is enough to make anyone drink a pot!

Even Qin Ming, after seeing this outrageous defensive force, couldn't help but twitch his lips and quickly gave up the idea of ​​forcing his way in.

He originally thought that this time he didn't have to face tens of thousands of troops, nor did he have to kill the generals guarding the gate. The difficulty of the mission should be easier than the last Three Kingdoms 2 world.

But now it seems that this is not easy at all! It might be even harder!

After all, he has no teammates this time!

Qin Ming kept thinking about how to break the situation while lowering his head and mopping the ground.

After thinking for a long time, he really couldn't think of a way to break the situation. He even considered whether he should really spend money to call 50 members of the hounds to create chaos and help him create opportunities.

Just as he was thinking, footsteps suddenly sounded on the side. Qin Ming, who heard the movement, looked up quickly. After seeing a team of armored soldiers coming towards him, he quickly stepped aside to make way.

Ten armored soldiers marched forward in neat steps, followed by a group of female guards wearing fish-scale armor and iron helmets, with heroic and beautiful appearance.

And among these female guards, Qin Ming also saw a special figure!

The man was wearing a red armor! A phoenix helmet on his head! Wings on both sides of the helmet!

Long red hair flowed out from the gap at the top of the helmet! And then splashed down along the back of the helmet! It made an alternative single ponytail hairstyle!

Although she was wearing armor, her legs were exposed without any armor protection, and her battle skirt was also divided into three halves, leaving enough space for the thighs to move to avoid affecting flexibility.

She held the Xuan iron stick in both hands, which was a strange weapon like the Buzi crutch. Her expression was very cold, and she walked with big strides, completely ignoring whether her movements were too big and would cause her to reveal her spring light.

The most eye-catching thing about this beautiful woman who was wearing armor, but half exposed her breasts and legs in pursuit of flexibility, was not her perfect appearance that revealed a heroic spirit in her tenderness, but her waist!

In order to prevent the armor from affecting her flexibility, she tightly wrapped her waist with yellow cloth and red rope, and her waist was amazingly thin!

The thin waist formed a sharp contrast with the plump upper body and lower limbs. She really had a waist like a slender willow and a body like a gourd.

From the side, it looked like a taut jade bow! Only the middle was concave! But the upper and lower parts were straight and tight!

The big boss of the first act of the Three Kingdoms War Chronicle: Sun Ji! She showed up!

Staring blankly at the figure in the crowd, Qin Ming finally understood why this Sun Ji's nickname was Bow Waist Ji!

It turns out that this is not an elegant description! It is a pure adjective!

I understand why Liu Huangshu, who fought for the Han Dynasty all his life and never gave up after countless hardships, would be so depressed after marrying the princess of Wu that he said "I don't miss Shu"!

If someone else married this bow-waisted princess, would he still be happy and not miss Shu? I'm afraid he can't even remember his own name!

He can survive two years in her hands! That's considered a strong body!

Leading the armored soldiers and female guards, Sun Ji strode forward with a stern face and came directly to the heavily guarded cabin.

Then he stretched his hands and began to stretch his muscles on the spacious deck.

After warming up, he suddenly jumped twice on the spot, knocked hard on the "Bu" crutch in his hand, and stretched his hand to point forward.

"You, you, you! And you! All of you come together!"


After hearing the roll call, several armored soldiers holding long-handled broadswords and wearing heavy armor immediately grabbed their weapons and walked out of the crowd, surrounding Sun Ji and taking a stance on the spot.

After exchanging glances, the five men roared almost at the same time, raised their swords and rushed towards Sun Ji.

The strength and physique of the armored soldiers are outrageous, and they are no weaker than the small bosses in other worlds.

So although their movements are slow, they are powerful and heavy. The five of them attack together and it is so fierce.

However, facing the attack of five people, Sun Ji, the big boss of the first act, remained calm.

With her crutches, she blocked the five broadswords on the spot. The next second, she became agile and dodged two sweeps of the swords. At the same time, she kicked the two armored soldiers in the air with a split posture.

The armored soldiers who were hit flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

Sun Ji, who landed next, used her crutches to block multiple attacks, and then she used her iron crutches to quickly stab the armored soldier in front of her, knocking the other three away.

Looking at the five armored soldiers who got up from the tumble, knelt on one knee, and raised their swords again, Sun Ji suddenly waved her hand in boredom.

"Forget it, no more fighting. You keep using the same few moves over and over again, without any changes. You are a bunch of stupid big guys who have practiced military formations and become stupid. It's boring."

Hearing Sun Ji's words, the five soldiers quickly stood up, put away their weapons, and returned to the team to stand.

Holding the "Bu" crutches, Sun Ji looked at the crowd around her with her hands on her waist, and was bored at the moment.

She couldn't stay idle at all. After scanning the circle, she suddenly locked her eyes on a burly armored soldier beside her.

"Hey! Zhou Dun! How about you come up and practice with me?"

Hearing this, the armored soldier quickly looked up at Sun Ji, then suddenly lowered his head and shook his head.

"I dare not!"

"It's just a practice! I didn't ask you to really fight!"

"The eldest lady is the sister of the King of Wu, who is also my master. Zhou Dun will never fight with the eldest lady!"

"You are as boring as your soldiers!"

Looking at Zhou Dun who kept shaking his head and refused no matter what she said, and was unwilling to even pick up the weapon, Sun Ji couldn't help showing an unhappy look on her face.

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